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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Stats from Color-Crystals, introduce new "Power-Crystal"


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Quite frankly, the current design feels... less than stellar. Particularly those of us who got the Pre-order Color Crystal, or even those who got the Razer Crystal, the current design renders those *COMEPLETELY* useless after about level 20, if not earlier.


My solution? Change them, along with every single Weapon in the game, to accomodate a "Power Crystal", and a "Color Crystal".


The Power Crystal would act the same as the current Color-Crystal, imbuing your weapon with additional stats. Color-Crystals, however, would control the Color, and the Color ALONE! Also, your Light and Dark requirements would then be tied to the Color-Crystal.



"What's the point of all this?"



Simple; it allows us to maintain rare and unique Colors for the entirety of the game. Instead of being forced to part with your favorite Color because it's not top-tier stats, it would be a purely aesthetic choice.




"But what about Artifice?"



Even better; they would now be able to craft *both*, Color-Crystals and Power-Crystals. Power-Crystals would still require "Color Crystal materials" to craft, mind you, so that Color-Crystals themselves aren't left useless.


Further still, remember The Force Unleashed? Instead of *just* controlling color, higher-level Color-Crystals might even control wave-length, give even more option, whether you prefer the classic look, a slow "wave" look, or even a constant-flicker.


I would even take this a step further, and introduce Artifice-only Colors. As I said above, Color-Crystals would have no bearing on stats, and would instead reward those with Artifice with an optional, unique Color for their weapons, without making others feel like they *should* take Artifice for some reason.

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I fully agree... colour should personal preference not based on stats. Current colour crystals could be replaced by power crystals with stat (akin to the KOTOR series)


I wholeheartedly agree with this.


really don't know why they didnt have it this way to begin with.

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I like the suggestion in theory, and as someone else mentioned, it would be like the KOTOR system where you had a color crystal slot and then 2 power crystal slots.


However, I can see why BW put restrictions on the color crystals so they don't end up with 90% of the jedi running around with red lightsabers. They want this to be a story-based game and you can't just turn the SW lore on its ear a month into the game. That being said though, there has to be some middle ground. For example, I got an artifact quality orange crystal, level 31, with no LS/DS restriction in a drop the other day. They need to find more ways to introduce some LS/DS free color crystals into the game. Perhaps allow artifice to RE an artifact quality crystal to learn a schematic for a LS/DS free version with the same stats. That way you wouldn't get the market flooded but at least you'd have some more LS/DS free crystals into the mix.

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Further still, remember The Force Unleashed? Instead of *just* controlling color, higher-level Color-Crystals might even control wave-length, give even more option, whether you prefer the classic look, a slow "wave" look, or even a constant-flicker.


You almost had me till this bit.


No thanks.

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I'm all for this, this is the way it worked in KOTOR, while giving color crystals stats may be a nice simplification, separating the two would make Artifice more profitable and allow people more options. Also, it would simplify Artifice crafting a whole lot. My character only uses green crystals (sort of a thematic thing, his name's Abin, figure it out) so I always make green crystals and reverse engineer them until I get the artifact grade schematic.


Wouldn't it make more sense for me to just have two green crystals and then be able to make a critical Opila crystal or some such to provide the stats? I'd burn through less materials and make more money.


Also I'd love Darth Sinestro to have that black-yellow in endgame...

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I totally agree with this. But I think the option to get crystal colors that are...different would help too.


Very much agreed! Like I said, I realize that there are only so many colors, without getting into the ridiculous "Black-center Colors". One solution could be The Force Unleashed idea, where in addition to colors, some might have different wave-lengths, so that some might like like the "flicker" just a bit.


Of course, I think honestly, you'd find that most people are fine using traditional colors. I do think Purple should be introduced early on, though, considering so many NPC's use it, and make it a Dark-side color to mirror Green. In place of the *current* Purple (which I believe is found in level 50 PvP weapons), maybe put the Black or White crystals there?

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+1 Vote for this.


I had thought once that it was indeed the intention to allow a much wider selection of gear dependent of personal choice and preference.


If anything, the color of a lightsaber (and to some degree the blasters as well) is a very integral part of SW.

Yet most people will end up pursuing the best stats.


(That being said, I still support the limitations on specific colors linked to light and dark side alignment, whether it's too strict or not currently is another discussion)

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Yes please... But heck, it doesn't even have to be that complicated. Just remove the stats from the crystals, and add them to the same level hilt/barrel. Problem solved, and no need to even modify the game.


Well, the problem lies in that it would basically make Artifice impossible to level, not to mention making the Crafting-Crystals pretty worthless. Unless they just wanted to make even more significant changes to Artifice and Archeology?

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Well, the problem lies in that it would basically make Artifice impossible to level, not to mention making the Crafting-Crystals pretty worthless. Unless they just wanted to make even more significant changes to Artifice and Archeology?


Give them more colors to craft! If there is a wide variety of colors, people would still look for them.


Your original idea is good as well. I'm just looking for something that makes the saber/bolt color really cosmetic.

Edited by Raximillian
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I would be for this provided:

1) Color crystals never carry any stats - although they may have level and light/dark side requirements

2) All weapons get a new slot for Power Crystals.

3) Artifice Color Crystal Recipes are simplified into Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green color crystals (available initially), with the Orange Color Crystal at Tier 6, with Endurance and Crit Power Crystals added to offset losing the bulk of the color crystal recipes.


Both of these would allow me to chose whatever color I have and not worry about compromising stats, but also allow Armstech the ability to make different power crystals, without nerfing Artifice. It would even allow Armstech to make different color crystals than Artifice as well - so Armstech gets a buff (which it needs), and Artifice stays the same.


You could even throw RE into the mix, and allow Artifice to discover even more color types.

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The crafting crystals are already useless. At least on my server (and it's pretty big, Harbinger) the best crystals people are crafting are +33 power and Hardmode Fall of Kaon (a 4 man that takes like 40 minutes) drops weapons with integrated +41 power crystals. Problem is that they are all yellow and in my opinion ugly. So yeah, I support this wholeheartedly, I'm a sith, and I want to use a red crystal.
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Well, the problem lies in that it would basically make Artifice impossible to level, not to mention making the Crafting-Crystals pretty worthless. Unless they just wanted to make even more significant changes to Artifice and Archeology?


You can still level on color crystals, they're just cosmetic. You can also level on hilts, enhancement mods and force/shield/focus generators. All this is still incredibly viable for leveling and takes the confusion out of need two crystals all the time.


I don't want to push this too far off track, but you could feasibly go so far as to make the crafting items needed crystals (Rubat Crystal) and dyes and you can loot dyes from Diplomacy or Treasure Hunting. Dyes can then be added to Armormech and Synthweaving as a way to dye an item the color you prefer instead of a fixed color.


That's the "next step" beyond this.

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Quite frankly, the current design feels... less than stellar. Particularly those of us who got the Pre-order Color Crystal, or even those who got the Razer Crystal, the current design renders those *COMEPLETELY* useless after about level 20, if not earlier.


My solution? Change them, along with every single Weapon in the game, to accomodate a "Power Crystal", and a "Color Crystal".


The Power Crystal would act the same as the current Color-Crystal, imbuing your weapon with additional stats. Color-Crystals, however, would control the Color, and the Color ALONE! Also, your Light and Dark requirements would then be tied to the Color-Crystal.



"What's the point of all this?"



Simple; it allows us to maintain rare and unique Colors for the entirety of the game. Instead of being forced to part with your favorite Color because it's not top-tier stats, it would be a purely aesthetic choice.




"But what about Artifice?"



Even better; they would now be able to craft *both*, Color-Crystals and Power-Crystals. Power-Crystals would still require "Color Crystal materials" to craft, mind you, so that Color-Crystals themselves aren't left useless.


Further still, remember The Force Unleashed? Instead of *just* controlling color, higher-level Color-Crystals might even control wave-length, give even more option, whether you prefer the classic look, a slow "wave" look, or even a constant-flicker.


I would even take this a step further, and introduce Artifice-only Colors. As I said above, Color-Crystals would have no bearing on stats, and would instead reward those with Artifice with an optional, unique Color for their weapons, without making others feel like they *should* take Artifice for some reason.


I agree, too many people with same LS color simply because those crystals have the best mods, they should have power crystals / even krayt pearls(Does follow SW lore) to power the lightsaber and give it mods while the color crystal has no bonus and just gives color. That way you get more variety of LS colors around the game. Overall the system right now doesn't make any sense, because from what I can tell there is no power crystal in my LS and just a color crystal, which by Lore/SW Cannon should not even operate, but somehow magically it does......

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