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Ninjaing other people's objectives is just rude and wrong


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It's times like these that make me miss a good old fashioned EQ train.


EQ had some excellent tools to police d-bags. Mostly it boiled down to needing a group to level, so if you made a reputation for yourself as a jerk, you couldn't level anymore.


Ah the good ole days...


Monks were great back then. Be a douchebag to a monk is probably one of the worst things you want to do as a EQ player heh.

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Well, one nice thing for everyone is the sharding. It tends to reduce the

competition for this kind of quest item. Another is that such items have

a very fast respawn. So best not to get too upset.


However... If you're a class that can stealth, anytime you see someone

running up to ninja the quest objective you're killing an NPC for... Just

instant stealth to throw aggro on the person that thinks they're going to ninja.


Then while they fight, just take your quest item and go.


It's funny, I've actually had people rage at me in general over that. They

come in expecting to ninja a quest item while I'm fighting, I stealth, to give

them the fight. Then they get mad when I take the quest item?


Maybe as some have stated, they're role playing dark side, and don't like

being played for a dark side fool.


This is what I was laughing at....

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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


When I come across people like that, I just drop them into /ignore and continue. I use my ignore list as a blacklist, and I do reference it when grouping in pugs. It's usually clear when someone is being greedy/self-centered and I have no desire to even tolerate them. If I'm reasonably positive a player is a douche, they get no second chance in my books.

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It's called being an ******e, which many people are in the world today.


Just 10 minutes ago I saw someone about to die because they were killing mobs to get a chest, and I healed him up and let him get the chest. I could have easily just taken it, but sometimes people like to actually be respectful and not 13 years old. I know it's hard.


If he wasn't good enough to kill the mobs without dieing, you could argue that he didn't deserve the chest. Don't get rewarded for nothing in real life either.

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When i get home from work tonight I may go to lowbie worlds and run around doing this for LOL's....


Best idea ever go to koriban follow people around and kill all the world mobs they are trying to level up on ROFL.


I personally dont mind people doing this kind of thing i actually lol at them and their attitude.

Come to think of it, I feel kinda sad for the families of kids like you i wouldnt be proud if i had a child like you.

It is sad how kids are acting noawdays.


I cant even imagine why people seem to have so much fun making others life hard.


I feel sorry for you bro really :/ you are such a sad little individual.

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I personally dont mind people doing this kind of thing i actually lol at them and their attitude.

Come to think of it, I feel kinda sad for the families of kids like you i wouldnt be proud if i had a child like you.

It is sad how kids are acting noawdays.


I cant even imagine why people seem to have so much fun making others life hard.


I feel sorry for you bro really :/ you are such a sad little individual.


Reading issues? I only ask 'cause he clearly said "When I get home from work", then you proceeded to call him "kid" repeatedly. Which I would normally attribute to someone assuming immaturity of the other person, but thats clearly not the case here since he's stated that he works, and as such isn't "some 14 year old on their mums computer" as people here like to throw arounda lot.

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I personally dont mind people doing this kind of thing i actually lol at them and their attitude.

Come to think of it, I feel kinda sad for the families of kids like you i wouldnt be proud if i had a child like you.

It is sad how kids are acting noawdays.


I cant even imagine why people seem to have so much fun making others life hard.


I feel sorry for you bro really :/ you are such a sad little individual.


Sadly these poor saps cannot even see it in themselves. They keep up this internet tough guy stance but cannot seem to grasp their own issues.


If anyone gets enjoyment out of making other people's lives more miserable, or getting people angry who they do not even know, it shows some serious psychological shortcomings and synaptic misfiring going on in those little noggins.

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Reading issues? I only ask 'cause he clearly said "When I get home from work", then you proceeded to call him "kid" repeatedly. Which I would normally attribute to someone assuming immaturity of the other person, but thats clearly not the case here since he's stated that he works, and as such isn't "some 14 year old on their mums computer" as people here like to throw arounda lot.


As soon as someone gets a job that makes them mature?


I have met 25 year old children before....they exist.

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what price are they going to pay? Your not going to group with them... the world has ended......


I was talking about out of the game. From some of these posts it seems a lot of unscrupulous characters in game are just as bad in real life. I should have been more clear. You are right though, in game there aren't really any consequences they will face.

Edited by hosferatu
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As soon as someone gets a job that makes them mature?


I have met 25 year old children before....they exist.


Thank you saurakk thats how i meant it.

Even if he is working or whatever and he is not kid..then its even more sad :/


All things considered i dont have a prob with said person i just express my opinion and what i thing about people with this attitude and the quote was a good example of it.

I just cant even undrestand how some people find it remotely funny :/

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shut up the lot of ya and stop crying or I will come electrocute you and steal your interactables.


Nooooo! I'll just put my interactables in a big glowing chest, they'll be safe there

Edited by grania
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Reading issues? I only ask 'cause he clearly said "When I get home from work", then you proceeded to call him "kid" repeatedly. Which I would normally attribute to someone assuming immaturity of the other person, but thats clearly not the case here since he's stated that he works, and as such isn't "some 14 year old on their mums computer" as people here like to throw arounda lot.


Yeah, cuz flipping burgers is such hard work.



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In most locations, the spawn rate of the quest items tend to be higher than the mob respawn rate. So even if someone grabs your node, it will be back soon enough. In most quests, you don't need any particular node -- any in the area will do, so go looking in another part of the area.


Sometimes letting someone else pop the node is good, because it causes new mobs to appear. You can watch what happens to them and plan for the battle that will ensue when you click on it later.


Unless someone scoops nodes repeatedly, I don't see it as a big deal and don't get upset. A new node for me will be along soon enough.

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I was trying to solo a heroic+2 on Tatoonie and I was killing just fine, but fairly slowly and had to play it safe by keeping 1 mob CC'ed with Conussive Round.


I had a group of two players run back, smack the mob I had CC'ed, take the objective and keep going.


Like really?

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I don't really see the big deal with this. I've had it happen to me and I've done it to others. If someone "ninjas" my objective, I just wait for it to respawn. No big deal.


However, generally if someone is fighting mobs right NEXT to an objective, I won't just rush in there and take it. A few nights ago, I was watching someone do that. They bit off more than they could chew and ended up dying. After they were dead, I went in, cleared out the remaining mobs and took the objective.


Sometimes I'll help people with objectives but I don't do that often because you never know who is going to be grateful and who is going to cuss you out for "stealing kills"


When it comes to spawning mobs that are the objectives though, I always wait in line. That is only fair. And usually, I've had people wait in line behind me as well so it seems to work out. I do wish they would lower the timer a little bit for spawning mobs though because it seems to take like 5 minutes.

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When it comes to spawning mobs that are the objectives though, I always wait in line. That is only fair. And usually, I've had people wait in line behind me as well so it seems to work out. I do wish they would lower the timer a little bit for spawning mobs though because it seems to take like 5 minutes.


You group with them. Why wait in line when you can both get it at the same time?


If they refuse to group or they are charging toward the objective without offering to group with me, all bets are off.

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No, it's very Sith and expected of all young apprentices.


j/k...I feel your pain. Wish there was a way to "like" or "dislike" another player. Sort of like a reputation.


I seem to recall some game that had something like this. Maybe I'm thinking of WoW when they still had DHKs, but I really don't want to say it was WoW. It feels like something else.

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It's like I'm really on the WoW forums



If someone calls a pot a kettle and you disagree in one place; and then surprisingly enough you continue to call it a pot and then in another place people again say kettle, and you continue to disagree...the problem might be with you.


To put it in laymen's terms for you:

If you were being called a troll (which in this day in age is an ambiguous term that's overused but generally refers to anyone who disagrees with the general population) in the WoW forums, you come here with the same attitude and the SWTOR community also calls you a troll....wouldn't you say your behavior is the fault here?


The definition of insanty is doing the same thing (or acting the same way) expecting different results.


I guess my only question to you is why you feel your time is worth more then other people's?


And no, you cannot countermand with a reverse argument of saying that since your time is equal to my time the amount of time invest is irrelevant.


If I spend 10 minutes clearing my way to a quest interaction object, and you spend only 2 minutes speeding past all the dead mobs and then loot the objective that YOU otherwise would have had to spend 10 minutes clearing to, you would definitely feel chagrined. Time invested, whether it's time waiting for an item to respawn or time invested fighting mobs to a quest interaction object is still time invested.

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I was prepping a group last night for the Alderaan world boss. There were sixteen of us right in the river in front of it buffing up and coordinating to start the attack.


One Level 50 cruised directly through us (all 16 of us in the river) on his speeder and proceeded to tag the World Boss and solo it, completely screwing over my group of 16 so that he could down a mob that wouldn't possibly drop anything of value for his level.


This kind of behavior needs to stop. I don't know what can really be done about it, but I can't believe people behave like this.


Ok I get this point, I also get last night walking in on a 50 doing the nar shadda boss by himself and getting his arse whupped.. ( sorc I think ) so me and the hubs jumped in, didnt join the group and kicked its arse for him, afterwards we hopped on our speeders and go to leave and dont expect a thanks but he surprised us both, he offered us shares of the money he got from it, was really nice, we said no cos it was fun, but the point of it is there are people willing to help in this game, sith or not, you just have to not sweat the small stuff and get on with it.


Also when we were doing the datacron hunt, a republic player actually helped us. ( we did the crons backarsewards ) and a friendly bow and wave.. Things like that really renew your faith in people in the mmo world.. good day...

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I love helping when and where I can, people are shocked when they are looking for colour crystals " like say a yellow +2 crit or something ) and I'll just have one of my crewies go make said item and just " give" it to them for no other reason than I can, or making sure if I see someone having issues getting at a datacron I'll help them out down to showing the path one needs to take.
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