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In YOUR opinion: Will subscription rates drastically go down?


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The game itself is a fairly well made piece of work, but everything is just a tad too slow for people who have been primarily playing MMOs for years.


Basic functions associated with MMOs are not present.


Whole talent points that have not worked in beta still do not work.


Response to obvious exploits, glitches and bugs is slow, weak or not at all.


People choosing to resub are obviously enjoying the game, but for the people who are not, its a simple matter of watching the patch notes.


If they do not have things figured out in a few months, well then its likely they never will.

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No way, people will never get sick of grinding the same 3 warfronts for a chance to get uber gear!


Or clicking on crates in a zerg infested zone!


No way, never, the longevity is too strong with this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Jebi
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Here's the problem when you compare how bad WOW was at launch to how bad SWTOR is now...



What games were out to honestly rival WOW when it launched?


SWG? EQ? Lineage II?



WOW succeeded because they had time to fix their mistakes because, honestly, where else were people going to go?


Now that WOW is king, there is no margin for error for an MMO. If a game flops at release it's done for, because people can always go back to the king.


This was seen with:


Star Trek Online



Tabula Rasa

Lord of the Rings online



WOW snuck into the market during a dead time and that's why it achieved its greatness. You can't compare a game in today's market to a time where there was such a serious lull as was during the time WOW launched.


**EDIT** Also, WOW's success could also be linked to their Warcraft games which (Warcraft III) being launched just 2 years before WOW was brought to light also helped sell their MMO.


It's been 8 years since KOTOR II. Having such a long distance between games could also account for why so many aren't as interested.

Edited by KismetTKM
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if you want to help making this game better stop making ridiculous threads like this and use your "knowledge" to improve it.If you want this game to fail you're just idiots and you should stop playing games.Same QQ will apply to GW2 and MoP and SC2 and Diablo 3 and Dota 2 and Terra and The secret world and the list goes on.Now shut up and keep the forums clean.
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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


I play republic. I'm not quitting, but I rolled an imperial agent to heal and I like the story line a lot better. It's just sad that the republic are treated like the red-headed step-children of this game.


To me, with the introduction of same-faction warzones, I don't see a point in playing republic anymore. I met some good players on the republic, but I haven't seen any of them in a while, so they probably quit or rerolled.

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They will probably take a hit with the PvP player base, but outside of that I think they'll be ok.


^ This. PvP'ers make up a small fraction of today's MMO carebear crowd. This is why BW just doesn't care all that much about PvP. It's not profitable.

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If Bioware refuses to add any form of pvp content in the near future pvpers will definitly start leaving soon. And no, a new wz wont cut it.

I myself do like SWTOR but this braindead mini-game farming is not what i would call ''good pvp''.

Edited by Hydrott
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  • 3 months later...
I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


1.2 crashed the game.


It's a known fact that logins have plummeted which assumes people will not be renewing after 30 days.


SWTOR lost 700k subs already since launch and that was BEFORE they disabled PvP in 1.2.


1.2 is pure trash and that's after they TRIED to "fix" PvP.


Whoever is in charge of PvP has no idea what he's doing.


The game would have been A LOT healthier if they hadn't touched it in 1.2 which is the sad truth.

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Every MMO see's falling in numbers. Everyone wan'ts to compare new MMO's these days to WoW. What they don't realize or seem to forget is 10 years ago, WoW was released with the same issues, and more of. They didn't have a PvP system and people craved for it. They released a patch that had PvP content and it sucked as well..


Only now is the PvP bareable on WoW after 5+ years of development.


People need to open their eyes, or just leave.

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subs will decline for myriad reasons, some of them not having anything to do with swtor itself.


1) summer months, many people travel, want to spend more time outside, etc, and thus will ubsub to remove this game as a time sink.


2) a few people who are already on the fence will leave to focus on other games, reference diablo 3 QQ'ers, GW2 fans, and people now playing Tera.


3) many who bought gametime/resubbed solely for benefits of the new PVP rated system and are currently burning through their free month will leave when it is not implemented.


4) if there is a significant further delay in server transfers (anything later than early to mid June), many people on low/dead servers will leave.

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Whoever is in charge of PvP has no idea what he's doing.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there, boss. the man you speak of is not only highly competent, but well-respected, experienced, infinitely knowledgeable, well versed in ALL pvp mechanics and part of the best pvp team out there. in the universe. i mean, he has highly-trustworthy, measurable statistics that proves teams of operatives are causing people to unsub. why else would we see operative nerfs with every patch? enjoy swtor while he's around. i don't think superstars like him hang with one company for too long. we are blessed by jorge's presence.

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Large numbers of players leave every mmo after launch.


Because mmo gamers (especially wow generation) are generally scrubs looking for a game that validates their overinflated ego, and since no game will ever match their twisted self perception, they move like sheep from one game to another, always hoping for the pvp messiah that never comes.


Swtor population will decline, there is no doubt about that. Though all the forum whiners would tell you its because devs just dont get it , anybody who has played a few know that its really the playerbase's unrealistic expectations. I hope the server merges happen premptively instead of waiting until it's too late.

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Sub rate is already going down fast.


Catering exclusively or so much to casuals = hard core failed MMO.


Once game developers realize that hard core gamers make an MMO successful, maybe a successful MMO will eventually rise again.

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They already have, imperial fleet used to have ~200 players on average, down to 110 last night, time between warzones is about 10 minutes now when it used to be nearly instant. This could be due to the fact that 1.2 is not very good for PvP minded folks and they decided to make alts, who knows!
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depends when the figures comes out for subs, personelly I dont actually think they gave us the free month on a wim it was proberly because it would show there shareholders that it had more people playing then it actually would have if they didnt give us free time.


regardless I think the subs will have dropped by a substantial amount proberly 1/3 rd bring subs down to 1.2 million.


personelly cancelled myself due to nothing to do but pvp.


things that would made me stay...maybe


new instances actually worth doing, story mode easier, hm harder. Lost island worth going to anyone?


dailys--- another waste of time the new area should have been all black hole comms so if you wanted to you could gear up that way, but at a slower pace, having the daily comms same as old dailys gives no progression

again boring

daily instance should have given 6 bh comms as well, no point again going if geared leaving less groups to go with, same as weekly


pvp balance , resolve


World pvp.(non existent atm areas seperated so you dont even meet each other levelling to 1-50 on one of the busyest servers and having 1 pvp fight is LOLOLOLOL


and the biggest pile of dog ....... ive ever seen LEGACY what exactly is the point of this... you spouted so muchs fluff about this and tbh if i wnated to make a alt legacy should have been giving items that had +xp to quests legacy levels gave + xp also making the grind more appealing to make alts, not all of us want t spam space bar through the wasted voice over rubbish, but no doubt that will come in 1.3...and 5 mins before it will be cancelled.


i really did make alot of my friends play this game and switch over from other games.


my friendslist now consists of everyone offline, my guild has no more then 5 people online at once from 40+


And the tip of the iceburg for me was when i logged in and severel items had dissapeared bm gear I did a ticket 14 days later i got a answer saying they would look into it another 4 days later i receieved another message stating the gear has changed stats from old bm to new bm....I freaking know that you idiots the gear was gone seriously learn to read what people right on there tickets instead of your generic crap.


I didnt want the game to fail but feel as its biowares first mmo they havent produced what they call a triple a mmo more like a b -.

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Our guild was about 100 at launch. Now a busy night is 15-20. Most left after about 2 months.


The last remaining 20 are merely treading water until GW2. Then we will ALL unsub.


It's a shame as I had really.. Really high hopes for this game but zero open world pvp with meaningful objectives has killed it for my guild. Wz are mini games not real pvp... Class balance is a joke... Wz tailored for specific classes.. Still tons of bugs (have to reset my ui every time I enter the new wz)... The only mmo I have ever played where tab targeting is rng... Pvp? Class>gear>skill.


And last but not least georg zoelller should never ever ever... Ever... Be allowed to speak in public... The bloke is a half wit and if what he says is 100% true he has single handily ruined this game. When EA wants to know why their shares have lost 30% And swtor has 6 fanboys still playing look no further than GZ.

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1. Game has definitely had a rough start. Reaction from the Devs to what people are saying seems very slow. Not nearly enough incentive to group with anyone. 95% of the game can be done solo. In the 2 months ive been playing i remember grouping twice..each for about 5 mins. Found the LFG option useless.


2. Waited quite a while to start PVP. Shouldn't have bothered. Never seen such an imbalance between classes. Fighting sith/jedi reminds me of getting slaughtered by lowbie WOW alts in full set of BOE gear running around 2 hitting people in BG's. Don't have a problem with them being strong, but when they can use every other PVP useful skill that every class has...its a bit ridiculous.


3. World is a bit too big maybe. Nice to look at but individual worlds could be shrunk down a bit. Class stories seem to be nicely done. But I do get quite tired of every quest you do being the "if you don't succeed the whole universe will implode" type.

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When rivalry is strong and there arealready successful players are on the field - you CAN NOT AFFORD MISTAKES. You will be crushed.


If this crap (some still call this a game) didnt have Star Wars lable it would be dead in 2 months.


But there is limit of **** you can thorw in people's faces untill thay had enough. SWTOR already crossed this line.


They still have chance to recover damage done from fatal level to heavy, but for that they need to make 1.3 flawless. And they will not.


Doubt? Look at Q&A for may 4th. Who the **** cares about where to get crystals when servers are dying and people cnt play the game?

Edited by Maxkardinal
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