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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In YOUR opinion: Will subscription rates drastically go down?


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Whatever happens happens. If people leave a brand new MMO after 30 days because of mechanics, they probably won't be happy with any other MMO. Especially if any of you remember the WoW 1.0, then nuf said.


Personally, I hope they do. I don't like spending money to be around a bunch of cry babies.

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BW has already lost a boatload of subs due mostly to general incompetence. However, their marketing machine is second to none, even better than Blizzard's. In addition, you have all the Star Wars movies rereleasing this year in 3D. So BW will definitely rally from the subscriptions lost so far.


Hopefully, they refrain from making game-breaking and disastrous mistakes in their patches. I suspect part of the problem is how they outsource their quality assurance.


From an article in the L.A. Times today:


"Art has been outsourced to Russia, Estonia and China. Motion capture filming is done in L.A. and Vancouver, Canada, with voices recorded in New York, London and Paris in English, French and German. Quality assurance testing takes place in Romania, Argentina and India, while technical operations are run out of Virginia and the customer service center operates in Ireland."




No wonder so many bugs and gamebreakers are getting through. The quality assurance is done through Romania, Argentina and India. BW might as well give themselves a saber to the knee. lol

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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


I know one thing I am no longer recommending this game to anyone.

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Whatever happens happens. If people leave a brand new MMO after 30 days because of mechanics, they probably won't be happy with any other MMO. Especially if any of you remember the WoW 1.0, then nuf said.


Personally, I hope they do. I don't like spending money to be around a bunch of cry babies.


WoW 1.0 *** is that I started in WotLK and played until a few months in Cata was 100x better than this but everyone says its wrong to compare since the game is an infant in my opinion its just a little b1itch

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WoW 1.0 *** is that I started in WotLK and played until a few months in Cata was 100x better than this but everyone says its wrong to compare since the game is an infant in my opinion its just a little b1itch


Lol then you have no clue what you're talking about. Comparing a 5 year old version of a game to a 30 day one. Walk on troll. ;)

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It did my friends list.


Whole guilds left in disgust



This is just a blanket statement unless you can show me facts of all these guilds that left I just tend not to believe it sorry....


I do think some people quit but people are just being so over-dramatic.....

Edited by Kittypryde
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Our small, 35 person, but close knit guild hasn't lost a person yet, and it doesn't look like we will either. In fact we're growing, because we're picking up the players who were man enough to stick it out for more than 30 days.


Then again, our guild came from Asian MMOs, so we're used to things not being easy or perfect. This game looks and plays like the best game ever in comparison to the likes of Aion or Lineage, so you better believe we'll be staying right where we are and feeding BW our money.


In fact, there's discussion of re-rolling Republic, just so we'd have something to do in Ilum.


Sure, there's going to be plenty of people (I could think of several terms to call them - let's just use "quitters" for now) who will quit because they didn't get a copy and paste of WoW, or instant gratification. I hope they leave. They're cluttering up the forums with garbage posts.

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Lol then you have no clue what you're talking about. Comparing a 5 year old version of a game to a 30 day one. Walk on troll. ;)


...... So you expect Bioware to make a game that compares to vanilla wow which was like 10 years ago. They need to compare to updates made now... Why would I play this game if they wanted to compare with a 10 year old game. You have no clue what you are talking about.

Edited by Kanadaeh
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My opinion is based on my own plan and experience.


About a quarter of players I've met and in the guild expressed that they wouldn't resub and I'll probably leave after I've got all that I can from IA and Trooper class stories.


My guess is 25-50% loss after 3 months.

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they need to worrie les son all this new **** they want to release for the game and fix the fps problem,i have a great computer took it to geesquad just to ask them if my comp should rn this game,and they said my comp is way over the req for this game by far,and i showed them how bad my game ran,and they said its nothing to do with me at all,its the server i think they said something about how it doesnt reanfer info fast enough and the fps/lag/delays are casued from that,and they know of this problem cause they had people come in top buy new system for the game and they told them the same thing.so ya bioware fails cheap server equals chap game play,so ya they are gonna lose alot fo peopel,and the game designer said it was only 5 percent lmao,ya mor elike 25 30 percent mayeb he needs to read the forums like i have,well any way my time runs out in a few so peace done with this cheap game.
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...... So you expect Bioware to make a game that compares to vanilla wow which was like 10 years ago. They need to compare to updates made now... Why would I play this game if they wanted to compare with a 10 year old game. You have no clue what you are talking about.


I have to defend the previous post. Why compare this to WoW at all? This isn't WoW. It has similarities to WoW. What game doesn't?


BW is trying to do something a little different. It took 8 years to get WoW to where it is today. WoW didn't start off perfect. BW isn't going to just copy and paste WoW and put Star Wars skins on it either. They're trying to do something different.


People have to get over this "Star Wars should be exactly like WoW today" business. BioWare didn't set out to make "WoW 2: WoW in Space." Star Wars is it's own game, and it's a damn good one, too, considering how short of a time it's been out. Just give it some more time.


If you really came here just wanting to play "WoW in Space" and are disappointed, go back to WoW. Otherwise, get used to Star Wars.

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the funny thing is wow smokes this game in ever way but no sabers lol.if wow had sabers would b done with,i played wow for 8 years,i really never had one single problem bt on patch days,everypatch tye mad so far has messed my fps up ever time,so i told my friends that said they wanted to buy this game,hell no,wait for diablo 3,should b way better no bugs 0 lag,cause blizzard is pretty pro,not only that they have top customer service,i think bioware has to have the worse customer service i seen in any game out today,well anyway,if you read this,do not buy the game it sucsk fps is horrible,yet pro on any other game on ultra,cant even play this game on low and get decent fps kind sad yet funny,see how they feel in 3 months when no one but like a few hundred peopel are playing gg.
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pre 1.1 was fun... I could pvp (and level while doing so) play with my friends (most are 50) even though I am level 29. Now they are stuck in the 50s bracket and we cant play with each other until I get level 50...


I can't play as much as them so it will probably take me months to get 50, hence why I am canceling my subscription.

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