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The Republic has given up


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While it may be fun to try and tar everyone with the same brush I think people are jumping the gun on speculation about the Republic. If anything it seems the Republic has more mature players who work and don't have as much time to level as the type of crowd the Empire has been attracting, I'm not saying that as a faction exclusive fact, but from my own guild as a start.


We remain a strong Republic Guild and will continue to do so and as we grow with more of our players reaching the required experience, the Republic overall will benefit from it and I would think that applies on any server for many Guilds. The biggest problem was also clear from the pre-50 bracket PvP that Republic had far too many lowbies added Vs Empire teams and now that is not an issue.


The game is still very young and people are still levelling, the good Guilds will show their worth in due time.


I agree.


The thing you've got to also keep in mind is that the people who rush to 50 are the ones who will really "quit" playing the game first. As that starts to happen the Republic will have a chance to catch up. I play republic and I haven't quit.


You may be winning the early battles, but the war isn't over.

Edited by Spymaster
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The Devs need to let us - the paying public - know the server balances. They need to merge servers, so if there is any server AT ALL that has a lot of repulic and a few empire then then need to merge. I do not want to re roll on another server as it takes a good while to level up in this game and to get gear. If i have the choice of moving my character to a better populated server i would go tomorrow.


When devs say try another server or reroll it makes me think '*** go back to making single player games as you have no understanding of the committment MMOs require'


Please put up the server numbers on the the server screens and let us transfer out characters.

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I mean, these are the people that are actually saying on these forums that Sorcerors are more powerful than Sages because they use lightning instead of rocks. And that the Republic has no equivalent of Operatives or BH Mercs. Thats the people we are dealing with here.



You're pretty dumb. Sorcerers ARE more powerful due to the lightning, albeit only slightly. The reason is that the Sorcerer applies the damage instantly, whereas the same attack on a Sage has a delay of 0.5-1 second due to the animation.


Same goes for Death from Above vs Mortar Volley, and the Operative Stun vs Dirty Kick (not animation speed that time, just that Smuggler one roots you, empire one doesn't).


There are blatant imbalances. They are minor, but saying there aren't makes you look stupid.

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The reason is that the Sorcerer applies the damage instantly, whereas the same attack on a Sage has a delay of 0.5-1 second due to the animation.


I think it's a delusion, although sage's force animation takes around a second to finish, I always thought that it's damage is applied instantly to the target - you can see that immediately on the target's health bar.

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I think it's a delusion, although sage's force animation takes around a second to finish, I always thought that it's damage is applied instantly to the target - you can see that immediately on the target's health bar.


Nope. If you die before the animation finished for example, you do no damage. Mortar Volley is the worst example though, it's a bout 1-1.5 seconds before it even STARTS doing damage.

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Republic need to do more pew pew less QQ. Just get some people together someone be proactive and go on a headhunting spree. Ive played countless MMO's and for good and bad sides. Everyone has a complaint at one point or another. Best thing they could do is make cross server warzones, that would fix the Q's and open up more opportunity for everyone to get valor.
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Republic need to do more pew pew less QQ. Just get some people together someone be proactive and go on a headhunting spree. Ive played countless MMO's and for good and bad sides. Everyone has a complaint at one point or another. Best thing they could do is make cross server warzones, that would fix the Q's and open up more opportunity for everyone to get valor.


You have no clue,and opening up world Wz's will have no affect period as to the imbalance,it most likely will make it worse.

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Republic need to do more pew pew less QQ. Just get some people together someone be proactive and go on a headhunting spree. Ive played countless MMO's and for good and bad sides. Everyone has a complaint at one point or another. Best thing they could do is make cross server warzones, that would fix the Q's and open up more opportunity for everyone to get valor.


Republic already have no problem with warzone queues, sod the Imperials. If anything, it'll remove one more reason to ever roll Republic.


This is about Ilum being basically unplayable for Republic on many servers.

Edited by Harrowed
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Come to Wall of Light (PVE)! Republic hasn't given up there, yet. In fact, they are the dominating PVP side. Imps are putting up a good fight, too, though. Our level 50 population is lower, so we never had any of the problems in Ilum. But if you're looking for a balanced server, come try Wall of Light! Imps and Pubs welcome!
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This was always the case, IMHO the republic on Luka Sena, unless they came in a full premade group they wouldnt beat us.

What needs to happen is a real incentive to play republic, i tried very hard. I just didnt find it enjoyable. It was "too" good, there seemed to be too much "bureaucracy", making the missions feel in my opinion, very frustrating. Like the 1 - 20 storyline for trooper, You are meant to be a hero and the new leader of havoc squad and yet.... i just felt like any old grunt, with a very awful moral choice system and boring quests. The empire on the other hand literally felt like i was in the driving seat, sure i was fetching stuff but it was more or less, achieve your goals by any means, destroy anything that gets in the way. Made it more enjoyable.


Back on topic,

Every player should have a "gear rating" averaged across all equipment they are wearing, which is then locked (so you cant equip any other items for lowby bashing) then you get put into match making, and fight people with similar gear scores. Balance is preserved, and if there arent enough geared opposition for the higher gear levels to fight, then use the boost system to increase their stats (even at 50) to compensate for lack of gear, make it as if they where wearing the same level equipment. Otherwise PvP in this is dead in the water.

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An entire faction is seriously giving up after a month? I played underdog in aion for 2 years, where the siege system was actually a huge part of the endgame. This is pretty mind blowing if you're serious here and not exagerating.


Or they played Aion on a dominated faction for the last two years as well and have decide that they are not interested in doing it again? Being in their shoes, I wouldn't blame them one bit if they did either quit or join the Empire. It is apparent BW doesn't really care about faction balance, so why should the players?

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I think it's a delusion, although sage's force animation takes around a second to finish, I always thought that it's damage is applied instantly to the target - you can see that immediately on the target's health bar.


Sorry, I play a sage. I post videos on these forums. Project takes longer than the global cooldown to do.


Consular knock back isn't as good as Sorcerer knock back, as I have been messing around with a sorcerer recently. Something I didn't want to believe until I tried it myself.


Tracer missles does more damage than Grav rounds, despite Grav rounds having 'more armor penetration' due to assault cannon.


All of Empire's animations are below the global cooldown, or on it. A good example is Back Blast from scoundrel has a 2 second animation that you are stuck in and can't finish. Backstab has a 1 second animation.


The imperial fleet is more -inviting- than the republic fleet. I can even post videos comparing the two. The imperial fleet is vastly more lit, better signs to direct people.


Empire quests are easier, and require way less traveling.


More effort was put into Empire story lines.



Face it, the developers put most of their love into creating Star wars: The old Empire. Which is sad cause I really love my Sage/Trooper.

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Bah, you Republic! I keep waiting for you guys to pick servers to take back and consolidate so I can join you, but you love your mains too much to give them up, don't you? I'll even roll on a pvp server, and I hate playing on pvp servers because when I don't feel like pvping, I really don't want to deal with LoLSithlord the level 50 ganker king.
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I think today's patch fixed some of yeseterday's problems (with Ilum, not warzones), but I feel like Republic players have been scared away from PvP in general by the valor farms that went on yesterday and videos like
one. On Carrick station, players are constantly asking "Is Ilum safe?", "Are the dailies doable now?", and the honest answer is no they are not. Not unless you already have a group before you get there.


I lead a small republic guild (which unfortunately seems to be all the republic has) and we are completely helpless to finish the dailies. Win 3 warzones? We play in 13, lose 11 of them. Spend an hour and a half on Ilum and complete 10/30. Travel to Ilum in a 15 man raid? The Imperials have a 30 man raid. None of the Republic players seem to even want to try anymore. Players are constantly quitting in WZ's because of the constant losing/awfulness.


The patch fixed the mechanical problems on Ilum. The only problem now is that Republic players are too scared to go. Also, there are still serious problems with warzones from the patch. All the lvl 50 bracket did was pit mobs of geared Imps against Republic players who are generally not geared. This may have helped players who are not max level, but it has made winning for the lvl 50 Republic players impossible on my server.


Let's face it. The Empire is a thoroughly better faction. But does that mean that the Republic players are just supposed to sit here and take these lashings on the chin? I want to finish my dailies every day, but I simply don't have enough free time to do it. And I have a lot of free time.


Ive just seen the vid and the question which immediately came to my mind was how old or new your pc would be? Despite of the fact that i agree with your post the vid looks totally like one horrific slideshow... If those epic battles ive dreamt about end up in one massive system overload like it is on rep station I seriously dunno if i wanna continue my sub....

Maybe i would buy a new graphic-card but only when other players with newer cards told me that its worthwhile :(

Edited by MEdiKLEZ
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Give Republic 50% bonuses to XP, Valor, Mercenary Coms, and WZ Coms. That will go a long way towards fixing the imbalance.


Also, remove the cap on merc and wz comes or raise it to 5k or so. That way when people hit 50 they can at least have some hope of gearing up if they PvP before 50.

Edited by Ashanor
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I think today's patch fixed some of yeseterday's problems (with Ilum, not warzones), but I feel like Republic players have been scared away from PvP in general by the valor farms that went on yesterday and videos like
one. On Carrick station, players are constantly asking "Is Ilum safe?", "Are the dailies doable now?", and the honest answer is no they are not. Not unless you already have a group before you get there.


I lead a small republic guild (which unfortunately seems to be all the republic has) and we are completely helpless to finish the dailies. Win 3 warzones? We play in 13, lose 11 of them. Spend an hour and a half on Ilum and complete 10/30. Travel to Ilum in a 15 man raid? The Imperials have a 30 man raid. None of the Republic players seem to even want to try anymore. Players are constantly quitting in WZ's because of the constant losing/awfulness.


The patch fixed the mechanical problems on Ilum. The only problem now is that Republic players are too scared to go. Also, there are still serious problems with warzones from the patch. All the lvl 50 bracket did was pit mobs of geared Imps against Republic players who are generally not geared. This may have helped players who are not max level, but it has made winning for the lvl 50 Republic players impossible on my server.


Let's face it. The Empire is a thoroughly better faction. But does that mean that the Republic players are just supposed to sit here and take these lashings on the chin? I want to finish my dailies every day, but I simply don't have enough free time to do it. And I have a lot of free time.


On Shadow Hand republic quality of pvp is now gone. Quite a few of us have canceled and that is disheartening to a lot of people. And rep station was at 67 people last night at prime time. That is about 1/2 from 2 days before the patch.

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East: Prophecy of the Five


I'll welcome any who want to reroll into my guild. Just message Ashanor. We have vent and 55 or so active members.


Finally! After the weekend I'll be there. (Gotta buy yet another headset, I don't know how I manage to break them so often.)

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Three servers, at least. One West, one East, and one European.


Wall of Light is a PVE West server, and the Republic are still fighting strong! While we would absolutely love to take in a stream of new Republic players, we would definitely need some Imperial players to back that up! We definitely don't want an imbalanced server, even if it's imbalanced in the opposite direction. :)

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