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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Daily-Killer: Near Impossible to Complete Ilum Daily / Weekly Now After Patch 1.1a


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How do you expect to finish your PVP dailies in Ilum without any opposition? You can't get PVP rewards without doing PVP, period.


There is nothing that can be done to fix Ilum. Ilum isn't broken, the game is. And it's broken, because people, players are dumb and think that if everyone rolls Empire, it will work out somehow.


yes blame the paying customers for choosing the faction they wanted to play.

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Someone mentioned Sympathizers or Defectors and it'd be interesting to see that be a possibility on a first-come, first-serve basis. 150 Imps vs. 30 Reps, you could give space for enough Imps to 'defect' temporarily to the Republic side. Better gains, Power Plays, and things like that could make it extra sexy; do something like that, see more people -do things- in PvP, see the numbers on the Republic side swell even if only temporarily.


Then you can play neat Sith characters -and- fight in actual battles.

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There is no point wasteing time on this daily unless your a Battlemaster, were you forced to or you give up half your lottery tickets for gear. :p If your just after a Champion bag, I could grind 3 of them from WZ marks in the HOURS it takes competing with 40+ other Imperials doing 8 figures around the center, trying to loot 30 armaments at the speed of maybe 1 every 10 minutes.
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If it wasn't for pulling people into insta gibbing turrets, you would stand ZERO chance of killing anything. And of course ninja particle cannoning kids (much fun) I feel sorry for those who have a life and can't play many hours, because Republic is so screwed lol
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Oh hey look everyone! It's an EMPIRE player complaining about Ilum!


[|_| <--Care cup empty.


If you have an issue with it, reroll on the Republic. You are part of the problem.


Please re-read to original OP before making moronic statements, thanks!

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The quest design isn't flawed the zone mechanics are flawed. In a 2 faction game you have to make sure the underdog has a chance. Right now there is no point on most servers for the underdogs to show up. The entire concept of Ilum needs to be reworked so both sides have incentive to show up. Until then you Imps can enjoy your well won victory yesterday and all the consequences that implies.




This is also why the idea of rewarding PvP players with gear that makes them better at PvP is a completely broken design mechanic. This creates a feedback loop which makes the winners in PvP increasingly more powerful and deters those without the uber PvP gear from even bothering.


PvP should be treated as an e-sport. The rewards should be in titles, ranks and vanity items - not gear that makes that makes the already successfully PvPer even more successful.


In real world sport the organisers are always striving for ways to keep the competition even. That's why we have player drafts and salary caps. The reason for this is it keeps the fans interested. If the competition becomes one sided, the fans disappear.


If anything what the designers should be looking at is a form of handicapping. You could make it a voluntary system if you wanted. Apply a debuff to yourself and earn more valor.


Then the champion player is the one with highest rank and who can win consistently with the biggest debuff.


Anyway IMHO PvP will remain irrelevant and ignored by the majority of players until the devs find a way to introduce balance rather than inherently unbalanced mess we have at present.

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How do you expect to finish your PVP dailies in Ilum without any opposition? You can't get PVP rewards without doing PVP, period.


There is nothing that can be done to fix Ilum. Ilum isn't broken, the game is. And it's broken, because people, players are dumb and think that if everyone rolls Empire, it will work out somehow.


Not true. Collect the armaments 30 of them for daily and you're done. You dont have to kill anyone.

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What I see is another post full of QQ. So you want the daily to be quick and easy? Ask yourself this...IS it REALLY impossible? I finished mine today quite easily as i rode around looking for chests and players to kill while doing my 3 wins WZ daily. Join an OPs group and go hunting. That way if you complete the daily you feel some sort of accomplishment. SMH
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Honestly though: Alot of people from my guild (I am playing republic) are boycotting Ilum and quite a few even PvP in general at the moment. Seeing that the average hp of the people between tuesday and thirsday went up by ~2-3k without buffs you can not seriously tell me that the Ilum thing was not abused to death by the empire.

Waiting for rollback - or we will continue to let the empire run around a frozen wasteland with no one in it.

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What I see is another post full of QQ. So you want the daily to be quick and easy? Ask yourself this...IS it REALLY impossible? I finished mine today quite easily as i rode around looking for chests and players to kill while doing my 3 wins WZ daily. Join an OPs group and go hunting. That way if you complete the daily you feel some sort of accomplishment. SMH


Yes. Getting 3 wz per day is impossible on my server.

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I honestly don't know what BW should do to fix Ilum, but i would like to leave something here for maybe the 1-2 people who read it to remember.


Wintergrasp, for those that don't know, was Ilum-esc zone in WoW. It was a fortress that needed to be sieged so your faction could get access to a set of daily missions, a buff, and a raid. The problem with a type of place like WG and Ilum is that naturally, in a two faction game, one faction will have more of a population then another. It is VERY rare for a server in a two faction game to be even.


So what Blizzard did was add a hidden mechanic to WG that gave the smaller faction an advantage during the offensive stage of WG so they could take the keep and experience the content. This mechanic was what should have stayed in the game, but the squeeky wheels of the larger faction complained that it wasn't fair that a fair turn over happened. So Blizzard broke the mechanic and it became rare if ever that a faction could control the keep and see the content. It stayed like this for the last half of an expansion before it was fixed, but by that time, the content was dated.


Am i saying that Ilum needs such a system as WG? No, not at all. The point of Ilum isn't to access anything. It's to get valor, PVP gear, and daily tokens for some gear and mounts. Regardless of who "controls" Ilum, the PVE content is open to both factions at all time. You cannot fix Ilum in an easy 1 to 2 step way. You have to find a way to help the smaller population actually experience the content, but in a way that doesn't completely penalize the higher pop faction.


Adding a cap to the population is a start. The next stop is fortifying the bases. It should not be possible in any way shape or form for a faction to be griefed back to their med zone. After that, there needs to be a bolster mechanic that the lower faction gets. If there are 30 Imps and only 15 pubs, then the pubs need to be able to have a chance at a fair fight without making them mini bosses.


My personal idea? Add bots to Ilum. Add NPCs to bolster the lower pop faction to compensate for how many forces the Imps have. The NPCs come in waves and move on from point to point. They can be kited, killed, ad will repsawn like a player. They will have the same resistances as a well geared character in PVP gear, and the same abilities and down time.

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Not true. Collect the armaments 30 of them for daily and you're done. You dont have to kill anyone.


The armament's themselves are on an insanely long respawn timer, and only spawn in one section of the map. Which everyone is now camping non-stop.


It's simply not realistic to expect people to complete it. Especially those on high-populated servers.

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I started republic then switched to empire after i realized my animations were adding more time to my casts than my imp alt. Hopefully they will eventually fix this as I would enjoy going back to my republic alt at some point, but I'm not touching it until they fix the balance issues. Also I enjoy the empire story lines much more. Edited by InappropriateOne
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So its his fault people dont show to Ilum?


Well, I'm avoiding Ilum and am instead playing lower level characters. Because, you know, every other aspect of the game is more fun right now. So yeah, it's his fault, and they failed pretty damn hard if everything other than pvp is more fun for a pvp oriented player like me.

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2). Armament respawn timer is ridiculously long. There's about 30 Imperials riding around right now trying to collect the same chest spawns. It's near impossible to reach 30 in a reasonable time. The spawn timer on each chest must be at least 10 to 15 minutes, containing one Armament per box. That's absolutely ridiculous.


Wow, those numbers are even ridiculous for a single person trying to do the daily completely alone. With a dozen others trying to collect the crates, it's really pointless then to even try - you'd probably get another bag faster by doing Warzones in the meantime and buying bags with commendations.

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The armament's themselves are on an insanely long respawn timer, and only spawn in one section of the map. Which everyone is now camping non-stop.


It's simply not realistic to expect people to complete it. Especially those on high-populated servers.


Well I guess it balances out then. Its the only quest you can do on low pop servers cause we dont have any warzones anymore. On high pop servers you have warzones but cant do the Ilum one.


Good job Bioware. I guess you can balance a game :D

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People are comparing Ilum to that of Wintergrasp from World of Warcraft due to the "open world" PvP. This is not the case with the current level design, it is much closer to that of Alteric Valley. Alteric Valley contained two bases of opposing faction on opposite ends of the map, along with nodes throughout the map players would want to control for beneficial faction gains. They implemented gathering quests to boost npc's armor, lootable items on enemy corpses that could be turned in to summon elite npc attack squads, and even a boss that would spawn in your base that would slowly stroll to that of the enemies base.


Why not have it when you kill a player you not only gain valor but some sort of token you want to turn-in for boosting your guards armor/power (these would be the APC units at the control nodes). You should also gain tokens upon one's death. This would allow the underdog team to keep on attempting to push out of one's base. Once they've turned in a set amount of "death tokens" a boss (AT walker or larger APC) would spawn in their base and slowly move out. This "boss" could have an AoE shielding or healing effect to help entice people to escort it--possibly have two to four turrets on it. Allows the faction that is trapped inside their base a fighting chance to break out. Assuming the "boss" had a decent escort and made it to the first node/control point the enemy APC's laser turrets could target the boss and help whittle it down(or destroy it if they have been upgraded).


Ilum, in it's previous and current form is a smoldering pile of *****. You can tell they wanted to give it that epic star wars battlefield feel from looking at the AT's, APC's, and bombardments yet it's only eye candy. The dev's need to quit trying to go for the quick fixes and completely redesign it so we WILL feel blown away.

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