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Why do we hate midi-chlorians?


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Why does everyone hate midi-chlorians? When it comes to the prequels, this seems to be the only subject everyone can agree on.


But you may respond to this thread saying, "Not me! I LOVE midi-chlorians!" Well you are a miniscule outlier. Even those who generally like the prequels, don't like the idea of microscopic force controllers.


So why is this the only topic that seems to bring everyone together?

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Meh its alright with me, so theres a scientific explanation for the Force....ok since when is there not a scientific explanation for something? Theres an explanation for how the universe was created, but some others believe a different way. Theres an explanation for strange phenomena but some believe another way, so I never really understood the whole hate for it either its just another explanation for something. Its not like they are telling you to believe it or anything, its just another POV you don't need to follow it. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Meh its alright with me, so theres a scientific explanation for the Force....ok since when is there not a scientific explanation for something? Theres an explanation for how the universe was created, but some others believe a different way. Theres an explanation for strange phenomena but some believe another way, so I never really understood the whole hate for it either its just another explanation for something.


You're comparing a movie to real-life. Not everything in a movie, (especially a movie based in fantasy) deserves or needs a "scientific explanation."

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You're comparing a movie to real-life. Not everything in a movie, (especially a movie based in fantasy) deserves or needs a "scientific explanation."


Still, its nothing to get upset over especially at the magnitude of where it is now. You can still have your POV on what the Force is.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Why does everyone hate midi-chlorians? When it comes to the prequels, this seems to be the only subject everyone can agree on.


But you may respond to this thread saying, "Not me! I LOVE midi-chlorians!" Well you are a miniscule outlier. Even those who generally like the prequels, don't like the idea of microscopic force controllers.


So why is this the only topic that seems to bring everyone together?


very simply it's because it destroys the mysticism of the force.


There was no need to add it. I originally thought he added it because well obvosiuly they were going to have jedi clones in the clone wars and they needed to explain how the clones could use the force but that never happened.



edit: Not to mention it changes a great line like "Use the force luke" to mean "Use the microscopic bacteria that lives inside of you"

Edited by jarjarloves
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Put it this way. In the original, Obi and Yoda describe the Force as, well, what it is. Luke was all "oh, OK I get it". As a Jedi, the Force is spiritual. Makes sense.


Now when Qui-gon describes it, he goes all scientifically, non-spiritual non-Jedi. Even the kid doesn't understand. Do I need to quote Anakin?

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Still, its nothing to get upset over especially at the magnitude of where it is now. You can still have your POV on what the Force is.


Who is getting upset? And yes we can choose to selectively remember what we want from the prequels. But that isn't the point of this thread.

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I'm actually "okay" with Midichlorians. The way I understand it, they are not The Force. They are merely the way The Force manifests itself in living things. They're nothing more of an indication of how strong you are in the force.


What I'm not okay with is the idea that your midichlorian count stays static for your entire life and therefore there's no wait you'll amount to anything more than a Jedi Library Clerk or a Sith Plummer!


I would believe that the more you can open yourself to the force, the higher your midichlorian count would become in response.

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Because power levels without scouters that explode over 22,000 are not cool.




And on the subject, I was never particularly for or against the idea of midichlorians.

I can say that I PREFER the idea of the mystical Force that Obi-Wan taught Luke. That the Force was just everything and everywhere and Jedi were simply attuned to it.

When Qui-gon tries to explain it in Phantom Menace, I thought it was a good concept- a physical manifestation of your force abilities- but the way they did it was just convoluted and confusing. Much like Anakins reaction showed us.

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I hate techno-babble of all sorts and was quite happy with the fact that in previous movies Star Wars didn't go overboard in trying to explain every little thing. Star Trek does it way too much and I was happy to leave how the force worked as being open-ended and mysterious.
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edit: Not to mention it changes a great line like "Use the force luke" to mean "Use the microscopic bacteria that lives inside of you"


SO next time your training for a sport and your coach shouts anything like: Suck it up, Keep pushing, keep it up. Your going to correct him with the biological way in which your body creates energy so you can keep doing sports for longer?

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I'm not a fan of the concept of Midi-Chlorians because it removes the mystical side of The Force. To me, it would be like explaining that in DnD, one's capability of using magic is dependant on one's potassium intake. It just sterilizes the whole thing.
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I'm actually "okay" with Midichlorians. The way I understand it, they are not The Force. They are merely the way The Force manifests itself in living things. They're nothing more of an indication of how strong you are in the force.


At first I thought the idea was dumb because as others have said, it takes away the "mysticism" of the Force. It makes people like old ObiWan and Yoda look dumb for acting as though the Force is a spiritual force when it's actually science, and we don't want the two smartest people in the movies to look dumb.


However, after thinking about it I came to the same conclusion as Rilauven; that the midichlorians don't necessarily "cause" the force in people, rather that perhaps they are tiny organisms that gather near the force. Therefore, you could measure them to get a concrete idea of how much force is in a person at that time, but it isn't as though people have the ability to control tiny beings to do things for them.

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It changes Star Wars from Science-Fantasy to Sci-Fiction.

Exactly what I was about to post. It doesn't just change how viewers perceive the Force; it alters the outlook of the entire series.


The Force was only one element of the original SW trilogy, certainly. But it was the defining element. It was the differentiating factor between SW and Star Trek, Alien, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Logan's Run, Blade Runner ... a whole host of other 70s/80s IPs that were solidly grounded in sci-fi.


The Force (and lightsabers) turned SW from being "just another sci-fi IP" into a sci-fi/sword-and-sorcery mashup that captured the imaginations of both audiences. Guys running around spaceships and firing laser guns while wielding swords and throwing magic spells.


Then, 20+ years later, to take that concept and say, "Oh hey, by the way: that wasn't magic at all. Here's the mundane scientific explanation for it." ?? Ouch... especially when you grew up with the series. It's like finding a long lost chapter of the Bible with Jesus' notes and plans for pulling off the resurrection stunt. You just don't f*** with fanboys like that. :p

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The problem from a common sense point of view is that you have a society that's technologically capable of cloning human beings, a society that advanced should easily be able to genetically engineer humans with incredible midi chlorian counts, but that would flat out ruin the story so then they go and do the mystical explanation of "we just can't clone force users for some reason" which is a BS excuse.


When you come up with something like midi chlorians you have to look at all angles because if you explain something that should remain mystical it has to make sense in the setting you've created, which in this case it does not. It's almost a ret-con in some ways as if there was a simple way to just test people for force sensitivity like that then once vader and palpatine had taken over they would have likely spent the next years testing everyone and wiping out everyone that was force sensitive or converting them. Basically explaining the force scientifically breaks the entire story to the point it no longer makes any sense. It should have absolutely have stayed as a mysterious religion type thing by lucas in his stupidity and obstinance of having to have things his way even if they don't make sense needed a way to say that anakin was even stronger than yoda, and needed a way of quantifying that so he came up with this stupid explanation.



Now if you look not only are midichlorians cells but they are a symbiote and intelligent which makes things even stupider. Now of course lucas then goes off his rocker completely and has anakin be conceived BY the midichlorians, which goes far beyond idiotic into "just take his typewriter, pencil, pen and computer away so he never writes again" territory.

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Most hate it because it is wrong. Yoda describes the force as being made by everything, rocks, trees, etc. Do rocks have force bacteria too? Also, it makes more sense for the force to not be passed along family lines since procreation is frown on by jedi monks.
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