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Nerf grav/tracer omg!


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freaking nerf grav round and tracer missiles jesus christ all they do is spam them and its 1 button wonder. its a joke thats not funny anymore nerf them they need to be nerfed badly.



either greatly reduce them in damage give them a 1 minute cooldown or make the ability cost alot to use and i mean alot.



i know this will get trolled by troopers and bountyhunters that want to keep there 1 button spam wonder abilitys but tracer missiles and grav round need a dam nerf period.


Trooper here, discarded grav round as not that useful in mu build and not worth it since I have a lot of other abilities i can spam. If you see someone spamming grav round by all means fight him hes a newbie to this game and is going to be an easy score.

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no. if you are that bad of a player that you do not know how to counter the terrible troopers/bounty hunters that spam nothing but tracer missile, you have no reason to complain.


the arsenal tree is entirely dependent on tracer missile. it fuels our other attacks. the only acceptable cooldown would be a 3s cooldown, which forces players to use it at most every other global. any more than that and you are seriously nerfing an entire skill tree.


why are there so many posts about nerfing tracer missile, when i see at least 10 times as many sorcerers who do nothing but spam a single lightning attack over and over? they are easy kills, but it does similar damage to tracer missile if you ignore them.


aside from the animation disparities, the classes in this game are balanced. anyone who properly plays their class can decimate the other team, especially when the other team is filled with bads who dont know how to play

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Compared to Lightning Strike (Sorc), Sniper (Sniper), and their Republic equivalent abilities, there's really no contest. This does way more damage and is more spammable than either. 1v1ing this class is basically impossible.


Lots of classes can solo a Merc. But some have to use terrain to do it.

Sorc can very much do so. dot him up, run out of los. Wait for your bubble to get ready again and go back in. They have about the same dmg in a straight up western shoot out. But the sorc have better heals, defences and dmg if he is using terrain. He can innterupt our dmg, we cant do the same thing with them.

Operatives can take out a Merc even when getting knocked out of stealth before their opener. If they get knocked down from a platform and have to stay in los when running back up they are screwed ofc..

Just about any tank of similar gear can take us down. Warrior tanks probably have the hardest time doing so beacuse of doing low dmg. From my experience at least. Vanguard/powertech is the worst thing you can face in 1v1 as Commando.


Sentinels are the worst dps class i can face really (outside of getting jumped by the stealth burst classes, but that dont count since its not repetable that often). If they are dumb enough to run straight towards me they deserve whats coming to them. But if they manage to get to me without using leap then i am dead (and this is not very hard to do in a WZ.) I cant outdmg them while getting interupted, stunned, choked and whatnot. Most of them can do it without using vanish or defensive cd's. And even if i get lucky with crits and they are loosing, they have a way to get away. If i am loosing i have no way of doing the same (this goes for every class really).


Thing with Commandos/Merc's are that they have high dmg overall, but have zero dmg cooldowns to use (outside trinkets), so the dmg needs to be high. But it is nowhere near the burst classes when they get in position and pop cd's. And that is exactly the way it should be. IMO that is.


If you want to nerf a immobile DD class just beacuse he is killing you while you leave him alone then I dont know what to say. Why not whine about the powertech instead, does similar dmg, can do dmg while being focused. is hard as hell to take down and can protect others a lot better then the ****** heals a gunnery commando can.

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I cannot wait for this ability to be nerfed. As a relatively low-cost filler ability that's the main thing you're doing in your rotation when not using other abilities... it FAR outdamages equivalent abilities, stacks armor penetration, and stacks a buff for other abilities..


What ability would you like Arsenal spec mercs to use instead?


We have to Tracer Missile 5x to buff Rail Shot.


We have to Tracer Missile 3x to buff Heat seeker Missile.


Using either of these abilities without their appropriate buff or debuff is a major waste of heat.


If you want Tracer Missile nerfed you are going to have to buff Arsenal Mercs somewhere else.

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Of all the OP classes and all of the retarded abilities in the game you pick grav round/tracer missile to complain about? Really? . . . no seriously Really?. Soecs/sages Ops/Scoundrels running rampant but hey lets get mad about grav round. :rolleyes:
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no. if you are that bad of a player that you do not know how to counter the terrible troopers/bounty hunters that spam nothing but tracer missile, you have no reason to complain.


the arsenal tree is entirely dependent on tracer missile. it fuels our other attacks. the only acceptable cooldown would be a 3s cooldown, which forces players to use it at most every other global. any more than that and you are seriously nerfing an entire skill tree.


why are there so many posts about nerfing tracer missile, when i see at least 10 times as many sorcerers who do nothing but spam a single lightning attack over and over? they are easy kills, but it does similar damage to tracer missile if you ignore them.


aside from the animation disparities, the classes in this game are balanced. anyone who properly plays their class can decimate the other team, especially when the other team is filled with bads who dont know how to play


You remind me of those Pyros back at Rifts release.


calling everyone bad when all they did was stand in a circle and one shot anyone within a 10 mile radius.


Same thing here Im afraid except instead of a circle its a bubble...


And instead of one shotting its pressing one button over and over.


Sure I can beat most mercs if I catch them unawares on my Guard or Scoundrel... but gueas what happens if they see me?


Bubble + Tracer spam with the ocassional knockback when I interupt tracer so My window of opportunity is gone.


Mercs and Commandos Will get balanced weather you believe so or not... even Pyros got what was coming to them and they put on a far more convincing case than you lot are.

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And I think he made it pretty clear, tracer missile does a stupid amount of damage for what it is.


Your signature makes a good point, if you've nerfed gravity round to the point where it's more valuable to use charged bolts (a burst of white damage) you're doing it completely wrong, our 3 attacks are just about our only yellow damage, our others are white. Tanks, and anyone with a lightsabre can block them, and make them almost worthless to use, unless you get a +30% damage full auto proc. Even then, 2/3s are deflected.

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Initially I was upset about tracer missile. Then I hit lvl 50 and got geared on my Guardian and learned how to properly pvp in this game (hint: it's not exactly like WoW). Now, honestly, it's not that big a deal. Force Kick the first one. Stasis the 2nd. Force Push the 3rd. Force Leap Interrupt the 4th. Force Kick is now off cooldown, but the target should be dead. Sure, I play a class with tools for the job, and I dunno what you play, but there are solutions to the problems.


Except for Operatives killing you in a 5 second stun duration with 4 abilities. That's unforgivable.

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freaking nerf grav round and tracer missiles jesus christ all they do is spam them and its 1 button wonder. its a joke thats not funny anymore nerf them they need to be nerfed badly.



either greatly reduce them in damage give them a 1 minute cooldown or make the ability cost alot to use and i mean alot.



i know this will get trolled by troopers and bountyhunters that want to keep there 1 button spam wonder abilitys but tracer missiles and grav round need a dam nerf period.


Sounds like you are turning to the darkside. Come to us my child... join us!

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Gunnery/Arsenal is terrible for pvp anyway, if you're losing to one you should really reconsider what you are doing when facing them, especially if you are melee since they have one gap opener against your ten thousand gap closers, and if you are ranged you just need to learn to LoS and DoT. Interrupt, force them to heal, make them move (they have the most awful mobility of ALL classes), LoS and heal up... there are so many ways to counter them it's unfunny. All they have is damage.


Pyro Mercs are the one you should be more afraid of.

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you mean you havent had a commando drop incendiary round on you then proceed to hit you with assault plastique and start a charged bolts>high impact bolt>plastique goes boom combo?




that is some pain right there.


roll merc/commando and assault trooper/pyro merc aint going to touch you at all.

Edited by Fairell
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Trooper here, discarded grav round as not that useful in mu build and not worth it since I have a lot of other abilities i can spam. If you see someone spamming grav round by all means fight him hes a newbie to this game and is going to be an easy score.


You play a combat medic and you play terrible in pvp. So yes, you don't have grav/tracer.

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Gunnery/Arsenal is terrible for pvp anyway, if you're losing to one you should really reconsider what you are doing when facing them, especially if you are melee since they have one gap opener against your ten thousand gap closers, and if you are ranged you just need to learn to LoS and DoT. Interrupt, force them to heal, make them move (they have the most awful mobility of ALL classes), LoS and heal up... there are so many ways to counter them it's unfunny. All they have is damage.


Pyro Mercs are the one you should be more afraid of.


this, arsenal spec'd mercs have tons of weaknesses. people not to stop qq'ing and start figuring out how to actually beat their opponents.


as far as pyrotech being better than arsenal, its really a toss-up. arsenal lacks a lot of the front end spike dps, but somewhat makes up for it in mobility. the problem i found with pyro was that in order to refresh the cooldown on rail shot (which is one of only two reliably high damage attacks for pyro) you still have to give up your mobility, as power shot and unload require you to be stationary. its also much easier to manage heat effectively as arsenal, as you vent heat for landing crits (arsenal) rather than venting heat for repeatedly getting CC'd (pyro).


i have also yet to encounter a situation where my lack of mobility has really hampered my combat effectiveness. the only time it is really apparent is when the ball carrier is running away from me in huttball, but good positioning can solve that problem 9 times out of 10.

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roll merc/commando and assault trooper/pyro merc aint going to touch you at all.


yeah, i have no problem fighting pyro spec'd mercs. its pretty easy to figure them out. they hit you with their dot, so clear it. yeah the thermal det is still going to hit hard, but youre forcing them to expend a lot of heat to reapply that dot. without the dot there is no rail shot for a pyro merc

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I think people in this thread are focusing way too much on the damage that tracer/grav does and NOT on the relative damage it does for what it is. Most everyone agree's that both skills are FILLER attack and not meant to be the primary nuke/burst attack for the respective AC's.


That being said because its a filler, who's sole purpose should be stacking a buff/lining up the stars for a big amount of burst dmg, the sheer amount of damager per cast time and resources is outrageous.


That often-linked video was to prove a point. Not that you can do lots of damage to low level players who don't pay attention, but to show just how powerful this supposed filler can be...without using any of those other attacks.


Yes its interrupable, yes you can los..yes you can focus the class down. The point is that for what its supposed to be, its just too damn good.


Lightning strike doesnt hit anywhere near that much, force lighting doesnt do anywhere near that much. Does chain lightning hit that hard? no...and it has a 15 sec cd. Even with wrath procs it will barely touch 3k. I'm not saying BH/Trooper needs a nerf at all, just need to reallocate some of the damage to other skills. Hell even operatives/scoundrels have to pop long cd's to do that sort of burst...

Edited by DarthGoriand
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Several people have posted the rotations for these AC's....any ability you hit 3 times, use another attack, then go back to hitting 2 more times, is a filler.


Hammer shot is free dps with no cost what so ever...essentially an auto-attack you have to hit.

Edited by DarthGoriand
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It's one of our weaker attacks. Heatseeker, Rail Shot and Barrage proc'd Unload all do more damage than Tracer Missile. With so many classes having an interrupt or ability that renders a class incapacitated/stunned, you have no one but yourself to blame if you die to someone spamming Tracer Missile.


Although you posted this as proof as to Tracer being powerful, I am actually seeing the opposite effect. It does not, as the OP is claiming, hit for 8k. It clearly hits for around 1.7k (2.8k criticals) in Columni/Champion gear.


The fact that, with two melee classes on him, not a single interrupt or stun went out just shows how absolutely miserable his opponents are. Would you ever let a Fire Mage chain cast Fireballs in a BG in WoW? Absolutely not.


This would not happen in the new 50 bracket. I dare the maker of that video to do the same thing against competent players, and watch himself sit at the respawn ship for 80% of the video.

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