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Everything posted by DarthGoriand

  1. You do realize that force speed+bubble is our defensive cooldown right? Unlike nearly every other class that actually has a cd to pop when crap hits the fan, our best option is to cheese it...
  2. Que video of him trying to CC people with full resolve...
  3. Despite balance issues, bugs and perfomace problems I absolutley love this game. I even enjoy the pvp quite a bit more than any other mmo's. But nothing is more frustrating to me than doing awesome throughout an entire WZ for it to count for nothing. If you have ever been dc'd or had the game crash during pvp you'll know what I mean. Why are pvp stats only logged during the match? If something happens to my connection or one of the many random game crashes I get no credit for everything I just spent 15 minutes doing. You will gain 0 valor, 0 commendations and 0 credit for a win should this happen. Even if you manage to get back into the game before the deserter buff wears down it doesn't matter. If your game closes for any reason during that match you are instantly trasnported back to the fleet. I'm no technical genius but I would assume that if they game can keep track of your medals in the first place, it should be able to retain that information for a few moments while I log back in. It wouldn't be so bad if the servers wouldn't have random 3005 errors that make it crash or freeze up or just up and decide to shut itself off for no reason. Please do something to alleviate the stress this inevitably causes. Keep track of my stats so I can enjoy the time I spend playing and not wishing I wouldn't have just wasted my time!
  4. http://i430.photobucket.com/albums/qq25/Goriand/Screenshot_2012-01-23_11_58_04_829157.jpg Loved this
  5. Went through 12 bags wednesday, 1 token 34 commendations...and the token was for an implant I already had. Needless to say I'm not terribly fond of pvping all day and getting nothing. Just change the Champion/Battlemaster bags to have a set amount of commendations (not 3 are you serious?) so people can just BUY the gear they want. Thats another annoying thing....open a bag and get 1 token and 1 commendation, or 3 commendations...thats a HUGE difference in rewards. Not to mention you get tokens for the high level gear and commendations for the low level gear, in interest of balance that should be reversed.
  6. Several people have posted the rotations for these AC's....any ability you hit 3 times, use another attack, then go back to hitting 2 more times, is a filler. Hammer shot is free dps with no cost what so ever...essentially an auto-attack you have to hit.
  7. I think people in this thread are focusing way too much on the damage that tracer/grav does and NOT on the relative damage it does for what it is. Most everyone agree's that both skills are FILLER attack and not meant to be the primary nuke/burst attack for the respective AC's. That being said because its a filler, who's sole purpose should be stacking a buff/lining up the stars for a big amount of burst dmg, the sheer amount of damager per cast time and resources is outrageous. That often-linked video was to prove a point. Not that you can do lots of damage to low level players who don't pay attention, but to show just how powerful this supposed filler can be...without using any of those other attacks. Yes its interrupable, yes you can los..yes you can focus the class down. The point is that for what its supposed to be, its just too damn good. Lightning strike doesnt hit anywhere near that much, force lighting doesnt do anywhere near that much. Does chain lightning hit that hard? no...and it has a 15 sec cd. Even with wrath procs it will barely touch 3k. I'm not saying BH/Trooper needs a nerf at all, just need to reallocate some of the damage to other skills. Hell even operatives/scoundrels have to pop long cd's to do that sort of burst...
  8. I know this is a pvp discussion, but I think this quality of life change would also help people finding groups for hard modes/operation as well. Since there's no dual spec *cough cough*
  9. This is the primary reason I continue to go back to Lightning/madness on my sorc. With the same amount of effort as a healer getting 5-6 medals in a WZ,I can get 8-9+ as dps. When it comes right down to it most peope do pvp to gear up, the faster you gear up, the better off you are. When you have so many classes that can get the low hanging medals regardless of AC it makes me feel like my dedicated healing spec is pointless. Trooper/BH and Op/smug can easily rack up 10 medals in a game witth dps/self healing....they get massive rewards for doing what they should be doing. I have to bust my *** to break 300k heals in WZ, and all the while hope I get a 5k crit heal and randomly try to dot enemy mobs, making that 300k even harder to obtain. Getting kills for healing in-combat allies is a nice standard way to help but I also like the heal medals for healing OTHERS more. Make me feel like sacrificing my damage capabiliies is worth it, and not rewarding my constant vigalance with only ONE more medal than a random OP/smug can get easily.
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