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Level 50 PVP bracket = HORRIBLE!


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I wish noobs were the only problem with the new pvp system. My biggest issue is that on my server warzones are really difficult to come by. Ilum is still a mess - it's either empty or whoever has the more players in their team wins.

I think I've only played 2 matches in the past 5 days. I don't understand the reasoning behind this patch ...I've seen low lvl players do very good in warzones and the other way around.

Thanx BioWare for taking away the only reason I had to log in.

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It is very easy to gear up at 50.


There are 2 daily quests and 2 weekly quests that yield 20 champion bags after completing a week's worth.


In addition, participating in warzones and earning medals yields warzone commendations as well.


After a week, you should be adequately geared to fight other level 50s unless you have really bad luck with champion bags.


In addition, try to organize with other players prior to queueing a warzone solo.


Others will experience the same on the other side (Republic, if you are Empire) so its a level playing field for the most part.


if you are playing the underrepresented side, it can take you 8+ hours to get your 3 wins per day. not everyone can feasibly play that much


if you are on the underrepresented side it may not be possible to get your 30 kills or armaments per day


you might eventually finish the weeklies, but to expect a reasonable person to be able to do that every day is unreasonable with how infrequent the level 50 warzones pop. and as the underrepresented side continues to get wafflestomped by imperials who still have not been punished for getting to 60 faster than intended on wednesday they stop queue'ng entirely and just do flashpoints or play alts - making the wait longer.


we saw this in rift. we saw this in wow before cross server battlegrounds. we saw this in daoc as albs started to get rr5 en masse and the wafflestomped hibs and mids couldnt catch up fast enough. we are seeing it here.

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I have to say this because its one of the things i hate most about pvp... And that's the elitist pvp players that think they're all that. If there is a problem with 'noob pvp players' what's wrong with helping them? What's wrong with telling them how to throw the ball or telling them which way to run? Has it struck people that by helping the 'noob pvpers' that it'll make them better? Thus making pvp as a whole better.


Granted I'm not that good at pvp but i do like it, and i've been on the receiving end of abuse, when i could of used help and it made me think that pvping itself isn't bad but its some of the players that put others off it.


Everyone one has to start somewhere.


There is a new "generation X" culture of Pee-bottles involved with PVP now. And their elitist attitude is so pathetic.


Pee-bottle: In the documentary film "Second Skin" an obsessive gamer reveals that he at one time urinated in a bottle to avoid having to get up from the computer. Though not every person who fits the description of "pee-bottle" actually does this, it describes the kind of gamer who's entire self esteem is wrapped up in being "leet" in a video game. Generally these people have pathetic lives in person.


Teaching people or taking the time to help people is actually looked down on by these people. They seem to think this makes their faction strong. I have never had any problem spanking people with this attitude but they tend to gravitate towards OP classes and will use their total lack of a real life to grind out gear faster then others and then claim it's their "leet skills" that wins them fights. They are usually the most nasty in arguments about if their pet class is OP or not.


The phenomena is common to people who want to set up a social situation wherein they can somehow be elite or "better" then people who have not done enough to kiss their derriers recently. It's not unlike the nonsense that the "in crowd" does in high school.


What is worse about this, it is hurting the community in general. Guilds do not work together, they compete against each other for bragging rights. And it is not working out for us in the long run particularly in the Republic.




Because they all want to claim they can stand alone all by themselves. And while that might work in WZs, it is a recipe for getting crushed in world PVP.


These people think they are the ultimate gift to PVP, when in reality they are ruining it. And most of them are nothing if they do not outgear their opponents.

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A lot of the problem is this, there is a large abundance of people on my server who have just hit 50 without ever being in a Warzone. Hell half my guild did that. Because of the lack of things to do at endgame they will inevitably get bored and do some warzones being both ill equipped and inexperienced.
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50 brackets are fine, yes i notice a lot of people now leaving warzones to avoid leveling to 50. This is just so they can have easy mode wins, its baffling how people imagine such a thing is on par with facing people who are your equals. More skill is required, no advantages of having more points etc and most importantly.. most people in warzones know what to actually do. The last part makes it a major win for me personally.
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It's not about gearing up. It's about people sucking at PVP.... don't try to gear up in PVP if you do not know 'theHell you are doing. Seeing 50s run the wrong way in Huttball, ask how to pass, etc.


It would not be so bad if I wasn't geting screwed by the RNG. Missing several pieces at valor 54 (keep in mind our server didn't do the Ilum exploit).


A lot of people don't even bother doing pvp till they are 50. So its understandable that they wouldn't know whats going on.

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so the majority of posts were in favor of a bracket system and then when it gets implemented the majority of posts are about how it sucks.


i do not envy bioware.


you have to understand that all the players that were in favor of it were still in there 20'-30's, now that there in their 50's and don't' have any easy lower level kills there QQ'ing about it....

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I constantly lose on my server due to minimal PvP experienced 50s that pvp for only the daily to get free gear. Not to mention I'm Republic and get completely sacked (Well, not me due to some good gear) but team-wise... Lets just say we lose. Hard.


I wish that there was a way to have players on a PvP server actually WANT to pvp... why not just role PvE server if people don't pvp?! I don't get it.

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A lot of people do know what they're doing though. I'm not going to claim to be some PvP god, but I've PvP'd in many mmos so I think I have a general idea of how to play. I'm not terrible. I'm good. Simple. The problem isn't brackets. The problem is all the people who had the easy ride to PvP gear before they made all these changes. Now everyone who is late to the party is stuck getting slaughtered by all the people who weren't late to the party. That on top of the longer requirements required to gear for pvp, makes the 50 bracket incredibly painful for anyone who's now just starting to gear up.


Remove RNG and give a blue pvp set via crafting or cheap WZ commendations and it will make things a lot less painful.

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i can only hope they bracket the wz so you get 2 off each class like 2 agent class and so on

cant be more boring to have 4-5 sorcs 2-3 bh then then 1 or 2 off the other classes

Have been in buttball wz with 14 sorcs how boring was that shield force lightning the whole fight


Well agents are getting a nerf to their burst dps so they won't be as bad, but I agree when a team gets 4-5 sorc's on there side it's near impossible to win against them with their spam heals and endless supply of cc's


And since Bioware refuses to address the Sorc issue more and more people are rolling them... Last Warfront I was in 6 of the 8 players on the other side were sorc's


Typical Sorc


Shield, Lighting, Lighting, Heal, Heal, Shield, Lighting Lighting, Heal, Heal, Shield, etc..etc.. now times that by 4-5 players doing this and it's way OP.. It's sad when a Light Armor wearing class has a ton more survivability then a Med armor wearing class, hell I've seen sorcs have a better survivability then tanks with heavy gear..

Edited by Monoth
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agents have high burst damage but it changes when you get gear on an op only have that high burst when he uses pvp buff and surge stim 450 + butt he can only use 1 time in 3 min

And after the nerf they can get the shield down in 1 hit then all you need to do is cc and take out range op dead

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So, what I was thinking a level 50 bracket would do, is put all the people who suck at PVP into another bracket. Wrong! The undergeared n00bs who queue in the 50 bracket are some of the worst PVPers I have ever seen in my life. I hate them. In fact, I would rather have level 10s on my team, than some scrub 50 who thinks that PVP is the easy ticket to gearing up.... then proceeds to get curb stomped match after match and quit every time.



What? You mean the level 50 with level 13 valor isn't good at pvp?

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I'm sorry, but the 1 ability you get at 50 doesn't change this at all. I was 36 against 47s today. Same deal. Its not an issue. Expertise is. It needs to go


I was in a Huttball match. Lvl 50 in full PvP gear, he had over HALF the team on his trail trying to kill him. He scored all 6 goals that game. Didn't die once.


I didn't mind facing 50's w/o the Champion PvP gear, it was hard, BUT doable. When they were 50 in the gear, it became like trying to get a pig to sing.

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Ever heard the phrase of "Learning by doing" ? Game has multiple avenues of leveling from 1-50, one of which being entirely via PVE (quests), another by only doing PVP (Warzones). It's not an uncommon practice, to leave PVP until reaching max level, and those who have never PVP:ed a day in their life, start out as "fresh newbies" at 50. It's not uncommon, and it's nothing wrong with it either.


I'd say there is something wrong with it if they just quit as soon as they start losing, which is what the fellow you quoted was complaining about.

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I dinged 50 this week on my Shadow, PvP level 50 is horrible. The problem is this, you need to gear up, but to do that you need to win warzones. Republic on my server do NOT win warzones, just did 20 warzones as a sample, won ONE, lost NINETEEN...in a row.


Ilum involves us being camped at our base, for melee this is horrible, not only is it virtually unplayable due to lag, but as a melee how are you supposed to get kills? The only way I've found to do it is to join a group and leech what you can. This involves using Force Pull every 45 seconds to drag someone to there doom, until then it's just stand and watch.


I'm currently considering my options, is it like this for other other servers in the EU? Do republic lose this many warfronts on other servers? Or is it just horrible server I've joined?

Edited by Archaar
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so the majority of posts were in favor of a bracket system and then when it gets implemented the majority of posts are about how it sucks.


i do not envy bioware.


Most of us that actually PvP knew that'd suck and were against it. But alas, the vocal minority won out, as they always seem to do in these games...

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So, what I was thinking a level 50 bracket would do, is put all the people who suck at PVP into another bracket. Wrong! The undergeared n00bs who queue in the 50 bracket are some of the worst PVPers I have ever seen in my life. I hate them. In fact, I would rather have level 10s on my team, than some scrub 50 who thinks that PVP is the easy ticket to gearing up.... then proceeds to get curb stomped match after match and quit every time.


no a champion geard player against a level 13 thats fine........

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The easiest thing to do would be to stop making all the requirements be "win x warzones" and have them be "complete x warzones". The daily and weekly quests are the main way you'll be gearing up, and general activity commendations can be more heavily tied to in-match activity such that even if you've got a crappy, inexperienced team, you're still being appropriately rewarded for your actions.


First of all, it would encourage people to stay the course for matches rather than ditch them when they're doing poorly - this is a major pain in the *** in warzones like huttball. Quitting a match would simply result in punishing one's self... at present, you're better off quitting the match when you know you won't win in favor of requeueing for a match you might win (and thus complete the current necessary requirements for daily and weekly pvp missions).


Second, it means that people who are gearing up can gear up at a reasonbly consistent rate even if it means suffering through being hammered by already geared players. Win or lose, they have no mechanical reason for getting frustrated by match outcomes or to be turned off doing at least three matches on any given day.


Third, it means if you're in a PVP group that is slaughtering your competition, you'll still have competition lining up to get slaughtered. You won't get stuck with ridiculously long queue times because the losers from previous matches just don't feel like being punching bags anymore.


The size of the active PVP crowd is not really big enough at the moment to have a system that discourages people from joining it. Something similar needs to be put in place to Ilum PVP as well, to get people populating the area.

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  • 1 month later...
I started PVPing alot at 50, I did 7 valor levels before 50 and liked it then came back after 50 and found myself in the level 50 bracket with no gear. I know the fights but i cant scratch people in full BM gear. I have pvp skills but not magic powers lol. I will come back to this game when they fix things. Really sad because I do like so many things in game just not enough. Edited by NIGHTRUS
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