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Everything posted by Sarcina

  1. Bad player is Bad. You shall not be missed if you think a MMO does not need tinkering around in class DPS...
  2. Forever Nerfed... I don't wanna be... Forever nerfed...
  3. Well I tried 31 DF for PvP and I did in fact top dps by a ton. Kept tons of people off Objectives and it was fun! But i do see it being kind of like a Watered Down tree and should be reworked.
  4. Ha. If only we had more than 12 people on Republic Side... Nah I wouldnt.... Well... So tempting.... But it's just easier for Imperial to just sit at our base all day and demolish our pride.
  5. games like Civil War seem to cause loads of FPS issues, i think it's somting to do with the Cannons constantly fireing or something. My desktop PC is a beast and drop significantly on that map. I usually play on my Laptop which isnt a gaming laptop but I do get 60+ fps everything on High except Shadows but WZ's drop it to 30ish, which is around the same i'd get for my Beast Desktop... So I think it's on Biowares end. just my two dimes.
  6. hm... Editied due to my quick reaction to only reading the Title. ha. Well played Rage mode, well played.
  7. Buh-Bye. have fun playing... um... ... Poop head. HA!
  8. Sarcina

    Random bags sucks!

    Yessssssss... Got my 5th PvP belt and 3rd Off Hand. I've only been 50 for 3ish weeks. I don't see the problem with these bags giving the same damn gear over and over, totally worth my grind to gear out my companions that I never use and get them all full Champion gear... Broken Random Loot for countless hours of Grinding? Possibly... Maybe... Yes.
  9. Sarcina

    Faction PvP

    Rerole on my serer, i'm republic and we have an average of 15 people Pvping constantly... Imperial have like... A Bazillion and some... Imperial stomps us, and want to know a funny thing? Our server is usually heavy load... i'm guessing it's just the imperials flooding in and out! So yeah, you must be on a very rare server where imperials "suck".
  10. I constantly lose on my server due to minimal PvP experienced 50s that pvp for only the daily to get free gear. Not to mention I'm Republic and get completely sacked (Well, not me due to some good gear) but team-wise... Lets just say we lose. Hard. I wish that there was a way to have players on a PvP server actually WANT to pvp... why not just role PvE server if people don't pvp?! I don't get it.
  11. Hilarious. I've had one ticket actually make it to the "Live Chat" feature and guess what they told me... "How can I help you." -- "You're information is being sent to our team to resolve this issue." --- "Is there anything else I can help you with?" --- (me) "I havent even responded to the initial welcome message you sent me..." ^ True Story.
  12. Really? The ratio of Sith vs Rep on my server is literally 4:1. Atleast before this change to the daily pvp in Ilum I was able to get it done. Now it's me and MAYBE 2 other Republics fighting Sith.... Against a team of 14. This is Horrible. I would love to know what Bioware is doing to improve the chances of Republic actually making a dent in the mass sea of red on Ilum. I was also wondering if anyone else has this problem? Atleast on PvP servers which i think I' on a PvE since i see more people doing FPs than trying to do ANY pvp, like they all gave up.
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