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HEY GUESS WHAT! Nothing was fixed Attached Screenshot


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the lag won't get fixed, ever. the entire engine would need an overhaul for that. it boggles my mind that they made an entire zone for open pvp, whilst they have to disable all the texture just to make the game run reasonably smooth. once you get 40+ players on screen it become lagfest supreme.
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As a republic melee, my Ilum fighting consists of putting someone on guard and hoping the giat red slideshow doesn't get too close.


haha, i jumped into the taxi that leaves me in the center left and from there on spent about one hour finding the lonelly sith here and there and the supply crates that noone was guarding obviously cause everyone was at rep base south


Then the horde moved to the center so i went south, then they moved north so i went center


Its all about horde control and guerrilla tactics


And everytime i was about to die to 10 imps i spammed, "lol, 5 to 1 odds, you suck that cant even fight a fair fight looser"


I just leave that chat open and click on it without even fighting

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When I said work itself out, I was referring to Bioware working itself out. I was suggesting to see how things will turn out when Bioware adds more content in the future.


Again, the situation is exactly the same as wow. The beginning of wow, with many issues, people had no confidence in Blizzard's developers either. So again, based on your logic, WoW should have failed.


It is your rightful opinion what you think of their developers. But it is not fact, nor conclusive evidence to suggest the game's failure.


Right, however the situation is not entirely the same. When WOW came out the level of choice available for consumers of the genre was lower as it is now. WOW did not have as many models as points of comparison and lessons learned from to avoid similar pitfalls.

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Really dumb design decision for a pvp daily. Just change it so kills apply to warzones. The current design forces you to group up, camp and kill just to get your 30 kills. I'm sure the servers are seeing significant load increase because of this, and now I'm beginning to wonder why there is a test server if BW is not going to use it properly.
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This is NOT world pvp. World pvp would be putting a cap on the number of empire and republic players who can be in the zone at the same time giving equal numbers. Ilum is full right now with 30 republic players and probably 70 empire (assuming the cap is 100). World pvp is something FUN it is NOT being zergged down by a 2+:1 ratio at 5 fps.


No, that would not be world pvp. It would be like a big warzone... like AV in WoW.


World PVP is not supposed to be fair. It was, is and always be a zerg / blob even in games where there arent any faction, or if there are there is no faction imbalance. People always choose to fight battles they can win (or they think so), so there is no incentive for a group of 10 to fight a group of 50, or for the group of 50 to split so they can give the others a fair chance.


What is need is the zone to have such elements which will force the groups of 50 to split, and / or guerilla tactics to work.

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There's only so much they can do about the faction balance issue.


On HoG - typically 100-120 Republic players at any given moment on the Republic fleet. Whenever I log over to my Imperial alt - 200-250.



Suck it up, play Republic and adapt to overcome. Or, switch sides and run with Team Easy Valor.

There's a lot they could do, they've just chosen to do nothing. Stat buff for the under represented side, exp buff to the small side, valor buff to the small side, npc helpers on the small side. All of these things have been done successfully in other games.

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Yes run into zerg and complain little repub, whatever you do, don't group up and taxi out, and then start capping the points.


HEY GUESS WHAT! This would cause the imps valor to go from 140ish to 20ish per kill, and smaller groups of them will break off the zerg and try and find you, thus giving you a more even battle, and the imps less incentive to zerg the base.


Whatever you do, do NOT do the above. Just run frame by frame into the zerg and feed the imps valor. Then complain on the forums about the imps getting too much valor and hope that BW eventually just PvP's for you...

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Hey Bioware guess what you did by making it so they couldn't spawn camp us in our base? The exact thing that I said would happen, they are now simply camping us...OUTSIDE OF OUR BASE! On both sides, there are probably ~20-30 imperials sitting at the central outpost as well preventing any republic from collecting armaments. Good job on the "fix". More of a reason to not pay you on the 21st.


The 5-10 fps also doesn't help at all.




I'm sorry to hear that. We had a blast last night all over Ilum battling the Reps. We had a group of 32 scattered around the zone and so did the Reps, some small battles, some big battles for about an hour....great time!


It sounds like you're just on a terrible server with terrible players.

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Hey Bioware guess what you did by making it so they couldn't spawn camp us in our base? The exact thing that I said would happen, they are now simply camping us...OUTSIDE OF OUR BASE! On both sides, there are probably ~20-30 imperials sitting at the central outpost as well preventing any republic from collecting armaments. Good job on the "fix". More of a reason to not pay you on the 21st.


The 5-10 fps also doesn't help at all.




Oh hey, look, it's Ilum! I'd recognize that planet anywhere!

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I tried, there are groups of imperials outside of the zerg, so I can't do anything. I've found ONE solo empire player, the rest have been groups of 6-15. I am also a healer and by the time I find anybody I would be able to kill in a 1v1, more empire will show up and kill me due to slow damage.


Sounds like you need a guild or friends...

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Here is my suggestion for Republic:


Pick 3 high population servers; an East Coast server, a West Coast server, and one European server for everyone who is interested to join and level pvp characters on. Pvp servers will do, I suppose, since I assume most people interested in this part of the forum won't be sensible and go with a pve server to avoid the annoyances.


Then start a thread here in the pvp forum if it's allowed and keep it bumped.


Not the Crucible server, though, apparently that one is already doing pretty well Republic side.


If you want to succeed in Ilum pvp, I'm pretty sure you're going to have to get organized.


Change servers is a terrible idea if people have already got gear the they have grinded and expect them to do it again? It is quite funny that not one imperial player has a problem cause it isnt happening to them.

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Sounds like you need a guild or friends...


When you log into ilum go to general chat and ask if anyone is on ops to send you and invite


Thats what we did yesterday and even though we were not in the same guild we managed to assemble a team of 10 or so



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Right, however the situation is not entirely the same. When WOW came out the level of choice available for consumers of the genre was lower as it is now. WOW did not have as many models as points of comparison and lessons learned from to avoid similar pitfalls.


But they still had a lot to compare to at the time. They had Everquest, Final Fantasy online, a few others, and Asian MMO's (There's a lot of them, just not mainstream in US). Sure, not the same amount as they do now, but BW still did quite a few things right that were learned from other MMO's.


People who think SWTOR is a massive failure is mainly because the things they wanted right away aren't addressed or aren't in the game (yet). But there are many people who still find enjoyment in what is currently available. Their PvP system could use more work, so it is being worked on. Those who want perfect pvp'ing right now are the ones disappointed and threaten to leave. They have every right to do so. But also, keep in mind this game was advertised primarily as PvE Story based and character development. Coming in here expecting awesome pvp right this moment is somewhat premature.


But hey, everyone is free to cancel and come back at another time if they choose.

Edited by Lazorous
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World PvP is something that just happens while you are questing or adventuring, not a scripted 'zone' event used to farm pvp objectives.


If this is true why are there missions which can be called "objectives" that involve Ilum???

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Hey Bioware guess what you did by making it so they couldn't spawn camp us in our base? The exact thing that I said would happen, they are now simply camping us...OUTSIDE OF OUR BASE! On both sides, there are probably ~20-30 imperials sitting at the central outpost as well preventing any republic from collecting armaments. Good job on the "fix". More of a reason to not pay you on the 21st.


The 5-10 fps also doesn't help at all.




goodbye, don't let the door hit you on the way out

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unless they put a hard cap on the numbers of people then bioware will never be able to stop that from happening. its not their fault that faction imbalance exists.


you know what will happen if they cap the numbers? people will whine and complain that it isnt world pvp anymore (and they would be correct, its just a WZ)



you can have balanced pvp, or open world pvp. they are mutually exclusive, and no matter which gets picked people will complain about the lack of the other.


It's simple, make it so that the dailies and rewards for the smaller side are commensurately more rewarding than the zerg side. Don't nerf the zerg, don't cap the numbers but reward people for *putting in more effort and coordination* to achieve their objectives. If republic is going to be hardmode, reward it as such.

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What did you expect? This is open world pvp. I suspect most people asking for open world pvp to be viable had no idea what open pvp is.


This is what is. This does not surprise anyone who has played open pvp before


Ilum isn't open world, it's another warzone.

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Hehe , try to go outside and just stare at the big wall, without any players visible you will still get only 5-10 fps. The engine is so bad, it renders non visible players behind obstacles like walls...


tl,dr fix rendering distance!

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