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I am not /quit ing thread.


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I'm not quitting, either.


My wallet can handle $15 bucks a month to support a game I find entertaining.


I spend more on bad coffee.


I hate to see how much you spend on good coffee.


I am also not /quiting. Game is cool for me so far. Course the whole nerf/buff/nerf to slicing is making me pull my hair out.

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Remember, the people that are happy with the game are... yes you guessed it: playing the game! angry internet people will be all over the forums, that's why it looks like the haters outweigh the people that love the game. There's this attitude in gaming that goes like this: "I don't want anyone to like a game that I don't like, I'm bored of the game so I want it to fail". These people should really just move on and find something they do like.

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You do realize that the general forum is a cess pool of rage/soapboxing/nitpicking and overall QQ that is perpetuated by a dreadfully tiny margin of loud players? If you come here for any other reason than to watch the train wreck of whining, insulting, pseudo-intellectualism clashing with emotional tirades then you you'll be disappointed.


That is not to say many of these people don't have valid complaints. I just think much of it is over blown hoopla.


And trying to start a thread defending Bioware HERE is nothing but troll bait.


I still love the game, BTW.

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Just updated my subscription. I love this game and I really look forward to seeing where it goes. This MMO has offered to me something none of the otherwise have before, well put together story with companions who I love and are not just dead paperweights. It's the first MMORPG to fill the RPG part for me.

I look forward to watching it grow. Nothing starts perfect, the kinks will iron out with time. =D

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I play games when I am having fun and don't when I am not. This can be because of game reasons or life. If I stop playing I simply move on to other pursuits that have my attention at the time.


I don't have a hostage manifesto that must be met for me to play. I would never play a game if I thought developers were trying to lie or trick me.


I am enjoying the game and playing it now. Might be a week or nine years, video games don't control and guide my life.

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I didn't read the thread since the title alone got my attention. lol With that said, I will not be leaving any time soon either. The ones that are screaming like spoiled children are the ones that are never happy. They are the ones that think they know best but yet are not the ones to develop what they view to be the perfect game right out of the gates.


Patience will indeed outlast those that have Veruca Salt syndrome and want everything now.

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I subbed for the long haul. I don't get my panties in a bunch because there are things I don't like. I'm having a blast, and so are my guildees. I wouldn't want it like WoW, because I hate WoW. Blizzard took a good idea and ran with it, but definitely NOT the Father of MMO's.


I wouldn't want it like SWG because, it sucked too, it needed to be shut down years ago, but Sony loves to milk a dead cow, and kills every MMO they touch.


Although I loved the PVP in DAOC, and wished this PVP was more like it, I understand that this is a whole new ballgame, but not the be-all end-all of the direction this game will take in the future.


I'm happy to see those who hate the game leave honestly, because one thing that inherently kills MMO's is negative community. I personally would like to see this game outlast the best of them.


I'm looking forward to the masses who come to play the game in the future, and to the masses who are here now having fun.


Those who are leaving....Bye...You will not be missed.


Great post OP...:)

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I'm definitely NOT quitting. I'm having fun in this game and I find it well worth the relatively minor monthly cost. My credit card will be charged for a 6-month sub tomorrow.


Many complaints I've read on the forums reflect unreasonable expectations, in my opinion. I've played numerous MMOs over the years. SWTOR's launch was very smooth compared to most, and the issues that crop up are perfectly normal for new MMOs.


I have the patience to wait for fixes. Those who don't have the patience to wait for fixes certainly have every right to complain and/or quit, but I think they're being unreasonable and short-sighted.


(I also have to wonder how many of the "quitters" are really quitting, and how many are just using the threat of quitting in an attempt to influence BioWare to give their desired fixes priority over other players' desired fixes.)

Edited by Walking-Carpet
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I agree. Love the game. I love the post above about not having a "hostage manifesto". Great analogy.


This game is fun. It has had an amazing, smooth, professional and finished product at launch, far and away better than anything since LOTRO in recent memory (and this launch was better than that one by a bit). Is it perfectly tuned? No, no game ever is at launch. I, too, have the patience to let the game grow and develop over time.


I am constantly amazed by the rage and behavior of some of the posters. Like the game owes them something (beyond the content and ability to play it). No one can claim this game is so busted as to be a significant problem--see STO or Age of Conan, for example, neither of which were even close to finished at launch; then also see Vanguard for what happens if you listed to all these alleged "hard core" gamers and what happens if you try to satisfy their overly-loud complaints.


I am staying for sure. This game is impressive. I can survive through the tweaks and growing pains of a game if I think the developers are being good caretakers of the content, and BW is.


Great job, BioWare.


Do I have my pet issues--not autostacking components, the auction house and its functionality, etc.--of course I do.


But the rage shouting is like small children never taught that they can't have their candy right this second. It is truly amazing to me the way some people behave. The anonymity of the internet, I guess...

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I am not going anywhere, my gaming friends (8+ years gaming together) are sticking around too. We are thoroughly enjoying the game. We were all together for WoW's launch too, and I had a toon that spent 5 days trying to loot a mob at launch.


How quickly folks forget.

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I Am Not Quitting

Why Not?


Kira is a cool character and I want to see where her story goes.


My guildmates are a good bunch.


Voiced quests are awesome and have totally ruined other games for me. I won't read quest text again. OK, I will for Age of Decadence, but that's the only one, I promise.


I never get tired of Force Leap.


Shooting lightning at foes while Khem smacks them down never gets old.


I like Tatooine and Alderan and look forward to seeing the later planets.


Getting closure on some Taris quests was very satisfying (and, I have to admit, emotional).


I am having fun.

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I feel I should post a good topic about this game to battle against the sea of flame that seems to be brushing over the forums.


I will not be /quitting because I thoroughly enjoy this game.


This game has bugs, yes. People however are quick to forget how MMO launches go. They aren't a bug free bucket of rainbows sadly and I feel that this sentiment is coming from a lot of people who joined the MMO genre from WOW long after that game was off the ground.


Bugs take time to fix: man hours put in to diagnose, fix, and re-diagnose the problems. Content will take time to implement. As much as we want content NOW, sadly the world doesn't work like that. My generation of people, the Iphone generation, need quick fixes that aren't feasible.


What I see is an MMO that had a smooth launch. There are bugs yes, but bugs that I personally don't see as *gasp* gamebreaking, /rage quit, or even the dreaded "Why I'm not resubscribing because X". I enjoy the fully animated cut scenes and story, happy that I don't have to read boring text from static AI. This game makes it easy and enjoyable to follow the story ARCs, most notably the class stories. The companion characters are another welcome addition, letting me quest even when my buddies aren't on. Sometimes, its okay to quest on your own and sometimes its fun to group with others. This game gives you that option.


This game to me doesn't play like WOW in fact but plays like an MMO, which has been around well before Blizzard jumped onto the scene. Like Blizzard before them, Bioware has taken many parts of the MMO idea and tweaked it to their liking which seems to be working out well. As a veteran of games such as Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies, and World of Warcraft, I can definitely say I am very impressed with this game and can't wait to see where the developers take it.


So I would like to hear from the community which aspect of the game you like and what keeps you coming back for more.


I am in it for the long haul!

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