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Everything posted by Clark_CDA

  1. Mike, seriously you can do it. My guess is your character and your companion might not have good enough gear, perhaps? Have you been keeping up with mods for your lightsaber? Are you using your commendations from each planet to buy yourself upgrades?
  2. 6 times. I have to admit, it was this fight that finally got me to really play the class properly and to set up my buttons properly. You can get through this game without playing your class properly all the time. Here is what I learned: this encounter requires you to really do your interrupts properly. Now, at this level we have Kick, Stasis, Force Push and Hilt Strike (I believe I have the names right, I'm not at my PC where the game is installed). In any event, there are 4. During this fight, I got killed over and over. Clearly the problem was that I was not interrupting all of his powers. The reason for that is I had all my interrupt skills all over my button bar. So, after dying for the 5th time, I rearranged my button bar and put all my interrupt skills in a row on the upper right of my bar, with Kick first, then Stasis, push, etc. That way it was always easy to see what was on cool down and what wasnt. And I focused on keeping my Focus up so that i could always activate any interrupt whenever he started to use a power on a timer. Once you do that, you can make it so that you are always able to interrupt his powers. If you do that, you will win this fight. I'm glad it was an encounter like this that made me finally get my act together and break out of my lazy play. The 6th time, I killed him easily. In fact, once you play it properly it is surprising how easy it is. I was, frankly, embarassed I had been doing such a bad job. So if you are struggling, make sure you identify all your interrupt skills (and my recollection is that the skill text does not always properly identify the skill as providing an interrupt), then put them all next to each other on your button bar. I prefer Kick first since it is your primary one. That might help.
  3. This happened to me, too, the other night for the first time in game. I accidentally damaged a player by an AOE--and the player was helping me defeat a mob. Then he started attacking me. I had no idea at first what was going on. Then I realized I had gotten flagged for PVP. The solution is simple, add a third option to the swich: Now its just PVP on or off. It should be: 1. Flag for PVP (exists now) 2. PVP off unless I take action (exists now) 3. PVP shall never occur (new proposed)
  4. I agree. Love the game. I love the post above about not having a "hostage manifesto". Great analogy. This game is fun. It has had an amazing, smooth, professional and finished product at launch, far and away better than anything since LOTRO in recent memory (and this launch was better than that one by a bit). Is it perfectly tuned? No, no game ever is at launch. I, too, have the patience to let the game grow and develop over time. I am constantly amazed by the rage and behavior of some of the posters. Like the game owes them something (beyond the content and ability to play it). No one can claim this game is so busted as to be a significant problem--see STO or Age of Conan, for example, neither of which were even close to finished at launch; then also see Vanguard for what happens if you listed to all these alleged "hard core" gamers and what happens if you try to satisfy their overly-loud complaints. I am staying for sure. This game is impressive. I can survive through the tweaks and growing pains of a game if I think the developers are being good caretakers of the content, and BW is. Great job, BioWare. Do I have my pet issues--not autostacking components, the auction house and its functionality, etc.--of course I do. But the rage shouting is like small children never taught that they can't have their candy right this second. It is truly amazing to me the way some people behave. The anonymity of the internet, I guess...
  5. Big +1 for me on this. I want to see taxis and trainers and several things on my map at once. They should all be able to be toggled on or off.
  6. I have a suggestion: I want to be able to open my character sheet and view my equipped items (and most importantly the mods equipped on those items) while I am searching on the GTN. I apologize if there is a way to do this and I dont know how. If there isn't, then I think this needs to be added. I should be able to have my char sheet open while I search the GTN to see what mods to buy for my armor or weapons. (If this can be done, please let me know) Sorry if this has already been posted, I tried to scan the thread but didn't see it.
  7. I know you already know this.... But the forums and the community will change drastically in 31 days. Like any of the recent MMO launches, once the early access players leave (after their 5 free days that they got for $5 to hold a game and then a cancelled preorder) and once the people who got it for a gift or a lark to try it out leave (when their free 30 days play time expires and they need a credit card or a grownup source of money) then the whining and crying will die down and you will have the actual community left. It happened in all the recent launches I've seen. So please don't react to all the cries for immediate change. None of us, the actual long term players, are going to bail on this game because you didnt have a dps meter to our liking in the first 30 days. None of us are going to bail because you didnt fix the loot system in the first 30 days. Or any of the other constant problem threads we see at MMO launch (economy is broken, class not balanced for pvp, etc). So please just wait. Let the freebies and the lookie loos come in, get their free bit of play, rush to 50 to say they did it, complain about lack of endgame, then get out and never come back and frag the game for not "keeping their interest" or not "having enough endgame content at launch" or other lame justification they use for playing for free and getting out. Those people are not your long term fan base. But you already know that. Stay strong. The game is great. I trust you to develop it and change it as required based on the feed back from the actual amazing community you will have here once the drive by players get done driving by.
  8. You know, I've been pretty consistent in blasting some of the whiners. But I have to admit, this is a well thought out post. I'm not sure the fact that BioWare could have done it better means that the whiners are entitled to whine. But your post does give me something to think about.
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