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SSD Does NOTHING to improve Loading Times for SWTOR


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Most of the delay in loading zones is retrieving dynamic data from the server, not loading static data from disk. No SSD in the world is going to get rid of that delay.


this. I sit there staring at the lights on the router while TOR goes on coffee break during loading.


I listened in one time and it was literally debating how many times to make you run through the planet's orbital station before letting you continue.


then the SSD loads it in a second.

Edited by justamemory
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I have the game on my SSD and normal HDD (7200rpm), SSD is much faster but my normal HDD isn't that bad, never over a minute (usually 30 secs for large planets).


Maybe there is something wrong with your system? It's easy to make your PC function bad if you don't look after it.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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Obvious is obvious :)


Nope, all SSD drivers are backward compatible, even if he is using in SATA1 mode, it still should be faster than my POS laptop HDD.

When you zone, game downloading something from net or synchronizing with server, witch actually depends how good is your net connection.

But hey, I'm using 3G modem, with max bandwidth 4Gbit/s. And yet still I'm getting same loading time as SSD users.

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One thing to understand about SSD's is that they're not faster than conventional drives in all situations. What they are faster at is Dynamic access, particularly on small bits of memory that is not stored sequentially. For large sequential transfers a conventional drive could be faster.


The reason for this is a SSD unlike a conventional hard drive uses NAND flash memory for the most part. This means it behaves more like ram with fast random access times, but in general slower sequential access times.


Putting a pair of SSD's in a Raid 0 (striped) array offsets this by letting you write to two drives at the same time. Also not all SSD's are going for blistering fast random access times at the cost of sequential. There are different SSD controllers that can have more balanced numbers.


Zone loads tend to be large sequential data sets where specific armor/texture calls as you play are most likely Random.


I have a pair of Vertex 3 on a SATA III controller for MMO's and the OS is on an independent set of Mirrored SATA drives. Zone loads for me are in the 5-10 second range. SSD's are not cost effective though so for things where you don't need the speed put it on a large conventional drive.


On the poster who said MMO's shorten SSD lifespan, that's utter hogwash if you're running Windows 7, which is designed to minimize read/write on SSD drives. It is true though that SSD's have a limited number of Read/Write's, but they should last longer than the lifespan of a computer under most circumstances.


When running a Raid 0 or just in general make sure to set a backup drive to prevent data failure. Windows 7 makes this trivial.

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The engine is horribly coded. I have an i7 at 4.1 ghz, SLI 580 gtx, and an SSD, but I still get 3-4 minute load times.


Seriously? 3-4 minutes...that's just insane. Mine are 30 sec max.... and I have system that is far less powerful. I never get loading times that are anywhere close to that. You must have a problem somewhere, mate. And I did infact notice quite an improvement when switching from an HDD to an SSD.

While some improvement could devinitely be made, the loading times are not a major problem for me.

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Something is wrong with your setup if you're getting 3-4 minute load times. Seriously.


This ^ My system is an AMD 2.8 Quad w/ 8GB of ram and an old ATI 4770 and I have never had a loading screen more than a minute or so - and that is just the planet loads. Area loads are like 20 seconds at the most.

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Nope, all SSD drivers are backward compatible, even if he is using in SATA1 mode, it still should be faster than my POS laptop HDD.

When you zone, game downloading something from net or synchronizing with server, witch actually depends how good is your net connection.

But hey, I'm using 3G modem, with max bandwidth 4Gbit/s. And yet still I'm getting same loading time as SSD users.

Dude...he was trolling. Hence the obvious.
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The engine is horribly coded. I have an i7 at 4.1 ghz, SLI 580 gtx, and an SSD, but I still get 3-4 minute load times.



humm i'm running a competative system i5 clocked at 4.5 ghz 8gig ram 2 560 ti SLI and a SSD for windows (120gig) and a raid 0 (mad from 2 30gig SSD's) for my d drive for games

and a 1 TB for e drive for storage and my normal load times are between 10-20 seconds.. have had a few that take MAYBE 45 seconds


not sure what your issues could be... hows your internet speed? i'm runinng a 25mbit connection with a average ping of 50ish


what things you got running in the back round? all i have running is core temp to monitor cpu temps (computer was just built about 2 weeks ago) evga persision (to monitor gpu temps) fraps to monitor FPS (built in one is sooo small.. =P) ant mayeb firefox

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I know a lot about computers but very little about SSD's. Can someone tell me if I have to actually write SWTOR to my SSD or can i just transfer it from my other HDD. Any help would help a lot thanks in advance.


This tells me you don't know much, ahem.


You can just move the game from one HD to another, you don't need to reinstall it.

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In my desktop I have an SSD (120GB Intel X25-M), it's my boot drive and SWTOR is installed to it. My load times are generally around 20 seconds.


Now back in beta, my load times were less than 10 seconds...


Now my laptop has a 1.8" drive and the load times on it are 2+ minutes, but that's because the HD is horribly slow.

Edited by iain_b
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Yeah this game has the longest load times I've seen in years... maybe ever... I can't think of a game with longer loads off the top of my head though I'm sure they exist somewhere.

Definitely the longest load times in any MMORPG I've played...


Some of the late-game planets are the worst. Tatooine, Alderaan, Hoth, maybe Corellia.

Puts my beefy 4-way RAID0 to work. Derp.

Edited by TaintedSquirrel
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Yeah this game has the longest load times I've seen in years... maybe ever... I can't think of a game with longer loads off the top of my head though I'm sure they exist somewhere.

Definitely the longest load times in any MMORPG I've played...


Some of the late-game planets are the worst. Tatooine, Alderaan, Hoth, maybe Corellia.

Puts my beefy 4-way RAID0 to work. Derp.


Just about any modern single player game has long load times today due to the large amounts of assets that has to be read, console games are even worse than PC.


For a MMO yes its a bit longer than other MMOs but still a bit exadurated in this thread.


The problem is however amplified because you zone a lot in this game, between planets you have to zone twice onto/off your ship, entering exiting warzones, traveling to flashpoints etc, so the general feeling is that loading times are much longer because it happens so often.

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I would kill for 25 seconds loading times.


X2, /facepalm at people complaining about 25 seconds loading times. I have a pretty old computer and the loading screen to get on a planet (or in game) is a full 3 minutes on a good day and can take up to 5 minutes on peak hours.


Computer specs:


Intel Core-duo 2 E6600 (2.4 GHz)

4 gig ram

Windows 7 64 bits

HD4850 ATI pcie video card

Pair of raid0 7200 hard drives


I just ordered a new rig and should get it sometime next week... I'm seriously going to murder someone if I still get 4 min average loading times on the new one...

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