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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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"PvP sucks!..."

"Blizzard pays more attention than BioWare..."

"I want my new content (aka chocolate milk) now!..."


Good lord people... The game isn't even a month old and this thread sounds like a pack of spoiled five-year-olds crying and whining in a candy store.

What? This "game" was develops for the SIX years!

Is developers in that time was in isolated cameras?

Is noone of dev-team didnt plays in any of MMO?


SO many things was happened and created in the MMO-World for that SIX years, but not for Bioware! ><


WHAT they do in the last 6 years? Recording "woopee toppee" and "kula mola bala bula" - and another strange sounds that everyone skipped? Great way to make MMO, ever! :mad:

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Congratulations on your faulty hardware.





103 pages of BSOD on Windows Vista. It was NOT faulty hardware, it was a fault in the code for that particular software on that particular OS. Oh, and I remember it was ONLY that game that had the issue, no other game had that issue. No other software program on my PC at the time.

SWTOR was giving me BSOD too. No faulty hardware, actually, top notch hardware that costs several thousands.


So, when I decided to roll my first alt, I went to create a new character... when I selected empire (and not wuss rep ofc), I got a BSOD. Tried to start the game for 3 times, 3x BSOD. Then I updated a copy of the game I have on 1 of my HDDs and tied that, it worked fine. After I managed to start the game (I got BSOD after a few secs on the loading screen) from that othewr copy of the game, it would run from my main installation too.


So BSODs is not always faulty hardware... oh btw, I also run memtest eventually, everything fine ofc...

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Dear Bioware,


Can we have some confirmation on whether or not the legacy race features will affect current characters or not?...


As a player who has already created a lot of alts and has put time into them, I would like the option to use these "epic legacy rewards" on all my characters and not just new ones.


I'm sure many people who are already working on their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th level 50 character are as concerned with this subject as I am.


Any confirmation at all would be great,


-Has too much free time-


Quoted for emphasis

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SWTOR was giving me BSOD too. No faulty hardware, actually, top notch hardware that costs several thousands.


So, when I decided to roll my first alt, I went to create a new character... when I selected empire (and not wuss rep ofc), I got a BSOD. Tried to start the game for 3 times, 3x BSOD. Then I updated a copy of the game I have on 1 of my HDDs and tied that, it worked fine. After I managed to start the game (I got BSOD after a few secs on the loading screen) from that othewr copy of the game, it would run from my main installation too.


So BSODs is not always faulty hardware... oh btw, I also run memtest eventually, everything fine ofc...


However, I'm not seeing "Mass reports" as there was with Age of Conan. That one was relation to the actual OS, which wasn't very popular or common place at that time (it was Vista after all, this decades "Window's Millennium Edition"). It was a huge, known issue.


So, I'm wondering as far as to what your specs are. However, not only your specs but what about your background programs and whether there's a conflict.


And, consider resetting your CMOS chip. It might be possible to resolve that, as I had to do that once on another program conflict in my system that was making my computer act all weird.



Have you also tried scrubbing the program entirely, clearing the cashe, doing a disc defrag, rebooting, then installing from scratch? I know, long process, but it's still an option to fix it.









Back on topic (sorry for the derail), dang this future content looks sweet! I cannot wait for more sweet content into the game. Not even level 50 yet, resubbing the game for sure, this is a very lovable game.




Dear Bioware,


Can we have some confirmation on whether or not the legacy race features will affect current characters or not?...


As a player who has already created a lot of alts and has put time into them, I would like the option to use these "epic legacy rewards" on all my characters and not just new ones.


I'm sure many people who are already working on their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th level 50 character are as concerned with this subject as I am.


Any confirmation at all would be great,


-Has too much free time-



There's no race changes yet, nor does it seem like there will be anywhere this side of the 6-month mark. Just accept it and make a new character if you want a new race. If you really dedicated time into alts as you claim, then you'd realize that they're invested into that character persona that is of that person and race, not of some random other that the character magically transforms into.

Edited by Siphaed
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Dear Bioware,


Can we have some confirmation on whether or not the legacy race features will affect current characters or not?...


As a player who has already created a lot of alts and has put time into them, I would like the option to use these "epic legacy rewards" on all my characters and not just new ones.


I'm sure many people who are already working on their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th level 50 character are as concerned with this subject as I am.


Any confirmation at all would be great,


-Has too much free time-


^This. I would like to know as well.

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Man there seems to be nothing but cry babies playing this game. I wonder how many of you have ever dipped a toe into C++ or other programming software. It's not like one can wrinkle their nose and all the problems are fixed. Game hasn't even been out a month and you all expect everything to me peachy keen and tip top. Well you can't and you should be ashamed for thinking you could. Video was awesome, would have liked some feedback on bug fixes though. Game does have it's glitches but hey, already said it's been out for only a month. I can deal with it and so can most BW fans. People who have their hate on should go back to WoW and complain about how 'bad' this game is. At least it doesn't have Panda's as a race or graphics that appeal to little kids like WoW. I've supported BW since I first stumbled upon Jade Empire and KoToR. I'll keep supporting them until they became as useless as Blizzard. These are my opinions, I welcome you trolls to troll me. Troll bashing is my favorite pass time.


Axl out.

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While the "move anything" part of the UI customization is a very nice step forward, you REALLY need to allow some sort of healing addon OR mouseover macros to make the lives of healers more enjoyable.


I could care less about damage meters or boss mods, but you really need to drop healers a bone here.


Ill tell you this much, if you gave us a healbot style addon from wow (using mouseclicks via party frames) i would likely resub, thats how much of a big deal it is for me.


Also, dungeon finder. Give me those two things and i will re-sub lol.

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All you people crying about bugs and what not... Does it ever stop honestly? All you did all they way up to launch was complain about the lack of info and bla bla bla when really they were giving way more info than any MMO ever had pre-launch... Now all you do is whine about stuff that needs fixed when the game is only a month old. Personally I think Bioware did a great job launching the game (something other MMO'S have failed miserably at) and has done good with fixing bugs being this is a new MMO. They are still working out the kinks but it is a solid game in almost every aspect. If you have such a problem with what they are doing then leave the community would be better without you.


On to the video.... You say you are always listening to the community right? GUILD CAPITAL SHIPS!!!!! I don't care how hard it would be to make this happen do it sometime in the future lol. I am sick of my guilds RP meetings getting ruined by pedestrians that don't understand what a Role Play server is.


Also would like the first planet to be something tropical or water based.


And gotta add some more alien races. Would love to be able to as a Nautolan, Togruta, or Kel Dor. I am sorry but screw this romance thing. Should add more unique species and at the character customization screen simply have a warning on the race saying, "WARNING this species is not eligible for romance plots."


Game is great these are simply things I would like to see.


Thank you for listening!!!

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Still no news on chat bubbles, the appalling /sit animation (for females) and interaction with the environment, such as sitting on chairs and sofas?


These might seem inconsequential to many players, but they are the little touches that give others confidence that the social aspect of the game matters too.

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Still no news on chat bubbles, the appalling /sit animation (for females) and interaction with the environment, such as sitting on chairs and sofas?


These might seem inconsequential to many players, but they are the little touches that give others confidence that the social aspect of the game matters too.


Totally agree on this.


Good video btw.

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One of the most important features to their pvp is a ranking system...




Also unlocking new abilities when you gain a legacy level, these abilities better not have anything to do with your attack abilities because otherwise you are going to have a pain balancing the game.

And also causing the game to suck more for new players.


Also not word about making your own pvp team with its own ranking to match up vs other teams.

Something that should be in a 2011/2012 pvp/pve mmo.

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Still no news on chat bubbles, the appalling /sit animation (for females) and interaction with the environment, such as sitting on chairs and sofas?


These might seem inconsequential to many players, but they are the little touches that give others confidence that the social aspect of the game matters too.




Yea it seems kinda dumb but as someone who enjoys RPing with guild mates instead of always being in the action these things need to be added.

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However, I'm not seeing "Mass reports" as there was with Age of Conan. That one was relation to the actual OS, which wasn't very popular or common place at that time (it was Vista after all, this decades "Window's Millennium Edition"). It was a huge, known issue.


So, I'm wondering as far as to what your specs are. However, not only your specs but what about your background programs and whether there's a conflict....

If you mean me, the BSOD I was getting at the first loading screen of the game is solved. It only happened in random, as I explain in my previous post, and practically got fixed after managing to launch the game from my backup copy.


I'd say it was a combination of resetting my game settings (by deleting the appdata swtor folder) and launching the game from the backup. After that, the game was launching just fine from my main installation too. STILL, bringing back my old settings (I had a backup priot to the first ever BSOD) gave a BSOD, until i switched back to the newer settings' files.


STILL, when the first BSOD occurred and then followed by 3 BSODs while trying to launch the game (memory exception iirc), removing the settings folder didn't fix it on its own.


Bottom line, mildly annoying, lost 2h... and it's the game randomly failing when some retirements are met as it seems. Maybe character creation screen has some chance (under certain circumstances) to corrupt your settings' files with a BSOD, etc. Who knows... I am sure you know that bugs that don't occur frequently and are HARD to reproduce are the ones that are hardest to find, believe, fix. It seems this rare one is one of those. You'd see mass reports if it was completely broken for all.


my specs are win7, i7 950, evga classy3, 16mb ram corsair, evga gtx580 SLI, monster corsair PSU, intel SSD and vertex3 one. Every component of my PC is a quality piece and works without a SINGLE error for 2 years now. So it's not my machine, it was their crap CODE that cause the error in MY CASE. Not every case is the same.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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All I wanted to do was sit down and play a fancy-shmancy new mmo. I used to play WoW for 7 hours at a time with no problems. I have absolutely nothing that could ever possibly, remotely have even a minuscule chance of causing BSOD's downloaded or installed on my near brand-new computer. I get swtor, play for a few hours, BAM blue screen. I restart my computer thinking it was a random fluke, play a bit more and BAM another one. This repeated a few times, I did some research, and found many people with the same problem.





TL;DR Not my computer's fault. He is a nice boy.


I have a crappy HP pavilion dv6 6149nr laptop. I gave the full model number so you can look it up. The only thing I have done with it was added 4 more gigs of RAM.I have not had 1 single BSOD since I've been playing, and I have been playing pretty heavily. You might want to check your drivers.

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First off, to reply to what this thread is supposed to be...

I have read all about the legacy system and what it's intent is and that is AWESOME! That is what I'm most excited about. Next would be the customizable UI(a must!) Has anyone read about them creating 100 worlds by 2022?! Or is this just rumor?


Reading through the responses on here sadens me. People complaining, and whinning, about this little thing or that little thing, or how the empire is prefered by the developers, or it needs to be more like WOW. Maybe it's just forum trolls trying to sound cool and get a rise out of people like me. I absolutely love this game. I have played it for a little over three months now. I have played many MMO's from beta stages through releases. The reason they fail is lack of updates, and new content to keep it fresh for long term players. Bioware has created the best MMO on the market today period. Are there improvements that can be made? YES because as anyone that's played MMO's for any amount of time knows they are constantly evolving and morphing and are essentially a work in progress. I'm currently looking for a guild but if the game is filled with players that are negative like this, then I don't want to be a part of that guild. Constructive criticism is great, negativity is not. If you really are that upset with the game, and developers, then quit playing for awhile. Then you will miss it and want to come back and play with your lightsaber!


Oh, and to respond to the empire being favored by the developers... Think about it, the empire always has been and in the future some 3000 years are bigger than the republic. It's the David and Goliath metaphor. I rolled republic and love playing republic. What are they famous for? Their courage, ingenuity, cunning. Their staring in the face of evil and insurmountable odds to rise up and beat the evil down!! So I'm fine with there being a stronger empire than republic, makes it more challenging, and follows in line with the classic Star Wars story.

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