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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Will juggernought tanks still be have such a broken tanking tree? i hope that comes to priority to fix before all of this becuse how bad our talent tree in mitigation damage and threat compared to assasin and shieldtech is just ridicilous if u havnt start working on it or know how to balance it out with others just pm me and i can help you out. but please by all means do somthing about it, and no im not a noob played in a top tier guild in wow as MT. compare the pros and cons as jugg tank with other tanks we got 0, yes we got 0 pros.


Please by all means do somthing about this! we are tanking in the vengence tree atm for god sake!


This is the most clown statement I've ever seen. If you think a juggernaut is squishy, I hate to be the baron of bad news, but you're doing it wrong.


This is a case of L2P.

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I'm excited for the introduction of custom UI elements, and the added guild functionality starting with a guild bank is sorely needed! I think I'm most excited for the legacy system being fully implemented. Perhaps it is just that we don't know the features yet, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless.
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With the legacy system we see a Blind Sith Warrior and the comment is new characters can be added to the family tree.


What of existing characters or will this not be retroactive?


With the Mircule (sp) sith warrior is that what it will open up the option to play republic races as empire and empire races and republic? Will there be any new species added. I don't think anyone has said they want more near human options but rather more of the alien options. Blind Human, Green Human, Cyborg Human or Grey Human all are ultimately Humans.

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Thumbs up for new content, UI customization and everything - it all looks sweet.


But hurry up guys! While I don't think that the game is in any great danger atm, you have a 2 or 3 months window to sort out the major problems: character responsiveness and performance problems on high end systems.


i.e. I think in a way people take it for granted that you're going to be adding content and QOL stuff over time, but something as basic as character responsiveness has to have the highest priority, as it should have been almost perfect already, and something on which to build the extra content, etc.


And if you're doing little bits towards fixing those things, let us know too, only if it's just a little thing that's going to contribute towards the final solution.


Keep up the good work, many of us are rooting for the game!


Personally I think making it so that everyone can actually play the game should be first priority. Then making it so that people can successfully patch. Then making it so that when they do get patched, and logged in, they can then log into a character. After that, whatever.

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I have one issue with the UI customization: That slider that scales everything? NO. We need to be able to scale individual components.


Can we have a bit more info about the legacy change? It looks like you're suggesting Jedi races can become Sith.

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Apparently releasing content in an MMO is a desperation move.


Better notify WoW, EQ, EVE and the rest of the MMOs out there about this.


Trust me WoW is doing fine, you should be reading some of the forums after all of this hit about the 1.1 patch. They are having one big laugh. Which sucks, because I really thought this would be the game to shut most of them up. I still have high hopes for gw2.

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Trust me WoW is doing fine, you should be reading some of the forums after all of this hit about the 1.1 patch. They are having one big laugh. Which sucks, because I really thought this would be the game to shut most of them up. I still have high hopes for gw2.


Try reading the quote. Try reading the comment. Then respond.


The formula to successful responding.


In case you didn't get it, well you obviously didn't, the first poster called the next patch a desperation move. In which, I responded that he better notify WoW, EQ, EVE and other MMOs that releasing patches are a desperation move, and every MMO out there must be desperate then.



Edited by Sykologist
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I for one am the most excited about the Legacy system. So they announced before there would be unique character creation options. We can see that coming true with the Sith Warrior Mira Luka. Love it! It also said we would have unique abilities based on our family tree. I think it would be so cool if you could say pick abilities from your other classes in the tree. And maybe see things like dualblade lightsaber on a Mauraduer etc!


I for one am excited about the future of this game.


And a note to Bioware,

Love you guys! Keep up the good work. This game may have some flaws but I was there on opening day of the beloved SWG and WOW. The problems that SWTOR is facing, are nothing compared to them.

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Suggestion: Give the option of allowing party view of only 4 ppl (the box you are in) in operation party.


I would like to have the normal party view of only 4 people in Operations. Easier to focus for healing.

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Dear Bioware,


Can we have some confirmation on whether or not the legacy race features will affect current characters or not?...


As a player who has already created a lot of alts and has put time into them, I would like the option to use these "epic legacy rewards" on all my characters and not just new ones.


I'm sure many people who are already working on their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th level 50 character are as concerned with this subject as I am.


Any confirmation at all would be great,


-Has too much free time-

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