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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Quoted for truth... It's really sad the way things are today.


double quoted for truth.


Seriously, I understand and agree with almost everything the devs of this game have done. What job do all of you whiners have that you do so amazingly as to never have to troubleshoot or to take time to fix things. Are you the head of a large project that will impact hundreds of thousands of people and are working day and night to make that project as profitable as possible?


You do realize that they don't have a button in front of them that says "fix all bugs, make everyone happy" and they are just too dumb to press it. They have a large group of adult programmers who go to work every day, probably put in 10+ hours a day, and are doing their best to get things working.


As for the decisions of what to make work first: they got the game playable, and enjoyable for the majority of their player base. Yes things like macros, target of target, detailed UI customization, appearance gear, etc. Are EXTREMELY important to hard-core MMO players, but you have to realize that harcore MMO players don't keep the lights on, not for a project this big. The people who are putting the real money into this game aren't the people who are logged on 24/7, they are the guy who plays, mostly single player, or with a couple of friends, every now and again. The game currently works perfect for that guy, and that guy has a job, and probably bought a 6month subscription just because the game is fun. That guy probably wouldn't even use macros if they exsisted.


I personally am one of those guys. I have a 6 month subscription, and if these additions are added in the next 6 months that will be cool, if not, my subscription will auto-renew, and these addition will probably happen in the 6 months after that. I am not even close to any kind of end game content, and if I do get to it, and don't like it, I'll just start a new character.

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Love the upcoming UI changes especially.


My biggest UI change I want though is a new Galactic Trade Network interface. It is way to hard to find and sell things right now.


1) Need a way to search for specific slots of armor. I want to be able to search for heavy armor boots.

2) Would be nice to be able to search by type of gear too. (ie Cunning, Aim, Strength, Willpower) so its easier to find things I'm interested in

3) It would be nice to be able to sort companion gifts by rank


That would help immensely as right now its so hard to find gear I want that I usually just say forget it and don't look. Conversely, this makes others not want to buy my items I put in the GTN either.

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"We're also going to be listening to the community, and seeing what they want to see in the game. We always are listening to the community; you are the people who decide what kind of changes we need to make to the game. Because this game is for you guys." - James Ohlen, Game Director


We've been asking for an additional male body type between male body type 2 and 3 since early beta. ETA?

Edited by Apax
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Open the PTR forum or open the first 2 threads in my sig. Both 2 weeks old.


And stop blaming the hardworking PTR testers who leveled a character from 1-50 to test the game.


I did open the threads in your sig. At a glance they appear to be just about the imbalance of empire vrs republic and not the specific issues of ilum spawn camping/valor farming and turrets not functioning as they should. After reading the first post I did a Ctrl F for spawn as well as turret and got nothing. This is what I was referring to. Your post seems to be more of a broad stroke of republic / empire balance issues that predate 1.1




I also never blamed "hardworking PTR testers" for anything. Please point out in my post where I did.

Edited by Dragonexadon
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Guild bank have a place at EVERY MMO in the World, ever in any worstest Korean f2p-MMO! :mad:

Why you need a two or more month after release to understand and create it? ><


Customizable UI - have a place in every AAA-MMO! And fully static UI and horrible from the design view - is only in worstest Korean f2p-MMO!


Your Engine'2006 - guys, here is 2012! What you doing last 6 years? Why it's so unoptimized? What you can do for that 1-2 month AFTER releas what you can not does for that 6 years?


whole your social and especially PVP system - fully horrible!

Craft - disbalanced (some proffessions - pwns, but anothers - just a time waste) and you, like a noobs just made a crazy-nerf fixes every two days.


PVP - not rated in the WHOLE game, over Illum. No statistics, no ranks, no profits. yeah, sure, AAA-project ><



Who is your main designer? fair him - he is dilettante!

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Guild bank have a place at EVERY MMO in the World, ever in any worstest Korean f2p-MMO! :mad:

Why you need a two or more month after release to understand and create it? ><


Customizable UI - have a place in every AAA-MMO! And fully static UI and horrible from the design view - is only in worstest Korean f2p-MMO!


Your Engine'2006 - guys, here is 2012! What you doing last 6 years? Why it's so unoptimized? What you can do for that 1-2 month AFTER releas what you can not does for that 6 years?


whole your social and especially PVP system - fully horrible!

Craft - disbalanced (some proffessions - pwns, but anothers - just a time waste) and you, like a noobs just made a crazy-nerf fixes every two days.


PVP - not rated in the WHOLE game, over Illum. No statistics, no ranks, no profits. yeah, sure, AAA-project ><



Who is your main designer? fair him - he is dilettante!



Your whole post is asinine.

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So in several months you will have properly completed the game that we are paying full price for today.


Good of you to bill us for beta access.


Interestingly, I bet most people would've paid for beta - even full price. Had you just said it was beta and that it was incomplete but that beta access would be made widely available for 15 bucks a month, you'd have saved the public and yourselves a lot of frustration.

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So in several months you will have properly completed the game that we are paying full price for today.


Good of you to bill us for beta access.


Interestingly, I bet most people would've paid for beta - even full price. Had you just said it was beta and that it was incomplete but that beta access would be made widely available for 15 bucks a month, you'd have saved the public and yourselves a lot of frustration.


Ill just repost what I said to the other guy.


Your entire post is asinine.

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AWESOME!!!! This is really great stuff!


I can't wait until tomorrow when the complainers' free sub time runs out and the ragequitters finally cancel so the rest of us can enjoy this really cool stuff coming up!!!



lol, you know they won't, it's worth $$ just to have something to complain about and bash people over the head with.



UI Customization looks pretty sweet and I did like the new Warzone terrain if that is indeed how it will look.


Very curious to see what actual ability benefits there will be from the Legacy system.

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Funny thing is that UI customization was asked like 6 months ago in beta and they are just now releasing info on it. So its bs that they listen to the community what a joke. Good idea for illum to, even better since there wont be a rollback for those who were able to use unfair advantage to get gear. Yet just like the chest problem nothing will happen.


Love the game but i think most know bioware doesnt listen to the community plus the fact every time a game issues that give people advantages they weren't suppose to have nothing happens to those people.


Sorry but i can believe bioware as much as a politician.

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So in several months you will have properly completed the game that we are paying full price for today.


Good of you to bill us for beta access.


Interestingly, I bet most people would've paid for beta - even full price. Had you just said it was beta and that it was incomplete but that beta access would be made widely available for 15 bucks a month, you'd have saved the public and yourselves a lot of frustration.


I find it funny to see post like these. What defines a game between beta and release? This might be a valid argument 10+ years ago (longer?). Today age of gaming is constants support of games after release.


Because of increased development time/money/cost most/all games are released with bugs and patched at a future date.


And, going to features, what defines features that you "must have" in a game? I am playing the game and enjoying it each day. So I am paying for that service and support. If you wish to call this a beta that's fine. Either way you are paying for service and support you are getting with updates and increased content.


If you feel this is not fair you should cancel your subscription. As I would not pay for anything I felt was not worth my money.

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Funny thing is that UI customization was asked like 6 months ago in beta and they are just now releasing info on it. So its bs that they listen to the community what a joke.


So question, the community asked for it and they will be giving it to them...how is that not listening to the community? Just curious.


If your argument was they were too late, or took them long enough, or something complaining about time of release then you could have an argument (one I would disagree with)


But saying they don't listen to the community by giving the community a feature they asked for...does not hold up too well.

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Funds aren't the problem, it's staff.... They can train new staff; but that takes time, and doesn't guarantee they'll be adequate at their job.


There should really be plenty of game programmers around to hire tho who are already experienced.

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There should really be plenty of game programmers around to hire tho who are already experienced.


That's like saying "Oh you are an experienced driver, so I am going to make you a cab driver in Tokyo (with no GPS). You know how to drive right? you should be fine right away!


Learning your way around a solution takes time. Not that I agree with any of the idea that their staff needs to be replaced. Just pointing out that this argument does not hold up

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So a much of PR crap and stuff that should have been in at launch? The UI stuff should have been priority by far since it doesnt seem they are working on more class story stuff which would be the highest priority thing since it's a story driven single player.


The issue is they spend too much on the story not enough on the myriad of other things (UI/MODS/PVP SYSTEMS/etc...) that an mmo needs.


I'd like a lot less crap to spacebar through and a lot more of the basic things this game is missing.

Edited by Krodah
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I think the game is getting better and better every week. Also, I think BW made a compromise between the player base and their business plan and launched a bit early. But hey, that's what the majority of us wanted. As any compromise, this one isn't ideal.


UI customization seems good from what I could see in those few seconds. I'd like to see more of it.


Guild bank - no reason for comment.


Legacy has a huge potential and BW can really drive it in many directions.


By know, I'm pretty sure BWs joke about ''Wall of crazy'' isn't so funny for them anymore. That wall must be gigantic.


I've started playing three weeks ago, after ending my five year career in the most popular MMO, and so far have no plan nor desire to ever go back. I have high hopes for this game.


*excuse my syntax and spelling

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