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Pro heals, no badges....@_@?


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There is nothing logical about heal first, then dps, or vice verse. My message clearly says, play smart in a way that supports your team and you will easily get the medals you so desire, and usually the win.




It's totally logical. Either that or focus on DPS and only heal enough to just barely cross the 75k threshold. There aren't enough incremental rewards for consistently healing at a rate applicable to your team's needs. You either focus on DPS and heal just enough to get the first 2-3 medals, or waste your efforts healing with no/few rewards beyond the first 75k.


For DPS, there are incremental rewards that you'll benefit from any increased damage you can provide.


Similarly, for Tanking, the penalties for guarding someone are small enough that the rewards make up for the loss of damage over the course of the full game and the rewards are such that there isn't a huge dead zone where tanking stops providing any realistic potential for rewards at all.


As far as playing for the win goes, I find that my decision on whether to DPS or heal rarely has any impact on my team's ability to win (it might if I played in 8-man premades, but I usually queue solo). Similarly, (and I haven't confirmed this) I think the extra medals you can get for switching to DPS are more rewarding than the points you get for the win.

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...and to suggest that medals actively control a person's play style is just nonsense. They either play selfishly or their play style is dictated by how their team is playing.


As an aside:


My personal play style is not nearly as selfish as the play style that I'm advocating in my posts. I generally heal when healing is needed and DPS otherwise. I do this because it is the playstyle that I find most fun. I just find it mildly annoying that while I'm healing, I know that any healing I do beyond the first 75k is not benefiting me personally beyond a MVP vote or two and I could instead be racking up medals (i.e. getting 5-6+ medals instead of 3-4) by focusing on DPS.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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>Focus heals on ball carrier

>Do ~250k healing, at least ~200k specifically to ball carrier

>Zero objective points

>3 Medals


>Place hots on every person at the start of a warzone

>Fight in middle

>~500 objective points

>6 Medals


My mind is full of ****.

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>Focus heals on ball carrier

>Do ~250k healing, at least ~200k specifically to ball carrier

>Zero objective points

>3 Medals


>Place hots on every person at the start of a warzone

>Fight in middle

>~500 objective points

>6 Medals


My mind is full of ****.


I'm sorry. I'm apparently not that good, and I don't see how you count 6 medals from what you described.


The healing medals that I'm aware of are:

2.5k single heal

5k single heal

75k total healing

350k total healing


The HoTs can't get you 2 of those medals and as a Commando, I can't spam HoTs like that anyway.


If the other medals come from objective-related accomplishments, you can probably get the same things as DPS.


Additionally, what you've suggested is pretty specific to Huttball, which I play less than 30% of the time because I'm Republic.

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It seems obvious that the number of healing abilities, should be reduced, or their cooldowns increased so that you cannot spend every single GCD healing. Time and time again the devs have mentioned that healers in this game are not meant to be "heal bots" they're supposed to be true support that apply damage and healing depending on the situation.


You are supposed to be getting the 75K damage medal and 10 kill medal if you play well.

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I'm sorry. I'm apparently not that good, and I don't see how you count 6 medals from what you described.


The healing medals that I'm aware of are:

2.5k single heal

5k single heal

75k total healing

350k total healing


The HoTs can't get you 2 of those medals and as a Commando, I can't spam HoTs like that anyway.


If the other medals come from objective-related accomplishments, you can probably get the same things as DPS.


Additionally, what you've suggested is pretty specific to Huttball, which I play less than 30% of the time because I'm Republic.


You don't get objective points for healing the ball carrier. As an Op healer, you can fight in the middle, spam grenades, throw out a hot here and there and a KInj or two, find a pile of people and drop an orbital, overall contribute nothing to the match, and get more medals, valor, commendations, and probably MVP votes than a healer who is actually contributing to the match. Medals promote bad gameplay.


I was being slightly facetious, but the overall premise of my statement is true: Healers don't get rewards appropriate for the amount of effort it currently takes to be a dedicated healer in a warzone. (i.e. dealing with god-awful targeting, god-awful UI in general, god-awful ability delay).


It seems obvious that the number of healing abilities, should be reduced, or their cooldowns increased so that you cannot spend every single GCD healing. Time and time again the devs have mentioned that healers in this game are not meant to be "heal bots" they're supposed to be true support that apply damage and healing depending on the situation.


You are supposed to be getting the 75K damage medal and 10 kill medal if you play well.


So you're saying they should break pve?


If they expect a medic-spec operative to do 75k damage every game, then they had better damn well increase our survivability. The only way you can do that as an operative is to be in near-melee range the entire time, aka a free kill. Or have your opponents be bad and not realize they're standing in your orbital.


If they expect medic-spec op to be support, they had better damn well increase our utility. The only utility we have atm is our throughput.


If they wanted pvp healers to be support and not healbots, why does almost every single healing pvp set bonus increase our throughput?

Edited by steinsgate
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So.....every warone, i like to put my shields on everybody as we run out in the battle in the begining of every warzone.....sure.....i really shouldnt put shields on people because....i mean its not like it counts towards.....ANYTHING AT ALL. Why dont my shields count towards protection? Why do i have to get 500k healing in order to get 5 badges *and thats when the game is long and ive had time to heal that much*, when all the tanks just throw a protection on somebody and BLAM 9 badges. Seriously, being a healer in this game is so broken, i love healing, but getting half the badges as everybody on your team is weak, especially when your the one doing alot of the work.

My average healing done per game = 350k

My average badges gained per round= 3-4

Amount of effort put into gaining said badges = 210%


So my question today is!


Why are healers so gimped?:confused:


actually, its comical. I can get 6-7 badges easy on my level 14 guardian, but have to work my *** off to do the same on a level 50 commando in Champ gear...

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So.....every warone, i like to put my shields on everybody as we run out in the battle in the begining of every warzone.....sure.....i really shouldnt put shields on people because....i mean its not like it counts towards.....ANYTHING AT ALL. Why dont my shields count towards protection? Why do i have to get 500k healing in order to get 5 badges *and thats when the game is long and ive had time to heal that much*, when all the tanks just throw a protection on somebody and BLAM 9 badges. Seriously, being a healer in this game is so broken, i love healing, but getting half the badges as everybody on your team is weak, especially when your the one doing alot of the work.

My average healing done per game = 350k

My average badges gained per round= 3-4

Amount of effort put into gaining said badges = 210%


So my question today is!


Why are healers so gimped?:confused:


I play Sage

If you really want badges you gotta hybrid it.

in order to get kill credits you must tag ppl with dots, aoe something,


My medals are as follows usually. get a solo kill, get a killing blow. 2.5k heal and 5k heal, do 75k dps 75k heals 300k heals 2.5k damage. kill 10 and kill 25

with alderan i get the defenders aswell 1k usually b/c im always on the move


end result is usually 8-10 medals, 11 if Alderan

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They just need to credit everyone in the OPS group within RANGE for a kill. Be it a WZ or Ilum, you work as a team to clear objectives then the team needs to get awarded. Simple change which will make a lot of people happy. Not only healers aren't rewarded at the moment, neither are players CC'ing the right people in order to advance through objectives and get a win.
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I play Sage

If you really want badges you gotta hybrid it.

in order to get kill credits you must tag ppl with dots, aoe something,


My medals are as follows usually. get a solo kill, get a killing blow. 2.5k heal and 5k heal, do 75k dps 75k heals 300k heals 2.5k damage. kill 10 and kill 25

with alderan i get the defenders aswell 1k usually b/c im always on the move


end result is usually 8-10 medals, 11 if Alderan


I agree. That's the way to go right now.

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They just need to credit everyone in the OPS group within RANGE for a kill. Be it a WZ or Ilum, you work as a team to clear objectives then the team needs to get awarded. Simple change which will make a lot of people happy. Not only healers aren't rewarded at the moment, neither are players CC'ing the right people in order to advance through objectives and get a win.


I agree and disagree with this because there are some people who just don't really do jack in warzones..


as for credit if your healing a guy and he kills someone... that kill should be awarded to you.


I don't really know. In a way i kinda like the current system b/c its challenging but I can clearly see where you are coming from.

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What you healed someone who was doing damage? Assist.


This works fine right now, you heal them to a safe level and then dps their target down for either a Kill or a Finishing Blow.


You did damage to someone who was killed? Assist.

Basically the same thing.


A good PvP match on my commando medic hybrid feels like an Epic battle, with clutch heals and good supportive, focused dps. I enjoy the heck out of it.


I understand that a lot of the complaints regarding the medals is a gearing issue and I completely agree if a hybrid spec is not feasible with the other healing classes.




To the guy with 600k healing. Awesome job. I sure you rarely get much credit for such a feat. The big question is, did you have a lot of fun that game?

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