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BioWare: Here is what caused the faction imabalance and here is how you fix it.


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Empire players looks like K-K-K people and weird transformers-stuff. Do you think we are realy happy about that? It's just a major design fail.


The only way to fix it is to add lots more nice vids of Republic and to work harder on story part. No matter for now I guess...

Edited by Noeren
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Bleh....sounds too RP'y to me.


The fact is the faceless horde will always choose bad guys. They are the sweet little boy and girl in RL but on a faceless game they can be that evil dark sith.


Get over it. Red is dead and move on.

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I hate to break the trend of bad guys are cool but that isn't close to my reason at all. I chose a bounty hunter, I'm not an evil guy, just trying to make a living in the galaxy. Believe it or not my bh is more light side than dark side. You see, he's got a moral compass for most of the occasions (don't get me wrong, if your a dirt bag I'll wind up getting my dark side points from you).


Funny thing though I was going to go through with it's all about the money attitude but a few conversations with Mako and I had a change of heart :rolleyes:


Trust me, if they had a neutral faction or bh were playable on both sides (I probably more than likely would have ended up on the republic side). Who knows, maybe a new class storyline gets added and both sides can have bh or a neutral faction for smugglers and bh and sort.


My next toon will be a republic, probably a consular (whos going to wind up breaking just about every jedi code out there lol) and looking to be a fallen or dark jedi :D

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Giving bonuses to lesser played factions is the dumbest thing that can be suggest...



"yes we know you like playing thi side but this side is 50% more powerful"


yeah.. smart decision...


someone doesnt like fair and equal game play.. hes asking for a tenacity buff for ilum like they had for wintergrasp in wow. that buff wouldnt effect any other area than ilum. its not fun trying to get your daily done when theres 120 imps outside your base and you cant muster more than 40 of your own. its either buff the faction with the lower population on ilum or limit the number of people allowed in ilium based on the lower population faction. would you rather wait in a queue that never pops because theres 40 people ahead of you trying to get their daily done against a small number of republic players. maybe youd rather everyone can get in but it takes twice as long to kill a player on the side with the lower pop. so instead of them dying in 4 seconds it would take you 10 seconds to kill them.

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Faction imbalance is without a doubt the biggest problem in the game, and now the designers get to try and figure out a way to fix it (or maybe they won't, it's their game and if they want it to die, that's cool I guess).


What's really weird to me is this: this is an issue that should be self correcting, but for some reason the designers decided to neuter the tools in the game that do correct it.


What I mean is this: if there was no same-faction war zone, and if the Empire and the Republic could only enter Ilum at a 1:1 ratio, the over-populated side would naturally migrate to the under-populated side in order to shorten their queues. This seems obvious to me, and I really don’t understand why conscious choices to circumvent those self-regulating forces were taken.

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I got a better idea. Give a minor health and power buff and make the outnumbered side get CC immunity. I mean that's what kills you in 5 vs 1 anyways. If you had 1.1 million health but could still be chain CC'd (resolve bar, lmfao worthless mechanic) it wouldn't matter. I own sith 1v1 now that I'm geared, what kills me time and again is chain CC.


Also, don't forget that word got out in Beta that Sith had many, MANY advantages (insta impact lightning vs finish animation rock throw, heat vs ammo 4%, turrets in Alderaan WZ etc. etc. ad nauseum). When that was found out leet player's (read basement dwellers) went to the ez mode side which already had plenty of appeal due to looking bad ***, purple lightning, force choke, Vader, Bobba Fett etc. Meanwhile our consular's look like fashion model hockey goalie hybrids. My Sentinel looks pretty dope in Columi and Rakata gear, but the consular's look lame sauce. So really there are many reasons for imbalance. I also think, sad as this is, that a pop limit for over represented faction is probably the best solution. Incentives to switch sides, or changing in an imp for comparably geared 50 on Republic side for instance might be the way to go. You weren't the only one who saw this coming a mile away.

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Increasing xp gain for the under populated side is a start, but that will only change it from being like a 4:1 issue to a 3.7:1 issue.


increased valor gain would do nothing to fix the issue as 2x valor in ilum would still be 0 valor when you are getting spawn camped and if you're not getting spawn camped you still can't leave the base because there are just too many imps waiting outside.


A severe buff to under populated side would cause a lot of QQing from imps, and probably still not fix the issue as being 3x stronger still doesn't make you able to kill 3 players who CC you and shut you down. ya maybe now you kill 1 person before you die instead of zero, but i doubt this would fix it either.


Now i kind of like the idea of ilum being a 1:1 area with maybe allowing for 20 per faction and then after that 1:1 to fly in to the pvp area. Yes this would also cause some QQing but if republic got an xp/valor gain with this added in, maybe some imps would reroll knowing that with the buffs they could quickly get a char back to 50 with equal valor lvl.

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I have to get 2 things off my chest -


OP is not a professor of psychology.


OP does not have a PhD in Business Marketing.


So his conclusions which I am 99% positive would not stand up to peer review if published in a public scientific journal - if there were one related to this specific field - are null and void. He offers no facts or data to support his claims. By doing so he commits virtual hearsay and blasphemy by modern scientific research methods.


I do not believe the cinematics are a reason for faction imbalance. If they are, they are responsible for a tiny portion of the problem.

Edited by Mhak
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So now BioWare is getting blame for people rolling Imperial? Lol.


Which MMO doesn't have a bit of an Imbalance? I know myself, I went with Sith because I'm always on the "Good" side and felt like being able to be a feared, nasty bastard and feel good about it.


Even before the game was into production, it was a given that more would roll the Sith. And who doesn't get a kick out being called "My Lord" :D


Enjoy the game..

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my and my old friends(guild from lotro were going top make a sith guild but then figure's out that they were going to have so much more player so me and my full guild went Jedi instead so if everyone did that then there will be no issue if every player says to there self OK theirs more jedi on this server lets go make a sith etc
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So your solution to balance is to imbalance? I think you are really deluded or just dumb.


Ok I know this is the wet dream of every guy going republic, that he alone is worth 50 Imps, the ****** hero and stuff. But this not a fix, by far. Its another way to cripple an already damaged game.


What they need to do is to start offering Imps ways to join the republic by choice not because they are forced to because they get ****ed in the *** because the republic gets the "GOOD GUYS ALWAYS WIN" buff.


Free republic-only server transfers, free republic-only faction changes, XP buffs, for the republic players. Things like that. Something that would give imp players an ecouragement to join the Republic without going throug all the fuss.


Best stop havind ideas. You aren't cut out for it.

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TL;DR, but I assume it went like this:


Lightning or pebbles (and to a lesser extent, awesome end-game armor, or Princess Amadala look-alike drag)?


Boba Fett or run in the mill Storm Trooper?


Elite Operative or a goofy looking Space Cowboy?


At least, according to every Warzone I've played, this is the conundrum.



Edited by Laikacosmo
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You'd think Bioware would've learned from Aion with respect to letting faction imbalance completely ruin their game. Guess they were too busy polishing those fully voiced quests. Priorities.


Yeah but on a funny note Aion is the only game I know where the seemingly "good looking angelic guys" (just for the looks....not because they are the good side) beat the crap out of the "bad looking/evil/demonic/emo guys"


Edit: side note....reading a lot of "exp buff for the underdog class"...we all know end game gear > lvl....what's the point of rushing players to 50 if they don't have the gear to compite with their imps rivals?

Edited by Erudain
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While i agree that some type of buffs would be a good idea when the other side is vastly outnumbered it won't solve the problem in the long run.


They have to do something to make The Republic faction more appealing to the new incoming players.


Like i have said in some other topics about this, making one cool alien race Republic exclusive would do the trick i believe.


Kel'Dor, Togruta, Nautolan all seam reasonable enough and making them republic exclusive wouldn't hurt the lore much, their models are already in game and working properly and they speak common human language so there wouldn't be a problem there either.


The fact is that even currently Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only 2, and there were far better choices than Mirialan and Miraluka in the first place.

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All this psycho, subliminal crap? People pick sith because people in general like to be bad. Look at WoW. Why did more people pick the horde? .....


More people rushed to the Horde side in WoW with the addition of Blood Elves, they boosted their numbers vastly.

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Boba Fett and Darth Vader are on the same side.


Classically speaking, the other side has Han, Chewy, Luke and the Princess.


Boba Fett and Darth Vader will win in just about every category. They're the bad guys, they have sweet armor and powers, they're just overall better. Look better, sound better, seem like more fun to play as.

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Boba Fett and Darth Vader are on the same side.


Classically speaking, the other side has Han, Chewy, Luke and the Princess.


Boba Fett and Darth Vader will win in just about every category. They're the bad guys, they have sweet armor and powers, they're just overall better. Look better, sound better, seem like more fun to play as.


Boba Fett cooler than Han Solo? Hialrious...

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Boba Fett and Darth Vader are on the same side.


Classically speaking, the other side has Han, Chewy, Luke and the Princess.


Boba Fett and Darth Vader will win in just about every category. They're the bad guys, they have sweet armor and powers, they're just overall better. Look better, sound better, seem like more fun to play as.


I agree, it had nothing to do with Biowares Adverts, as much as Darth Vader being the considered the greatest villain of all time. This was going to Happen no matter what they advertised. The causes may be different from described but the fixes should work

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Dev's couldn't have predicted? You mean the pre-release launch data showing Empire outnumbering Republic about 2-3:1 months before the release wasn't a hint? You're delusional.




The game is roughly in its first month. There's still number crunching to deal with so you can't expect them to get their footing in such a short amount of time.


People choose sides that fits them RP wise. Imperial is more appealing so a lot of people will flock to the Imp side, but there will be people like me who like to go against the grain.


So with the outcry, people will now unsub in the first month and new ones will flock to the game. It's the way it is in every MMO. If you think this is how it will be in a year or two from now then you're quite the gullible one. Stop listening to the whiners and let things pan out. They'll have much more numbers to deal with by the end of the year.


I should've stuck with the short answer "Just relax, bro."

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I really don't think the "hype" that you are referring to is the cause of faction disparity. It is a gross oversimplification of the psychology of players to think that a couple game trailers poisoned the minds of players against the Republic. I think the culture to which the game was hyped has more to do it. The culture in the US and the West is general has been shifting in recent years to more of a "dark side" mentality. If you pay attention to TV and movies in the last decade or so you'll notice our fantasy heroes are becoming more dark and brooding types and gruff but missunderstood anti-heroes that eventually open up to a soft and squishy inside.


I also believe that buffing a lower pop faction to even out world pvp is opening a huge can of worms when it comes to actually affecting the problem it's intended to resolve. Many of us who played WoW (I know, I know) felt that the Wintergrasp buff, while making us feel like Gods for a bit, actually had little effect on the outcome of the match. They messed with it a half a dozen times but it never really worked right. I think that's a dangerous trap to fall into for swkotor and I would hope they don't try to grab that tigers' tail.


One thing I have advocated in the past for other MMO's (that shall remain nameless) is free or discounted faction transfers from a heavily overpopulated faction to the lesser populated one until a suitable balance is restored. Also, storyline "hypes" can be used to give the Rep's some heroes and add some good guy with a mean streak bonus's to put it more inline with todays culture.

Edited by borhiis
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