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Am i the only person that is happy?


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I am happy with the game.


You mostly see only trolls and negativity in the forums, so pay little attention to it. Think of it like this:


When you use a product, you might be given the option to take a survey on that product. If we are happy with the product, 9/10 times we decline the offer on the survey because we want to get along with our lives. We are content. If we are unhappy, 10/10 times we want to make our voices heard, and want those responsible for our lack of satisfaction to be held accountable.


So, if people are unhappy with the game, they will log onto the forums to make their voices heard. Yet, the majority of the SWTOR community will remain silent and logged into SWTOR. Most of the happy players do not see the need or have the desire to log in and post positive things. Why? they are busy having fun in the game, while people who do not have fun have logged out...and have nothing better to do.


There are a few of us with positive things to say. I commend us/you all.


Bioware, good job. Fix Ilum and keep the fixes coming.

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Very happy too. Great fixes, mini-loading screen that keeps popping up is temporary I hope.


I've been 50 for almost 3 weeks and I still have tonnes of things to do.


We had a great time yesterday with my guild playing hit-and-run with 2 huge Republic raids and 2 of ours yesterday all over Central and southern assault, through the tunnel, flanking them and gettting surrounded and rolled over. (Ilum is brilliant if you ignore the idiots camping republic base)

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I'm realy glad there's a minority who are fan boys and love this game, out an out...


I love the game, but not to their extent I also hate trolls as I don't think it's that bad a game. However, SWTOR is dubbed and sold as an MMO, which it's not. Other than, you are playing a KOTOR in an MMO guise as there are other players in your game....


Great story lines must admit. However:


1. It's way to linear for an MMO. No real open vastness I'd like, which you'd expectfrom an MMO

2. The planets are way to small, they don't even feel like planets - infact you are channeled around maps (or tunnelled on city planets)

3. No real exploration - due to linear maps and gameplay

4. Everywhere seems to be far to static no real depth

5. No day night cycles.....

6. Space is a joke.. there should have been a proffesion here starship builder.... etc...

7. and so on...


I've played loads of MMOs and they've been vastly open, non-linear, amongst other things... In TOR I really don't feel like I'm playing an MMO, until I get gang ganked whilst questing.. which serves to remind me that there are indeed other players out there.... this happens on many serves... but such is life....


Sorry, I do love the game but to sell this as an MMO is false in my opinion, a great single player game, even better than KOTOR, but they should have just sold it as KOTOR2 with friends...


True MMOs should be ground breaking and strive to better their competitors. I don't rush home from work all excited to play like I did other MMOs... sorry, I know MANY others who feel the same, sadly.


I'll pop on from time to time, to see if there's any improvements. But I'm cancelling my Sub after this month until then.. so, to find something else to entertain me...

Edited by nite_shade
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Congratulations! What, do you want a medal for it?







oh wait...





haha Nice one :D :D



All happy here though aswell , I see the current state of the game as the foundations of something that can be built on to be even better over time.

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Naw, bro, me and my friends are having a blast!


I gotta say, I think the reason all you hear on the forums is trolling is because everyone else who likes the game (and plays the game) is... you know, playing it. The percentage of people that fill the forums with negativity just drive everyone else out. It's sad, but true.

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Frickin love this game!!! I do not pvp so I could care less about ilum, I came here for the story driven mmo experiance which BW advertised and which is what I am getting. Sure there are bugs but they are on the job and handling it and it will only get better. I have a 50 sentinal dps and am now leveling a gaurdian dps as well as a gunsinger and I am absolutely thrilled. Like PC Gamer said..."This one is going to be around for a long time"!!! Oh and hell yes I am SW fanboy, I grew up wanting to wield a lightsaber and destroy the sith. So %$#& you if you dont like it crybabys!!!!! Edited by Solohobbit
forgot somethin
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Happy here. All this rage about Illum when the scenario wasn't even intentional and just an odd bug that appeared during high server loads. All those people had to do is have a coke and a smile and wait for BioWare to state such was the case.


Exactly...and the rage over this issue ought to show sensible people exactly who it is that is filling these forums with all this negative nonsense. I all comes from an extremely immature and uninformed perspective, and I would hate for people to be influenced by the bias and just plain bad information the majority of the negative posts on these forums are filled with.

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I only get to play 4 nights or so a week, and only about 4 hours at the most on those nights, so my highest character is level 43. I'm having fun, a lot of fun. More fun than I had in WoW. Maybe a little less fun than I had in UO, but I was also 10 years old, so that's not a fair comparison.


PVP and end-game doesn't affect me yet, and probably won't for a while. I get a lot of random guild invites, but I brush them all off because I'm not interested in rushing to 50 so I can run the same 3 things over and over. I made that mistake in WoW. I rushed to 60 so I could heal my 'friends' in Molten Core, and spent the next 7 years (with breaks) doing the same thing 4 nights a week.


Once my sorcerer is 50, next will be my marauder. Then my commando, sage, gunslinger, etc. I imagine it will be a few months yet until I decide whether I want to take a look at end-game or not.

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Im very happy with the game, a bit worried about ability delays, but thats it. The "feel" to this game is really good, the stories are good, the classes seems diversified, i like the pvp...


And as some already have posted, theres a bunch of people that NEVER will stop complaining.

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NO..I am NOT happy. My agent [level 47] was just called into Imperial Intelligence and is very angry as to had transpired. I better get back what they took from me! :mad:


As I said before [pretty sure I did] - yep - definitely having a blast playing the game. Just landed on Corellia, picked up a new fancy component for my spaceship, and discovered a nice set of pilot gear which has a social 1 requirement [though not as cool looking as the Imperial set]. :)

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Hell, I'm enjoying the game immensely. Yes, the game has bugs. Yes, there are things that need balancing and changes. Will they come? Yes. The game has officially been out a month. A MONTH. I played WoW since Vanilla. I remember all bugs it had starting out. TOR is going to be the same, and they will fix the issues that need to be fixed. I know asking for patience in this day and age is like pulling teeth, but people need to tone it down. They'll fix the problems. Meanwhile, enjoy the game, like we all are.
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