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I want to reward bEAware employee medals and titles too, but first everyone of you must pay me 15 dollar.


Dont get me wrong, i just want to show you my appreciation for best launch in mmo history.

Edited by aerovihn
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We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™....


(Snipped because I couldn't bear to look at the idiocy of the rest of the statement.)


I laughed until I cried.


Then I laughed at that.


Did you wave your hand vaguely as if you were doing a Jedi Mind Trick after you posted that?


Fix it, make it better, make it WORTH subscribing to for another month.


Then we'll talk.


Honestly. Founder's Medal and Title.



Edited by Stelakh
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I honestly hate this community. I love the game, but the community is the equivalent of spoiled children throwing tantrums when they dont get what they want.


"Bioware sold out. Bioware sucks at games. Bioware this Biowre that. Patch 1.1 should of fixed every single bug in the game and given me a magical space pony that craps stardust that i can fly through space on."


Lets just remember the fact that the game is barely 2 months old. 2. damn. months. WoW is 7 years old and they still **** up loot tables as well as PVP. Seriously the "Raid Finder" was the kiss of death for WoW. Also id like to point out that these issues with Illium and the bugs closer to end game could of been addressed if the god damn beta testers didn't have Alt fever at level 25. It's still noticeable even now. I make a new toon and there's 150 people in the starting area i go back to Corellia and im lucky to find 20 and 15 of them are AFK.


"Well Bioware should of known its their game they made it they should of known!"


That's not how this works. The whole purpose of a beta invite wasn't so you could brag to your friends it was so that you could bug test and send them comments on what works and what doesn't or what changes you'd like to see.


"Why should we do their job for them?"


Maybe because there too busy building an entire *********** galaxy for you to explore and its easier to just let a few players into the game to play through and send them reports on what works and whats broken.


"Well what about Illium? Illium was a terrible idea. Who thought contested open world PVP zones that offer daily quests was a good idea?"


WoW did. Remember Tol Barad or Wintergrasp?


"But Illium is so unfair to Republic..."


Yup that's the same song and dance the Alliance kiddies did too. Guess what though. Still not Biowares fault. They cant force people to play Republic and if they tried that people would go to a server they could be Imperial on. Fact of the matter is people love being the bad guy in video games.


Seriously though im not saying there isn't anything i would change, but as MMO's go this is a damn good one. I know there's bugs, and bots, and unfair pvp, but the game is only going on 2 months now. WoW has been at this for 7 years and still has all the same issues. It comes with the MMO territory.

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I honestly hate this community. I love the game, but the community is the equivalent of spoiled children throwing tantrums when they dont get what they want.


"Bioware sold out. Bioware sucks at games. Bioware this Biowre that. Patch 1.1 should of fixed every single bug in the game and given me a magical space pony that craps stardust that i can fly through space on."


Lets just remember the fact that the game is barely 2 months old. 2. damn. months. WoW is 7 years old and they still **** up loot tables as well as PVP. Seriously the "Raid Finder" was the kiss of death for WoW. Also id like to point out that these issues with Illium and the bugs closer to end game could of been addressed if the gosh darn beta testers didn't have Alt fever at level 25. It's still noticeable even now. I make a new toon and there's 150 people in the starting area i go back to Corellia and im lucky to find 20 and 15 of them are AFK.


"Well Bioware should of known its their game they made it they should of known!"


That's not how this works. The whole purpose of a beta invite wasn't so you could brag to your friends it was so that you could bug test and send them comments on what works and what doesn't or what changes you'd like to see.


"Why should we do their job for them?"


Maybe because there too busy building an entire *********** galaxy for you to explore and its easier to just let a few players into the game to play through and send them reports on what works and whats broken.


"Well what about Illium? Illium was a terrible idea. Who thought contested open world PVP zones that offer daily quests was a good idea?"


WoW did. Remember Tol Barad or Wintergrasp?


"But Illium is so unfair to Republic..."


Yup that's the same song and dance the Alliance kiddies did too. Guess what though. Still not Biowares fault. They cant force people to play Republic and if they tried that people would go to a server they could be Imperial on. Fact of the matter is people love being the bad guy in video games.


Seriously though im not saying there isn't anything i would change, but as MMO's go this is a damn good one. I know there's bugs, and bots, and unfair pvp, but the game is only going on 2 months now. WoW has been at this for 7 years and still has all the same issues. It comes with the MMO territory.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I agree with you 100%

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sadly i wont be getting the founder title since my subscription to the game dosen't get billed until march 19, which is the day after the chance to become a founder ends, hopefully i still will get the founder title since its just 1 day after the end date like i said(my time zone is pacific so it ends on the 18th) Edited by Jedi_Ratchet
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I honestly hate this community. I love the game, but the community is the equivalent of spoiled children throwing tantrums when they dont get what they want.


"Bioware sold out. Bioware sucks at games. Bioware this Biowre that. Patch 1.1 should of fixed every single bug in the game and given me a magical space pony that craps stardust that i can fly through space on."


Lets just remember the fact that the game is barely 2 months old. 2. damn. months. WoW is 7 years old and they still **** up loot tables as well as PVP. Seriously the "Raid Finder" was the kiss of death for WoW. Also id like to point out that these issues with Illium and the bugs closer to end game could of been addressed if the gosh darn beta testers didn't have Alt fever at level 25. It's still noticeable even now. I make a new toon and there's 150 people in the starting area i go back to Corellia and im lucky to find 20 and 15 of them are AFK.


"Well Bioware should of known its their game they made it they should of known!"


That's not how this works. The whole purpose of a beta invite wasn't so you could brag to your friends it was so that you could bug test and send them comments on what works and what doesn't or what changes you'd like to see.


"Why should we do their job for them?"


Maybe because there too busy building an entire *********** galaxy for you to explore and its easier to just let a few players into the game to play through and send them reports on what works and whats broken.


"Well what about Illium? Illium was a terrible idea. Who thought contested open world PVP zones that offer daily quests was a good idea?"


WoW did. Remember Tol Barad or Wintergrasp?


"But Illium is so unfair to Republic..."


Yup that's the same song and dance the Alliance kiddies did too. Guess what though. Still not Biowares fault. They cant force people to play Republic and if they tried that people would go to a server they could be Imperial on. Fact of the matter is people love being the bad guy in video games.


Seriously though im not saying there isn't anything i would change, but as MMO's go this is a damn good one. I know there's bugs, and bots, and unfair pvp, but the game is only going on 2 months now. WoW has been at this for 7 years and still has all the same issues. It comes with the MMO territory.


This, so much.

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Couldn't have said it better myself. I agree with you 100%


Sure BW needs a chance to fix some stuff; but what was their priority? You said it youself- everyone has alt-fever... well if there aren't that many playing 50's... why the rush to fix it? If you'd fleshed out the crafting system or brought back the high-res graphics... BW could have done wonders for the 'majority'.


Instead BW implemented a little tested fix for the smallest population of the community who were never going to be happy regardless of what it did.


That's my problem with BW... I agree the game has potential. How many times did Wow crash in its infancy. I missed the time it crashed completely and folks had to start over from scratch (of course BW couldn't go wrong if they fixed a bunch of stuff and deleted character data and we had to start over)


BUT- their priorities are totally screwed up. Trying to appease the faction that is most likely to leave as soons as GW2 or other comes out... verses those who are still in the 30 day trial?


Pretty stupid- and self-destructive.


As for Founder stats- If they'd offered LOTRO style Founder status- lifetime gameplay (no monthly fees), perks with every new expansion, etc. That might be a compelling reason to pay up front and or stick around. A title is a joke- and a bad joke at that.

Edited by Dharst
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As for Founder stats- If they'd offered LOTRO style Founder status- lifetime gameplay (no monthly fees), perks with every new expansion, etc. That might be a compelling reason to pay up front and or stick around. A title is a joke- and a bad joke at that.


What? First off you didnt need to be a founder to get lifetime subs. They offered them time and again sometimes for $199 sometimes for $299. The ONLY thing founders get is a lvl 25 bree steed. Even that is easily obtainable by anyone in the game for a minor amount. There are absolutely 0 perks with each expansion for founders btw. I dont know what LOTRO you are playing but Ive been playing it since the first closed beta in 2006.

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What? First off you didnt need to be a founder to get lifetime subs. They offered them time and again sometimes for $199 sometimes for $299. The ONLY thing founders get is a lvl 25 bree steed. Even that is easily obtainable by anyone in the game for a minor amount. There are absolutely 0 perks with each expansion for founders btw. I dont know what LOTRO you are playing but Ive been playing it since the first closed beta in 2006.


Founders in LotRO get a permanent discount on their monthly subscription, making it $9.99 a month as long as they stay subscribed.


That's the type of incentive they should have had for this "Founder" offer.

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This, so much.


that post says he hates the comunity yet his is part of it. not to mention he is crying more in 1 post than most ppl have with multiple posts. ppl complain when stuff dont work its not crying. guess what if ppl didnt complain about it they wouldnt know it was an issue. imagine when 1.1 rolled out and noone said anything about illum but instead just unsub that would be like saying "i don't care about this game so i'm not adding any constructive criticism" and just unsub and be done with it. hate to burst your bubble but all those guys complaining actually care about the game enough to point out its flaws. oh yea and comparing swtor to wow is fail. wows been out for several years. comparing wow to swtor is the equalvilant of comparing wow to ultima online timespan wise

Edited by Doomsaga
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that post says he hates the comunity yet his is part of it. not to mention he is crying more in 1 post than most ppl have with multiple posts. ppl complain when stuff dont work its not crying. guess what if ppl didnt complain about it they wouldnt know it was an issue. imagine when 1.1 rolled out and noone said anything about illum but instead just unsub that would be like saying "i don't care about this game so i'm not adding any constructive criticism" and just unsub and be done with it. hate to burst your bubble but all those guys complaining actually care about the game enough to point out its flaws. oh yea and comparing swtor to wow is fail. wows been out for several years. comparing wow to swtor is the equalvilant of comparing wow to ultima online timespan wise


Once you figure out what crying or QQ as most like to say means then you can talk. He is not crying and no... those complaining don't represent the community. The majority isn't contructive criticism. The majority of the community will never post here because of the spoiled cry babies that complain and blast everyone.


There is nothing wrong with Llum 1.1... the was so much wrong with Llum 1.0 but people don't have a way to cheat through a quick daily to get the best gear now. Can there be a few more items to loot when there is no around to kill sure. But the idea is to get people to fight in PvP unlike 1.0 where you got yelled at by everyone if you PvPed in Llum.


You also say not to compare WoW and SWToR but that is exactly what everyone that is complaining is doing. "This game is broken" "My game keep crashing" The game is not broken. This game is actually in a better state then WoW was when it launch which everyone is comparing it to as far as features "needed" and how it should run. I had a 5 year old computer that ran the game fine before I upgrade at Christmas but this also isn't WoW the actually has graphics.


PvPers make up no where near the player base PvEer do in a game so their priorities should be no where near Llum unless it's to remove the the dailies.


The mass, scale, story that this game has is far beyond most especially at launch are there a few frustrations at times, yes but every game has them.


For those who complain about customer service obviously don't have a clue how to run a business. The reason those who pay for a month get the founder title is because those are the people that will make the game. You don't hire a staff for 1 million people day one because no matter what they claim the reason they quit will be they would still quit.


The servers and staff are scaled to those will be playing and continue to play. Again just like WoW. I've heard and seen people complain about 5 days for things to be handle. It wasn't until a couple years ago that WoW's didn't take a week or two or longer.



P.S. Thanks BIOWare for my title I love vet rewards and like other hope it's the start of more to come. Unlike others I know it shows you do care about the people.

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I don't know why people whine so much.. Why quit after just a month and some change?


Whatever, If they want to go back to WoW let them.


I have a feeling this will be much better than wow, hell it already is better, the launch has had a few bugs, but frack me WoW had servers down for days upon days, I think I got at least 2 months of free play in the first year of WoW due to server down time.


Now frankly i dont give a damn about titles or random trinkets, tabards or pets, Mounts and such are cool but whatever.


I fricken love starwars and will play because of that alone, And yes. I LOVED Ep.1 the Phantom Menace. So, say whatever you will, Starwars has been a huge part of my life for the 26 years I've been alive. I will remain Loyal as long as SwTor stay's starwars.

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