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Very cool! It'll be nice to use this title a few years down the road.


I think that was the point.

MEMORABILIA:memento, keepsake or token of remembrance[1] is an object a person acquires for the memories the owner associates with it.


Very simple concept, not really an invitation to pout.

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When do I get my 'Ilum Campaign' medal and the 'SpawnCamper' title ?


I want a "I tried to fight the Sith at Ilum and all I got was this stupid title" title. Maybe they could buy me off with that.



So that years from now, if anyone is still stupid enough to play republic, I can tell them I was one of the 6 republic at Ilum the day the Empire won the war.

Edited by bicuspid
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I like the idea, sure, but I don't really understand the point of it at this point in time. Aren't there some other, more important features that could have been added before this fluff? Or some bug fixes or something?

With the current state of SWTOR, this wasn't something that was really needed. Believe me, I do appreciate it, but right now it just seems like there are some other more important things that could have been done...


Contrary to what you might have heard, game developers can work on more than one thing at a time! It's true!

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Indeed, not one MMO has ever been released as a "finished" product and by definition, none ever will. The very definition of an MMO means that they will never be finished. To "finish" an MMO would be like saying "I have finished exploring the Universe," after simply circumventing our planet. If one plays games to finish and beat them, I am sorry to say but MMOs are not something in which this is truly possible.


But I have finished exploring the univser. Your point is moot.

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I don't get why anyone thinks this new title is somehow going to delay work on a fix for the game's problems. Or how it could mean Bioware isn't already aware of those problems and working on them.

I really don't see how there is anything wrong with this announcement. At worst it means nothing, at best you get to feel special in a year or so.

This. My god this forum is overrun with whiners. BW gives us a small vet reward for supporting the game at its launch. Reaction? Flamefest and more whining about Ilum. I think it's time for some of you to go outside.
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This. My god this forum is overrun with whiners. BW gives us a small vet reward for supporting the game at its launch. Reaction? Flamefest and more whining about Ilum. I think it's time for some of you to go outside.


You cant get through a door to go outside with a Big pitty pot stuck on your behind lol

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This. My god this forum is overrun with whiners. BW gives us a small vet reward for supporting the game at its launch. Reaction? Flamefest and more whining about Ilum. I think it's time for some of you to go outside.




Theres nothing wrong with giving people who were here early a reward..

but doing it a month after the launch, in an attempt to incentivise subscriptions?


thats just plain foolish.

especially with all the whining and moaning going on here on the forums.


The PR department could really use some brains here.



I'll enjoy the title, but having it now, and for the rest of the playing population won't make it all that valuable.


I don't see this community growing anytime soon

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This. My god this forum is overrun with whiners. BW gives us a small vet reward for supporting the game at its launch. Reaction? Flamefest and more whining about Ilum. I think it's time for some of you to go outside.


So I Beta'ed. I purchased the game. That isn't what gives me the reward. It's if I give them more money-and the night of a terrible patch, and the night before you have to resub.

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So I Beta'ed. I purchased the game. That isn't what gives me the reward. It's if I give them more money-and the night of a terrible patch, and the night before you have to resub.
I'm playing the world's smallest violin over here.
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95% of the replies in this thread just sicken me honestly.


Yes, they messed up pretty terribly on this patch. But they're obviously quite quickly busting their asses to rectify it as evidenced by their emergency patch just 24 hours later. Yeah it's not perfect but it's SOMETHING. Sure some people gained the hell out of something for a day, but what game hasn't experienced that, especially one that's just a month old. And it's not even something that's insurmountable. Battlemaster isn't even that huge of an upgrade over Champion, and I've killed plenty of Battlemasters with my partially geared Champion Sentinel. So lighten the hell up for the love of God.


Get some perspective people. Do you realize adding this to the game probably took a single coder all of maybe an hour, if even that, to add to the game? Anymore the internet audience is just a bunch of people that would rather add unnecessary drama when they quite obviously still care enough to bother posting about it while still playing the game.


People are just not happy anymore unless there's something to troll and add some fickle opinion to fuel fires that honestly aren't going to matter in the grand scheme of f'all.

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95% of the replies in this thread just sicken me honestly.


Yes, they messed up pretty terribly on this patch. But they're obviously quite quickly busting their asses to rectify it as evidenced by their emergency patch just 24 hours later. Yeah it's not perfect but it's SOMETHING. Sure some people gained the hell out of something for a day, but what game hasn't experienced that, especially one that's just a month old. And it's not even something that's insurmountable. Battlemaster isn't even that huge of an upgrade over Champion, and I've killed plenty of Battlemasters with my partially geared Champion Sentinel. So lighten the hell up for the love of God.


Get some perspective people. Do you realize adding this to the game probably took a single coder all of maybe an hour, if even that, to add to the game? Anymore the internet audience is just a bunch of people that would rather add unnecessary drama when they quite obviously still care enough to bother posting about it while still playing the game.


People are just not happy anymore unless there's something to troll and add some fickle opinion to fuel fires that honestly aren't going to matter in the grand scheme of f'all.



People also gained the hell out of something with the massive credit DUPE and hey they only get a slap on the wrist AND get to keep the credits.

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hehe, thats pretty awesome. not really big on the title but the idea is cool . I doubt its gonna get anyone to sub at all just for that. Nice touch though.


those complaining its not the right time. its never the right time for you. Newsflash, seperate departments work on seperate things. your precious little issues are getting taken care of. You are why we cant have nice things.

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Well right now its more like a maternity ward,after the 20th it will be a community.


You`re in for a rude awakening if you think the forums will be all rainbows and unicorns after the 20th. Maybe then you`ll allow yourself to think that there actually are some flaws with the game *gasp*

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Im torn by this... not because i dont like the idea and i dont want to wear a tag ingame that shows ive been here since the beginning and im in it for the long run.


but... because all the ppl who bash this game will be able to get it and wear it just as a badge of trolling... (they may cancel there sub soon but most likely come back to resub now just for this) why? (because thats what trolls do of course duh?) They will never be satisfied and will continue hating no matter what changes the game makes, but now they have a trophy to hold up and say (see! im a founder too! but the games broken! F2P! unsubbed!) Heck some may resub just to troll the forums alone...


To me the true supporters of the game deserve more than this.



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Im torn by this... not because i dont like the idea and i dont want to wear a tag ingame that shows ive been here since the beginning and im in it for the long run.


but... because all the ppl who bash this game will be able to get it and wear it just as a badge of trolling... (they may cancel there sub soon but most likely come back to resub now just for this) why? (because thats what trolls do of course duh?) They will never be satisfied and will continue hating no matter what changes the game makes, but now they have a trophy to hold up and say (see! im a founder too! but the games broken! F2P! unsubbed!) Heck some may resub just to troll the forums alone...


I would be completely satisfied if they balanced PvP (INCLUDING FACTION BALANCE) and got rid of the various terrible ability delay and animation bugs.


Really, that's all I want. What did the patch do? Not fix the ability delay bugs, and made PvP worse.

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People also gained the hell out of something with the massive credit DUPE and hey they only get a slap on the wrist AND get to keep the credits.


I was unaware of the fact that making credits in this game was hard? Honestly, you the credit police? Did people making credits make you unable to play the game and enjoy it? What?

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Pretty much everything that can be said has been. I had fun for my 39 days and i don't regret buying the game. It just didn't have whatever magic is necessary to keep me paying. once they add some of the features I'm looking forward to, i might be back. I'm still hopeful swtor will rake in enough cash to develop the game more.
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We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ one of the most successful MMO launches of all time. To show our appreciation, from now through March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST, we are rewarding early members of The Old Republic community with a unique Founder’s medal* and title.


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Does this also include an upgrade to valor rank 60 for everyone who didn't take advantage of the cluster F*** of a patch yesterday?


Seriously if you want me to re-sub sort your customer service out so they actually communicate with the customer. No amount of titles is going to fix your crappy CSR communication skills.

Edited by FignarKrynn
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I was unaware of the fact that making credits in this game was hard? Honestly, you the credit police? Did people making credits make you unable to play the game and enjoy it? What?


Are you dumb or what? Credit duping was an exploit! It isnt because making money is hard in the game. This is not what is in question here but the fact that they didnt remove the money that was created by this exploit.


What a moron you are!


On topic.... i enjoy the game and will sub at least another month. I do understand how folks could be pissed that the issues generated by today's patch and the "timing" of this offer.

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