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Thanks apreciate the gesture and I've also upgraded my game from the standard edition and added the digital edition with some extra bit's. Loving the game, and for those who hate people who like the game, I'm aware of bugs, but hay, it's still playable and fun and bugs get fixed along the way, so it's not the end of the world. Yet that is! 21.12.12 I believe thats meant to happen, so have lots of fun this year:D, not forgetting relaxing for me:cool:Game;)
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We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ one of the most successful MMO launches of all time. To show our appreciation, from now through March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST, we are rewarding early members of The Old Republic community with a unique Founder’s medal* and title.


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Thank you.

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*cough* resubed *cough* on 1/5. That was over 2 weeks ago.Still no "Yipe!Founder Badge!" email ingame or outgame.So does this mean I have to wait for 1/25 since this was announced on 1/18 ...so...confused. Another title.Yay. /rollseyes
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How about people that already bought the game before release and paid months in advance when they activated their accounts? You know, the ones who are REALLY responsible for EAware and ToR's successful launch.


Or the 200K pre-orders they announced before the game was launched?

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I understand people not liking the game or the Founder medal, an canceling your sub, I really do ....but why are you even here still, it's a total waste of time.


For the folks out there mad about the Founder's medal, saying why this and not fixing the game. A fix is in the works an we will get them, I'll bet this medal was in place way before game release anyway. So calm down, an enjoy, if not don't renew your sub or cancel an go game elsewhere.


Tyranzel, Jedi Master

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We would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ one of the most successful MMO launches of all time. To show our appreciation, from now through March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST, we are rewarding early members of The Old Republic community with a unique Founder’s medal* and title.


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Well thank you kindly, and not trying to be rude, but stop trying so hard. This reeks of Advertisers gone hyperspace or similar. I am guessing you did not mean it that way but People are over "special offer"ed now and frankly you don't need to. If you believe you have to try this hard then anxiety is ruling your decision making processes. Relax a little and trust yourselves.


My gift to you EA and BioWare... Encouragement and advice disguised as forum opinion.


SWTOR is launched, now time to polish and polish some more, listen to the Players and know when to say yes and when to say No (get some help with this if you need it but never admit it here, find People that have been doing MMOs for years). Keep the Servers fired up and the patches coming and all will be mostly well. As the MMO turns... yes MMOs are Soaps most of the time...


Oh, and play your OWN game. Play SWTOR. Find out what works and what doesn't for yourself. Get Hooked on your own MMO. Everyone on Staff should do this. That will do more to guarantee success for SWTOR than anything else. When you get mad about an unintended nerf to YOUR character I am completely confident the problem will get fixed :)


Work to make SWTOR fantastic and massively FUN and you won't need to worry about coming up with advertising gimmicks. Your Advertising Staff will have more time to push Retail and Online sales rathr than come up with special promos all the time. Let the quality of the game itself sell the game.


Remember you spent $200 million to make a GAME, now enjoy it and love it, take good care of it and in turn we will continue to love it too. If you can't find Job Satisfaction working on and for SWTOR then you all need therapy. Seriously ;)


and thank you again.

Edited by Kyrmius
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The founder title should be the ones that were in the beta all the time no weekend beta people like me lol. Unless I read it wrong seems like everyone after the 1st month will get it.. So the REAL people "testers" got what? So I get the title and did nothing.


As for the best ever stuff. Every mmo says this. We all that make sale what ever have the right in our own eyes say "this is the best ever, none other like it" and be the biggest lie.

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I have a 60 days game time code on my account, and still I haven't received my founder's title. Anyone who has Game time codes has received the title?


I haven't either - won't really start worrying until the 25th, but it would be nice if they could make it a bit clearer. Bit concerning that the back end account system and the game take 7 days for a handshake - need to get that sorted out, especially with the inevitable cash shop that'll show up at some point.

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Serriously, it's just a title, why all the fuzzy replies about it?

No biggie to implement, so what makes some think that other important additions and fixes aren't on the table?

And those who quit anyway, why even care?



The masses are pathetic.

Edited by Mineria
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I fail to see what's so great about an in-game title. I doubt many of us will be using it anyway. There are much better sounding and meaning titles already and 'Founder <your name & legacy>' doesn't sound too good :rolleyes: Still, thanks for the cookie..I'll put it in the jar. Edited by infinitum
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Because all I ever wanted was another title among my list instead of all the buggy content being fixed. Please Bioware fix the broken content before adding more broken content.

So you think BW adding this title will affect/Delay content fixes ROFL :rolleyes:

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