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You'd be amazed at the amount of sad plebs who would pay £8.99 for an ingame title they would never use.


If you fall for this 'scam' just to get you to resubscribe after the first month, you should be banned from life :cool:

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Whoever came up with this idea really has to question the value of such.


I can either have the title Lord, Dark, Jedi etc or The Founder. Some titles are clearly cooler than others, so its not likely to be that big a deal with a lot of people. So it comes off as a cheap gift and nothing wrong with that but those that are happy with some recognition find it cheap and those that aren't happy with it see it as a bribe.


Now a purple colour crystal or something that is of some use would have at least kept the fans happy. But as it is not going to impress many people with a token that grants a title when you took so many better titles out of the game.

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You'd be amazed at the amount of sad plebs who would pay £8.99 for an ingame title they would never use.


If you fall for this 'scam' just to get you to resubscribe after the first month, you should be banned from life :cool:


uhh no one is paying a cent for the title... you are paying for the play time... if you don't use the play time you can't actually use the title... there is no "scam" it is just something free added to what you would have gotten anyway... lots of games hand out free pointless gifts to players all the time.... you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed huh?

Edited by Liquidacid
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Now a purple colour crystal or something that is of some use would have at least kept the fans happy.


Except even more would have taken it as a sign that they were "desperate" and the game was "failing" and used it to continue their rants. That and I doubt the people who went through the effort and time to be able to either make or buy a purple crystal from the GTN would have been to happy.

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Except even more would have taken it as a sign that they were "desperate" and the game was "failing" and used it to continue their rants. That and I doubt the people who went through the effort and time to be able to either make or buy a purple crystal from the GTN would have been to happy.


THAT's why the GTN is so fail... so that it won't compete with the inevitable Freemium shop. You're a genius!

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Wow, a lot of negativity and anger over something so trivial. IT's a nice little bonus, who cares when the did it. it's not like implementing this took away from anything else, come on guys get real. The game is good it is just a new mmo get over it, if you spent less time in here getting wrapped up in all the negative trolling and more actually playing you would be happier. or maybe your just a hateful person and it would not matter to you, either way who cares i'm gonna go play now.


My only comment on it is i wish it was more exclusive, like maybe people who were in the testing program or participated in more than one beta weekend or something cause there is going to be potentially well over a million people eligible for this. a few years down the road it might be cool to slap on the founder title i guess.

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If all you guys hate the game so much then just leave. I'm enjoying it and like that I'm getting a title and medal. I don't see why you guys are so worked up over a silly game. Don't like it? Then quit. Like it? Have fun playing. It's that simple.


You may have all bought the game and are upset it isn't what you wanted, but that's probably why you should wait until after release to purchase your games. That way you can make an informed decision whether you want to spend your money. There was even a beta so you could try before you buy! I waited until after beta and release before I bought my copy. I saw what the game was and where it was going and was fine with it. I'm a happy customer.


Only thing worse than fanbois are whiners on the forum.


This post is not meant to target those with legitimate concerns, just those that constantly ***** about how they are quitting and how the game sucks.

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