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1-49 Warzones are AMAZING now


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Agree. This has been pretty fun today, both playin warzones at 50 and under 50. Was a much needed fix.


Agreed. It is much harder to get Valor ranks now. All Valor should be rolled back to 1 on all characters.... ME ANGRY MINDLESS RAGE!

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Having a blast :) So much fun now !!! I will have to be extra careful not to level too fast.
Same here. It's like going back to the first 2 weeks when warzones weren't filled with Expertise geared 50's rolling everyone.


I wish I could lock my XP and never hit 50. It's way more fun when PvP isn't a gear treadmill.

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I agree 100%. The difference is amazing, and our entire guild has had an absolute BLAST PVPing this evening.


We all agreed that we weren't going to rush to 50, since we didn't want to be in a position where all content was complete and we were short of something to do. As a result, most of our guild is still sub 50, and PVP prior to today was an absolute chore. The majority of the guild just stopped queuing, since the just got blown up in around 4.5 seconds against the Imp battlemasters.


Today, what a turnaround. Instead of losing 9/10 games, we're now winning 9/10 games. You can't tell me that our entire guild suddenly developed skill overnight, so the conclusion is pretty obvious.


In one game, our highest player was 32 (with most mid 20s), and the entire enemy team was 41+. We absolutely wrecked them. Anyone trying to claim 50s with expertise are no harder to kill than 40s is dreaming.


This is a fantastic change, and I'd like to thank Bioware for putting this much needed bracketing change into the game. Our guild doesn't really care if we win or lose as long as we can play a fun, competitive match. Today's patch finally gave us that reality - kudos.


To echo some of the other posters, I really wish I could stop leveling at 49. The prospect of entering the 50s bracket and seeing expertise again just doesn't appeal at all.

Edited by Arakel
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amongst all the - justified imo - QQ I just have to say it - lowbie warzones are amazingly fun now.



It will leave a sour taste in the mouth of many having witnessed the travesty of allowing the most dedicated players,those who rushed to 50 first, to farm lowbies in premades all day long, no doubt.

Especially since the number of 50's really rose to levels that destroyed pretty much every single warzone within the last week or two for players playing lowbie alts or just taking their time.

But at least now we have functional PvP pre 50.


So screw-ups aside. Good job Bioware!


yes they are untill you come against loads of 30+ with more abilitys better gear and more talents into the specs there is stilll a huge problem with high lvl's preying on the low lvl's so another lvl bracket is needed to split the new problem

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yes they are untill you come against loads of 30+ with more abilitys better gear and more talents into the specs there is stilll a huge problem with high lvl's preying on the low lvl's so another lvl bracket is needed to split the new problem


Not really. I played all day and that is not true. No more brackets are needed 10-49

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I like the WZs very much now as well. However, posting this leaves a sour taste in my mouth, as now I stand with a group who was tactless, shrill, and downright mean about a system that needed to be in place for a game that launches with WZs implemented.


Had there been a 50s only bracket a few weeks ago, queue times would have been astronomical. When I hit 50 (about 2 days after the full launch), there were 4 other 50s on my faction total. We wouldn't have been able to PvP at all. Obviously there was an awkward time where there were very, very geared 50s facing off against level 10s, but it didn't last more than a week or two and it was clearly necessary to keep queue times under control.


Bioware is not nearly as stupid as the forums would have you believe. The 1-50 bracket was a great idea for launch, and they've ended the practice less than a month later as it has served its purpose. Overall, I think things worked out despite the irrational rage that pervades this board.

Edited by Tharax
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There is no difference. If you see one, you are most likely bad or some dummy who thinks he can solo a level 50 at 12; aka, you are bad.


People who see no difference are likely below average. Got rolled before and still get rolled that is why someone might not notice any difference

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Don't care about end game content, just give me some balanced pvp with no gear race.



Then you clearly dont understand this game or any other mmo >>>>RPG<<<<<! this is basically mmo KOTOR, the story is 80% of the game. Go lvl do you class quest and make your character strong. Also gearing is what makes pvp fun, because it gives you advantage for being better/working harder.

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Well the brackets are great because now all of a sudden my shadow strikes actually hit for more than 1500 whereas before I couldnt hit a 50 for more than 400-500 and he just laughs while ignoring me completely. Unfortunately other problems remain. Today lost 2 hutball games due to chain stuns/mezes and such even when resolve was full or cooling down. Both times I was basically perma rooted one way or another for at least 20 seconds after using resilience and cc break. On top of that, due to lag issues I can use force push properly because it does not calculate where I am relative to the person I am pushing correctly and I cant seem to force stun anyone. On top of that, i was basically snared about 75% of the entire game no matter where I was and getting hit by missiles from 3 miles away by people who are clearly not in line of sight (not sure if you have to be but whatever). It just isnt any fun. Too many cheap 1 click abilities on the sith side and too many snares/stuns all over. Thanks EA but Ill be looking for the next mmo. Any chance I can get my money back?
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Then you clearly dont understand this game or any other mmo >>>>RPG<<<<<! this is basically mmo KOTOR, the story is 80% of the game. Go lvl do you class quest and make your character strong. Also gearing is what makes pvp fun, because it gives you advantage for being better/working harder.


nope I understand.... i filter in a some class quests, have actually enjoyed that as far as pve goes. But the plan is to have multiple alts, none will ding 50.


Don't care for your gear race. Just want more pvp than pve.... and the balanced 1-49 bracket suits me just fine.

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Then you clearly dont understand this game or any other mmo >>>>RPG<<<<<! this is basically mmo KOTOR, the story is 80% of the game. Go lvl do you class quest and make your character strong. Also gearing is what makes pvp fun, because it gives you advantage for being better/working harder.


Stop being ignorant with the "don't understand >>>>RPG<<<<" nonsense.


Of course RPGs imply some kind of character progression; however, that is not synonymous with gear progression. UO had zero gear progression, yet you could progress your skills, stats, and place in the world. That was, in fact, the first game termed an MMORPG.


I miss games where your character grew in strength based on your level and your build and the gear was simply there to tweak how you played -- stack more crit for certain builds, stack more absorption, etc. -- without stat increases every tier.



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yes they are untill you come against loads of 30+ with more abilitys better gear and more talents into the specs there is stilll a huge problem with high lvl's preying on the low lvl's so another lvl bracket is needed to split the new problem


Are you really that bad? Have you even logged into this game to play it? Do ever make forum posts that aren't crying about something? Have you ever touched a **** in your life?

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PvP should be fun because you're killing other players, not because you want to get a shiny piece of gear you can use to roflstomp. Leave the gear progression to PvE where it makes more sense and just let people concentrate on killing each other relatively evenly in PvP.


The bolstered 1-49 bracket will always be more balanced than the 50 bracket.


Don't care about end game content, just give me some balanced pvp with no gear race.


I tend to agree.


How much would I freaking love a game with the the fun complexity that having a variety of classes can bring -- without the stupid gear treadmill? Let the dragon killers chase shiny gear. Let the PvPers kill each other on equal footing. Gear should not make a huge difference in PvP. To make it so that the main thing determining how powerful your character is be the gear that you have access to negates the entire point of PvP in my mind. It is one of the things I hated the very most about WoW.

Edited by belialle
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My wife and I play together and we PvP together and we have noticed a Huge Difference in the PvP and to hear her say she is actually having fun in PvP to me makes the brackets worth it for that alone... No more being facerolled by 50's in expertise gear we still get rolled but in truth it is a much more enjoyable roll then it was I hated to Que PvP prior to todays patch and my wife would only que if I begged now she wants to always reque lol so to me again this makes a HUGE difference.
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yes they are untill you come against loads of 30+ with more abilitys better gear and more talents into the specs there is stilll a huge problem with high lvl's preying on the low lvl's so another lvl bracket is needed to split the new problem


if you keep your gear up to date you don't have anything to worry. In fact if you keep your gear up and a much higher player is slacking, you will have the advantage.


Now at level 30 people can grab their 21pt talents which are significant in some cases and you get some of the most essential abilities for your class during your 20's so sure, if you're lower than that you will be at a disadvantage.


But that disadvantage is small enough you can make up for it by being the better player. And reaching level 30 happens really fast. I think brackets are perfect now to be honest, too small and very soon low level queues might cause problems..

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I too had a blast today on my level 18 Merc. Yes i had to fight some 40s but without all that expertise it was a lot more even fight. So far won 3/4 games. As for people crying about long que times and that no one under 50 should pvp.. in a way you got your wish.
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