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WZ's at lvl50 destroyed


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So ya lvl 50 WZ's on my server consist of long queues, EVERY game ending within 2minutes because there is not enough people, and basically the people who queue in a pre-made win every time.


Can't believe how messed up this game is now.


Oh ya and you get completely destroyed in the warzones now if you are 50 and didnt spend the last month getting completely PvP geared.


Endgame is 100% worthless and not fun at all now - thank god they released this patch before I actually had to subscribe.

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So ya lvl 50 WZ's on my server consist of long queues, EVERY game ending within 2minutes because there is not enough people, and basically the people who queue in a pre-made win every time.


Can't believe how messed up this game is now.


Oh ya and you get completely destroyed in the warzones now if you are 50 and didnt spend the last month getting completely PvP geared.


Endgame is 100% worthless and not fun at all now - thank god they released this patch before I actually had to subscribe.


1 week ago before you hit 50, you were like "F*** BIOWARE, TAKE THOSE 50s OUT OF MY WARZONE". Today, you hit 50 and now you're like "COME ON BIOWARE, PUT LOWBIES BACK IN THE WARZONES, THE TOP GEARED LVL 50S DESTROYS OTHER 50S. THEREFOR, PUTTING THE LOWBIES BACK WILL... ER.... MAKE IT...better.. n stuff

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1 week ago before you hit 50, you were like "F*** BIOWARE, TAKE THOSE 50s OUT OF MY WARZONE". Today, you hit 50 and now you're like "COME ON BIOWARE, PUT LOWBIES BACK IN THE WARZONES, THE TOP GEARED LVL 50S DESTROYS OTHER 50S. THEREFOR, PUTTING THE LOWBIES BACK WILL... ER.... MAKE IT...better.. n stuff


I never complained about 50s. Ever. I have a 50 marauder and a 13 bounty hunter.


If I can put up 250k damage on my Bounty Hunter, it's not broken.

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So ya lvl 50 WZ's on my server consist of long queues, EVERY game ending within 2minutes because there is not enough people, and basically the people who queue in a pre-made win every time.


Can't believe how messed up this game is now.


Oh ya and you get completely destroyed in the warzones now if you are 50 and didnt spend the last month getting completely PvP geared.


Endgame is 100% worthless and not fun at all now - thank god they released this patch before I actually had to subscribe.


I agree, my server has the same problem. The queue times during the day are about 10 minutes and about 30 minutes during the evening. The games tend to end early due to the lack of players which is extremely annoying.


The ilum missions are impossible due the severe lack of Republics. It took me 20 minutes to get 3 kills (same guy!) and i suppose he left after because it stopped there.

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The complaints about low levels were by 50s who wanted no excuses for their losses, you pug you are going to lose once in a while, comes with the territory. Like previously said, I find it hard to scream at a lowbie player who puts out more dps than someone on their team, or **** even a 50 on our team. 50's shouldn't complain about lowbies, they should complain about idiots. Edited by Natharon
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Just take out expertise and then your problem is solved...


How does this fix que'in problems lol? Expertise is there to keep pve'ers from having a advantage in pvp. If you get the same amount of expertise as the guy your facing guess what...expertise has no affect on both of you cause you both get the same buffs from it lol.

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You had queue times of 30min? My server has queue time of 5 hours and still no pvp. Doesn't matter, I just unsubscribed it since it's going to expire in 2 days anyway. So why waste monthly fee if I can't play pvp, not enough lvl50s for pvp and out of the few lvl 50s, half of them don't play pvp, so there's only like 4 people pvping as lvl 50. There's no pvp game at all.
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1 week ago before you hit 50, you were like "F*** BIOWARE, TAKE THOSE 50s OUT OF MY WARZONE". Today, you hit 50 and now you're like "COME ON BIOWARE, PUT LOWBIES BACK IN THE WARZONES, THE TOP GEARED LVL 50S DESTROYS OTHER 50S. THEREFOR, PUTTING THE LOWBIES BACK WILL... ER.... MAKE IT...better.. n stuff


i lol'd.


true story

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Boo freakin hoo, you 50s got what you deserved by rushing to endgame. No more lvl 10s for you to farm so you can feel superior. Time to take it up the behind against skilled players your own lvl. I love it!


"Rushing"? You can easily hit 50 with like 40 hours played, and we're over a month in now.


If you started in early access you'd have to be trying not to be 50 by now.

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On my server, Empress Teta, there are not enough 50s on either side to begin a warzone, so now people who have been grinding for gear the last week or so get to do what now? Wait for others. No it's ********, then there is still no one in ilum, so it's a bunch of people in the center scavenging for armaments, which took over an hour for my group to do. Also the fact that we are a PvE server and we are unable to get Mercenary commendations for world PvP is ********, just because we are a PvE server. Fix what you have problems with already before you release new content. I WANT to play this game, but I guarantee people who want to do PvP and are having the same problem I am having, will not stay subscribed. Finally, people are getting decked out on gear because of luck from the bags? While others get little to none and will have to farm for months while people get the gear in the matter of days. It should be a set amount to buy each piece, like WoW and increase the commendations gained from Champion Bags, I would have to farm a total of 800 Warzone commendations to get one bag of either 3 commendations, or if I'm lucky a piece of gear and one commendation. If I were to get 100 commendations each game, which is usually not the case, it would take me 8 games, and say each lasts 10 minutes on average. It would take an hour and 20 minutes to get one bag, plus the que times in between, which is about 3-5 minutes on my server, or used to be. so about almost 2 hours to farm one bag to get 3 commendations. The lowest piece of gear costs 21 Centurion commendations. It would take you 14 hours to get the lowest piece of gear, and then their is the chance that might be replaced by a champion piece from the Champion Bags. It is unfair for those people who will have to farm that because they are not lucky while people do a handful and dailies and get decked out instantly. I hope Bioware sees this so they are able to correct all of these mistakes or at least have a plan of action.
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ps someone needs to be fired

Edited by mdironman
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I find it hard to have any sympathy for imperial players complaining about queue times. It was absolutely not a secret that there would be a sever population imbalance. Do I want to play the imperial classes? Absolutely. But I'm waiting a few months for things to balance out a little(I hope they do at least)


As for pre-50 warzones that I was able to play before work, I absolutely love it. It hasn't been this much fun since early access/first week or so of launch. Thank you Bioware.

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A level 10 in a Battleground with a level 49 is still as bad as a level 50.


I didn't believe anyone could handle PvP worse than Blizzard.


Simply not true.


There were level 12s in my WZ this evening and they were doing just fine against level 49s.


Of course they might not win 1vs1, but they were able to do significant damage and didn't die in two hits.

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