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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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I was thinking that too.


Some people got stuck getting killed for 5+ hours and that is certainly a form of harassment when you can't do anything and they won't stop.


Killing someone once or twice is one thing but killing the same people for 8+ hours is no longer a accident.




There are people rage cancelling because of something the read and you honestly and rationally think that people didn't rage log for being spawn camped for hours? You don't think that for anyone to subject themselves to that for hours might just possibly have gained something by doing so?

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people could log out and back in to reset diminishing, while gaining any valor they would have gotten while they were logged out if fast enough as non dimished returns.


also turrets were shown in youtube and streams to be giving valor.


bioware has stated unintended..... pvp is forever ruined.... rollback a must


Ok gummy... My guild killed a turret last night. It gave zero valor. YOU ARE SPREADING LIES.

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They said they would look at players individually. What's the issue?


If it took them 12 hours to issue a response about a exploit that was happening on a lot of servers it will probably take them 400,000 years to investigate each player individually.


None of the players will get banned but their great great great grandchildren might get a email telling them that their account has been suspended.

Edited by Saviorofcamelot
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Alot of blanant lies going around here. First off turrets WERE/ARE giving valor @ 3k worth per kill. And to the idiots saying ilum as an imp wasnt worth it is full of **** too. I am a reb and I was out there for a hour or so before all the imp raids showed up and I made 38,39, and 40 valor rank in that hour of killing. was making 120 valor per kill and it went very fast.


You are full of crap. The turrets gave ZERO valor, and I have a fraps of it. If you want to see it, message me on here and I will upload it to youtube and show you how ignorant you are about this. Also, it was not worth the grind because there were barely any republics to even kill.

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If it took them 12 hours to issue a response about a exploit that was happening on a lot of servers it will probably take them 400,000 years to investigate each player individually.


I don't know what to say other than you are ignorant of software design. The fact that they reacted to an issue, investigated a bug, and deployed a fix in 24hrs is like a best case scenario.

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I do not know the validity to this turret valor gain, but I can without question assert that I was in a maxed out ops group camping the repubs for several hours and we kept the turrets destroyed and not once did we receive anything more then a legacy gain.
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people could log out and back in to reset diminishing, while gaining any valor they would have gotten while they were logged out if fast enough as non dimished returns.


also turrets were shown in youtube and streams to be giving valor.


bioware has stated unintended..... pvp is forever ruined.... rollback a must


Turrets do not give valor.


Turrets do not give valor.


Turrets do not give valor.


You discredit yourself and all your posts by blatantly lying! WHY? Why do you feel the necessity to lie?


I don't understand!


Devs have said turrets don't give valor, turrets have been killed and they do not give valor. I have seen and been a part of turrets being killed, THERE IS NO VALOR.


Stop lying. Stop believing trolls who post things like 'turrets give valor' just because you want to be angry and they are giving you an 'excuse' it is not an excuse because, guess what IT'S A LIE! Just like the cake, the cake and valor from turrets are both lies!

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Right, my 20 cents (or Pennies)


Firstly, when I went to check out the new Ilum, first thing I've noticed was the severe drop in framerate. It became pretty much unplayable. So basiacally, I joined an ops group and did some AOE just outside our (rep) base and waited for imp idiots who strayed too close and CC them with all the others. They could not get through to our base to corpse camp us, nor did they even get close to our turrets. The server population is about 2.5:1 in favour of the imps, (even higher in pvp) and they still couldn't break through. Shows that even with better gear and better numbers, the Imps can't seem to beat us because on average we're simply better than them.


Anyway, the moment I finished my daily, I had enough, went back to the rep fleet and upped my graphics back to max, and got on with my WZ valor grinding. As the day went on however, I've noticed more and more imps having more HP and hit harder. I didn't know why that's the case, well now I know. The imps ended up corpse camping us after I and others left, and leveled up their valor and got on with equip farming. Towards the end of the day it became much harder to win any WZ. Through the day, we got from a little underequipped, but strong republic side into a side of rage quitters because just about every Imp had much better gear than us.


What I would like now is a roll back. I am willing to give up my hard earnt Valor ranks from yesterday so that cheaters (yes, I am calling them that) do not gain from it. I am proud to have been on the plucky side, giving the imps a bloody nose wherever possible, but this pluckyness has turned into a clear losing side.


If a roll back doesn't happen, then some draconian measures should be implemented. Those who profited heavily should have all their valor and pvp equipment erased. There is no excuse for this cheating. They can't even claim ignorance, because I am damn sure everyone there heard at least once about the exploit.


I have a level 25 sith as well that I'm leveling on the side. If the imps who cheated do not get punished I'll simply play my sith exclusivly and contribute to the server inbalance. I'd rather stay on my plucky republic side, but I am paying for this game to have fun. Getting my behind kicked consistantly by overgeared players is not my definition of fun.

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That is not what they said, they said they would look at players that got huge gains. They are just not rolling back EVERYONE.


BTW I think the spawn camping screens were from a few servers, most people in the other threads just had big fights outside the bases. Same on my server.


They cant ban them, and if they did it shows a lack of judgement. Its a mechanic in the game. Its not exploited, since anyone could freely do it and HAS. So why only punish a small minority that gained too much when everyone profited from it?

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1. solve imbalance issue


2. You have to grind to get Rank60 , not aoe us to hell



it was a promising game , i think its gonna end like others mmo ends


IT WAS A MINOR BUG! You are suppose to insta die if you enter the base. Jesus people read his statement.

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its more like 2-300 per kill, there are bonuses for how many objectives you own, Clearly you have no clue whats been going on and how the valour gains were working as of now


I went to see for myself last night.


We held ALL objectives except the Republic base. First kill was 120 valor and the second was 130 valor.


I quickly decided warzones was more fun and worthwhile in terms of rewards especially after adding commendations, credits etc.


Thus it is clearly you that has no clue and just jumped on the troll bandwagon.

Edited by Hellapain
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Why cause i did what every one else nin the game did if i get banned so should 90% of the empire players we all did it just no one wants to admit it atleast ill admit it and tell them that it needs to be done ..


I have much respect for you. I dont think a ban or permaban is a solution. I think they need to just remove the valor from the offending players. BW invited this issue and sat on their *** all day wo shutting the servers down. Ring leaders and youtubers might get a permaband but seriously thats not the solution. BW is at fault.

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thats why a rollback is the only option


they admitted it was unintended....


valor 100 cannot be justified as earned at this time and there are thousands now.


game is on its 30th day...last day for a full refund on the game itself from retailers if you provide the proper case against bioware. either they rollback or they flopped


i hope rollback becasue its star wars... but i wont waste my time in a game that allows this gross exploitation to occur...


No, a rollback isn't a viable option. A cap on what was earned is.


Did you hit valor level 100, do you personally know of someone who did? It would have taken days and days of non stop farming at peak rates to do so.

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thats why a rollback is the only option


they admitted it was unintended....


valor 100 cannot be justified as earned at this time and there are thousands now.


game is on its 30th day...last day for a full refund on the game itself from retailers if you provide the proper case against bioware. either they rollback or they flopped


i hope rollback becasue its star wars... but i wont waste my time in a game that allows this gross exploitation to occur...


Please show me just 1 valor 100 person. You claim there are thousands from yesterday, so show me just 1.

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I don't know what to say other than you are ignorant of software design. The fact that they reacted to an issue, investigated a bug, and deployed a fix in 24hrs is like a best case scenario.


How do you know the fix will sort things out? Given their current track record I can only expect of BW to ruin the game even more.


Oh, and they just edited their update post on todays patch and postponed it with another hour and pretended like we didn't notice nor care, lol.

Edited by darthtoph
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You are full of crap. The turrets gave ZERO valor, and I have a fraps of it. If you want to see it, message me on here and I will upload it to youtube and show you how ignorant you are about this. Also, it was not worth the grind because there were barely any republics to even kill.


If you didnt get any valor it is because you/your group/ your ops didnt get the finishing blow. Had the same issue with the quest updates out there no valor no update for killing people if someone outside of group got the killing blow. Say what you will.

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NO MMO since week 1 of Ultima Online has done a rollback. Get over it, stop asking it will NEVER happen.



Incorrect. UO and SWG (the only two MMO's I spent significant time in) both had numerous rollbacks through out their life.

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So 2,305 replies and 204,957 views in this thread in less than a day, and no reaction what the exact reaction on server imbalance and the valor issue will be. Is this really how you want to treat your customers, EAmpire?


Right now, you're in a sea of whining, crying, and impotent entitled rage. I highly suggest that you check the calmer waters of the Dev Tracker Forum. That's where the people that solve problems and have the power to evince change write their posts. This thread is mostly a place where people that are somewhat insane slam their heads against the wall and complain about the pain in their heads. It's not going to help you out with any information, it's only for entertainment purposes.


Here was the official response, btw:



GabeAmatangelo PvP -> Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues

Hello everyone; I wanted to update you on the issues we’ve been seeing today on the live servers, specifically within the Open World PvP area on Ilum. We’re aware that on some servers, either Republic or Empire groups have been capturing the Ilum control points, entering the enemy’s base and ‘camping’ the medcenters, preventing the opposite faction from leaving their base to recapture control points. This is not a fair or balanced gameplay experience and can also severely affect client performance, so we’re taking steps to address this.


Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone. In Game Update 1.1, this is not working as intended. We have found the issue preventing this from happening under server load and will be publishing an Emergency Patch to address the issue. We’re aiming to have this patch published early tomorrow morning (January 19th, 5 AM US CST). [Note, please check the launcher and the main thread for the latest information on patch deployment timing -JG]


In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.


Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas. The Valor gains players can see over time will vary greatly depending on the activity level in the zone. This is expected.


To dispel a couple of rumors that have been seen today – there is no Valor gain from destroying turrets within enemy bases, and none from killing NPCs.


We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.


We will continue to monitor Ilum across all servers and will make further changes to gameplay if required. We welcome your feedback here on the Forums, but please ensure your feedback is constructive and specific. Feedback based on rumor does not help us isolate potential issues.


Update: Please see Associate Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez's update below:



Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.

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How do you know the fix will sort things out? Given their track record I expect BW will ruin the game even more.


Oh, and they just edited their update post on todays patch and postponed the patch with another hour and pretended like we didn't notice nor care, lol.


Oh noes not one hour. That makes it 1 day still!



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Can people who abused it stop defending this ****, do you really want to faceroll and let others fall behind? so you can be a boss because of the massive gap in gear between you and the others?



For god sake, people who think rollback isn't an option are just trolling to try and keep what they got. Rollback is the only OPTION! whether you like it or not!

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How do you know the fix will sort things out? Given their current track record I'm expecting BW will ruin the game even more.


Oh, and they just edited their update post on todays patch and postponed it with another hour and pretended like we didn't notice nor care, lol.












Jesus people, this is what they are fixing and will prevent any spawn camping.

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