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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Gabe thanks for the update. It was "not" nice knowing you as the lead PVP developer in swtor. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors as I am quite certain you will not remain gainfully employed with bioware past March 1st, 2012.


Let this hopefully be a great lesson learned on whatever future projects you choose to pursue.


Take care,


This X1000

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BIOWARE ROLL BACK THE SERVER A DAY SERIOUSLY. This is insane I grinded night and day for valor and now you gave it out to hundreds of players like candy.


it's sad i have just cancelled due to this issue, and to those ppl saying well you farmed low lvl players to get to your lvl, my god your're right i never went up against another lvl 50 player in any of the wz's i did. idiot's

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


And by individuals you mean thousands of people I presume?

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I don't quite understand your tactics, so I'm gonna keep acting tough until I do! :D



In all seriousness, wow! I don't understand how EA is just going to sit back and let this game with so much potential run into the ground. What makes it extremely humorous is that they have direct control over BioWare. The execs better get their heads outta their asses otherwise this won't even last 6 months. When the stock facepalms after this game keels over, EA can only blame themselves for letting the same idiots that f'd up Warhammer, ruin a Star Wars IP. GG, that's 2 MMOs backed by industry giant(s), both EA and BioWare/Mythic (who are generally known for putting out really good MMOs). So something has gone wrong in the last 5 years with the BioWare/Mythic MMO dev team, because so far they are 0/2 in my eyes.


And don't say the team from Mythic just disappeared when they merged, because they didn't. You are just kidding yourself. Bleh blah bla, game development is hard, give it time...Wahhh, working is hard, no matter what you do. They do this for a living. A paying customer expects quality. "Good morning folks this is your captain speaking. Well it looks like Boeing forgot to warn us pilots that the wings on this aircraft shear off after 30 minutes of flight, so it looks like we are going down. Later." Lolz.



TLDR; Listen to your PAYING CUSTOMER BASE, otherwise they will give you the finger like your last game.

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Long time defender, followed the game since 2008 (technically 2006 when the rumour started), owner of Collector's Edition.


On my Empire character I am farming small groups of 5-6 Republic players for 120-200 valor each....and gaining valor hella fast.


I would be playing my Republic toon, but its 500 Empire to 20 Republic.


Sorry, its been fun, but I have unsubbed, rollback was the only thing that could have fixed it.

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So your telling me I got my valor up high and did a crap load of hours for pvp for someone to farm valor and get to my valor lvl withing a few days......


No, they are saying that they can farm it in ONE day.

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I cancelled a few hours ago. Still got 2 days on so if anybody wants my stuff you can have it, I'll just keep my main geared just in case if in a couple of years BW fixes this.


Btw I play on Darth Malak, Rep, PM me.


See you, guys.

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I guess I was fooled by all the image shack photos showing valor gain >100 gain every few min by AoE spamming. They must have been photoshopped.

Me as a Republic player fighting back:



Let's not forget the fact I'm all about single target melee dps with ability stuttering (go sentinels). Throw horrific lag/spikes into the mix. And random loading screens during gameplay.


I know for a fact Imps were doing 2-3 times that amount every minute (sith bud of mine).


Thanks for rendering my legit Battlemaster title useless.

Edited by darthtoph
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Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone. As of Game Update 1.1, this is not working as intended.[/color]


This has never worked! Just look at

to see a pre-1.1 video showing how easy it was to control the enemies base... poor response.
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1) This is a new MMO, there will be bugs from untested content, and prompt fixes and balances put in place...the same happened in vanilla for WoW


2) All the players crying about rollbacks and valor gains...quit crying. 18 hours of Ilum will boost valor levels, but it's getting fixed. Your crown of being a "legit" battlemaster means absolutely nothing when your actually pvp'ing


3) This sense of entitlement that the majority of the complainers in this thread are exhibiting is ridiculous. Where do you get off thinking that your silly threat to unsub, or the bashing of BioWare means anything? It's an empty threat, and if you actually unsub from a game because of a simple bug that has been addressed and in motion for patching within 12 hours of it being discovered...you need to grow up.


Yes I've been frustrated with EV regular and hardmode bugs, but I got over it and waited for the patch. It's ONE MONTH from release and there is already new content...grow up...enjoy the game. Stop sitting in the imperial fleet with your black core lightsaber and title, jumping on the mailbox attempting to impress virtual acquaintances.


GJ BioWare. Mistakes are always made and you have a bad position because there will ALWAYS be people that are unhappy. This game is what I've waited years for, and the rest of you should be more appreciative.

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


Carefully evaluating? That's ********. This exploitation is going to resonate into all aspects of PvP. 50's warzones? Full group of Imperial battlemasters vs. a hodgepodge of repubs in a few pieces of centurion. The whole thing is an absolute joke.


Roll back all valor gains today and fire whoever conceived of this **** update. Delete Ilum from the face of the earth and just send everyone 10 bags a week, this zone is worthless.

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Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone. As of Game Update 1.1, this is not working as intended. We have found the issue preventing this from happening under server load and will be publishing an Emergency Patch to address the issue. We’re aiming to have this patch published early tomorrow morning (January 19th, 5 AM US CST).


In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.


Cool sounds good. Not sure about the caps but just fix the spawn camping and Ilum will be better off.


Should be thinking of some ways to ease the pain for the under populated side imo but it's good to see people fighting there.

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I would really like to see SOME kind of actual proof that there were massive Valor gains today (something beyond the scope of what was ever intended). Right now all I've seen from players are just words.. claims that may or may not be based on fact, most of which is coming from people that haven't even been in-game today yet.


Seriously, with many of you calling for rollbacks, then there better be some solid proof that it's necessary. Not everyone went to Ilum today and not everyone wants nor deserves to lose a day their in-game progress.


This x1000


People whining and raging based on rumour.

I gained 3 valor ranks today (47-50) none of it from Ilum, do I deserve to be rolled back?

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You just screwed the pooch. Every proper PvP-player republic or imperial should realize that this game is broken beyond repair without the rollback.


I've already given you 60 euro and hundreds of hours of my time. You wont get another *********** cent.

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


Especially all those evil republic players who spawned camped the imps. M I right?

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