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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hotbar destroyed for me, now game unplayable


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I'm sorry,


But anyone who complains about this is a complete and utter moron.


It's better, much better.


It was hell annoying seeing all my abilities greyed out just because i used something else. This way I can more easily see what is available for use directly after my current ability finishes, without an annoying screen of useless grey fog.


Who actually looks at the hotbar anyway? Keybinds are the way to go, especially if you want to be "competetive". And you will get used to how long it takes for things to come off cooldown etc....

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I'm sorry,


But anyone who complains about this is a complete and utter moron.


It's better, much better.


It was hell annoying seeing all my abilities greyed out just because i used something else. This way I can more easily see what is available for use directly after my current ability finishes, without an annoying screen of useless grey fog.


Who actually looks at the hotbar anyway? Keybinds are the way to go, especially if you want to be "competetive". And you will get used to how long it takes for things to come off cooldown etc....


Shame you cannot easily see anything when GCD is not being triggered... complete and utter genius.

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Let's do it and find out.


If we were to compare the two equally, then my argument would be that if a bird craps on my head I don't refuse to go outside and stay home from work until the local cops shoot all the birds for me because I will only go outside when it is bird-free. :rolleyes:

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I notice the behavior and I read the patch notes.



Maybe they should do it like the range restriction. If condition are not met to use the ability, put the icon with red overlay. If the ability is not usable due to cooldown, use a greyish overlay. At the moment, long cooldown is kinda hard to tell if they are ready or not.

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I notice the behavior and I read the patch notes.



Maybe they should do it like the range restriction. If condition are not met to use the ability, put the icon with red overlay. If the ability is not usable due to cooldown, use a greyish overlay. At the moment, long cooldown is kinda hard to tell if they are ready or not.


THAT is the most intelligent thing I have read in the entire thread.

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By that logic, EVERYTHING in this thread is "subjective". I could use that same argument to say that it doesn't affect me at all, therefore no problem exists.


Easy way out of the discussion.




And, by the same token, I (as a casual PvP'er) am only hearing someone rant and rave about someone ranting and raving. It may be an easy way out of the discussion, but this wasn't ever really a discussion as much as it was a paying subscriber wanting to post his views in a place that has a slight whiff of official-ness. He complained, and as is wont to do these days, proclaimed that he was speaking with his wallet.


That the way he played a game he paid for was fundamentally changed in a way that he did not like.


You chose to shift from the general idea of complaining about a changed to feature in a game, to complaining about someone who has no real effect on you whatsoever. What followed is a bit of an insult war, which was completely non-constructive.


But, I'm going to return to my part in this thread, which was to confirm that this was an intended change; and that I'd personally like to see what I consider to be a heavy nuisance (being the fundamental change to the UI, that it is) turned into a Preference toggle.

Edited by BourbonDingo
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I agree with OP, I HATE it. I find I am spamming an ability that never activates becase it still has 3 seconds left in cooldown. Having the color was VERY helpful. I could constantly keep an eye on everything and know exactly when something was ready. Now, since EVERYTHING is lit up, I'm clicking around randomly in the hopes that something works.


It's awful.

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I notice the behavior and I read the patch notes.



Maybe they should do it like the range restriction. If condition are not met to use the ability, put the icon with red overlay. If the ability is not usable due to cooldown, use a greyish overlay. At the moment, long cooldown is kinda hard to tell if they are ready or not.


Unnecessary. The old design was fine. The only thing they needed to add was for abilities that become available while the GCD is in motion. Those abilities need a way to light up during that time. Anything other than that is unwarranted and a waste of developer time.

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I'm sorry,


But anyone who complains about this is a complete and utter moron.


It's better, much better.


It was hell annoying seeing all my abilities greyed out just because i used something else. This way I can more easily see what is available for use directly after my current ability finishes, without an annoying screen of useless grey fog.


Who actually looks at the hotbar anyway? Keybinds are the way to go, especially if you want to be "competetive". And you will get used to how long it takes for things to come off cooldown etc....


So, you can tell a 3 min cooldown is off the CD timer when you also need to remember numerious 15 sec CD, 8 sec CD and 6 sec CD in between the 3 min CD. Then add in the 2 min CD or those reduce by talent. You must be an excellent time keeper.

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I notice the behavior and I read the patch notes.



Maybe they should do it like the range restriction. If condition are not met to use the ability, put the icon with red overlay. If the ability is not usable due to cooldown, use a greyish overlay. At the moment, long cooldown is kinda hard to tell if they are ready or not.


This is quite a good idea.

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It's not a bug. It's an intended (STUPIDLY) design change. It's in the patch notes.


Also: It's unplayable for competitive gamers, like myself and the OP.

Anyone who thinks this is not a big deal is not someone who maximizes their gameplay. Simple as that.


So your way is the only way? Well that sounds intelligent lol.

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When I logged on at first I thought no big deal. Until I tried to use ability and nothing happened.


Very annoying.


Please BioWare give us back the hotbar the way it was.


And never fix things that are not broken LOL

Edited by Evensong
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Already posted a ticket in game. This is a backward move for the UI. I found myself jamming my Force Push key, thinking it was up. The cooldown 'animation' is BLUE, and the background of the force push ability is also BLUE. On top of that, it has a long cooldown, making it impossible to know in it's final seconds if it's actually up or not. I have no idea how they thought this change was needed.
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Yeah I don't know who came up with this 'bright' idea. Its just horrifying trying to figure when anything gets off cooldown now, either bring it back to how it was or give an UI option to make it back.


Among all other things that needed fixing, they managed to fix what's not broken... brilliant.

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I'm sorry,


But anyone who complains about this is a complete and utter moron.


It's better, much better.


It was hell annoying seeing all my abilities greyed out just because i used something else. This way I can more easily see what is available for use directly after my current ability finishes, without an annoying screen of useless grey fog.


Who actually looks at the hotbar anyway? Keybinds are the way to go, especially if you want to be "competetive". And you will get used to how long it takes for things to come off cooldown etc....


So without looking at the hotbar how do you know when your abilities are up? Even though the OP claims to be a competitive gamer, this change effects everybody. I'm sitting there on my 41, and I go to use a skill because it looks like it's off cooldown but o no it isn't.


Even when dealing with small 6-10 second cooldown abilities, I only spent a fraction of a second glancing at my bar to see if it's lit up, and usable. Now that's no longer possible.

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This could certainly be considered a game breaker for many players, maybe if it was the only issue it might not be, but for some players that where already having a less than enjoyable PVP experience to log in after a patch and find the experience not better but worse, yes I can see this as a game breaker. And to add insult to injury it is not bug but a design change.


Of course it does kinda muddy the ability delay, you can't be sure if it didn't fire for some unknown 'buggy' reason of it was still on cool down.

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I don't understand what the issue with the previous way was. It didn't show you if you had the resources to use the skill, this much is true, but it did show you when you could use it. And from what I've inferred from part of the community, and the patch notes... this is what it was changed for.


I'd assume most goood players decide (and start attempting to use) their next skill while still under the affects of the GCD, giving them a full second to make the decision. Having to make the decision afterwards has significant impact on combat performance. The way it used to work you'd only find out it was going to be useable after the GCD ended. Now you know it's useable right away. I mean, I guess I could make a macro that


That being said, I'll admit they screwed up. The skills OWN cooldown should still fadeout the skill. It's only skills that are only unavailable because of GCD that should be bright and full color. The way it currently works IS probably worse.


(incidentally, I think that would be pretty awesome if only skills that would be useable once the GCD expired were colored. As-is you have to guesstimate if ability X with 5sec coold (and less than 1 sec left) will be available by the end of the GCD or if you should just use something else.)

Edited by GnatB
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