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Very happy with the new bracket!


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Yeah, I'm enjoying the 50 bracket so far as well. Queue times aren't bad at all, and being grouped with the same people repeatedly almost turns PuGs into premades.


Yeah, I have been pvping on my alt and having a good time today. Bioware should just close down Ilum and let people pvp in WZ till they can fix the issue.

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Aside from consisitent Level brackets so 15s aren't fighting 43s, the only real way I can think to balance the PvP aside from massively buffing lower level players (the high lvl players will whine), is to make everyone have FLAT stats in PvP. If a 13 Guardian is in a Warzone he/she should have the same stats as a 42 Juggernaut so ultimately the winner of the fight is who is the better player and not who has the better gear.


I really liked the warzones but I HATED being ganked and ganked by 3 or 4 Imps who would target my lowbie character just because he was a low lvl.



It's called a "Rite of Passage", If you haven't put the time into your character which is low level, you deserve to get stomped by higher levels. It's a pecking order. If you choose to level in warzones, and participate in them, then learn to play your role. As a low level character, you should be standing on the outside of the battle, picking off people who are focused on someone else. If you are getting picked off, your too far outside your group. Defense in Numbers, if there is 4-5 people in a group, its that much less of a chance they will target you. Your role, is to assist the higher levels in their job. Number one priority for a low level is keeping the higher levels alive, whether that requires you to spec healing, or just be able to CC or knock people back, or even pew pew that extra health needed to kill them. Bioware will not be making any type of lvl 10-19, 20-29 battlegrounds until the game is well under way, a stable economy has set in, and everything has been updated, so that this "battleground" update if they so choose, will be implemented to increase the longevity of palyers subscriptions.

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The people who are happy that the 50s are gone now, will be back in here crying when they hit 50 and are back getting spanked by people who outgear them. Enjoy it while you can.


I dont think it will be nearly as bad as what it was before.


from 10-49 is a long way and then when you are there you gotta get gear.

Once you are 50 and all you "have" to do is get your gear, that is a vastly shorter time than the trek to get to 50.


People are gonna complain no matter what, but still id err on the side of the many over the few.

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Yup, it's the chasm opened up by expertise/tier combo gear that's the problem. The PvP system should encourage more level, skill-determinate fights not just because they're more fair but because they're *more fun*.


Dump expertise now.


You do realize that people would just deck out in full raiding epics and dominate PvP?


At least this way people who have PvP'ed have best PvP gear.

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They might of fixed WZ's for people levelling, but they ruined all PvP for players that are level 50 and on a non pvp server at this point.


Ilum = Always empty

WZ ques topping 45minutes now.

Roll Republic. WZ queues are both an indicator of faction imbalance and the means to its solution.

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I dont think it will be nearly as bad as what it was before.


from 10-49 is a long way and then when you are there you gotta get gear.

Once you are 50 and all you "have" to do is get your gear, that is a vastly shorter time than the trek to get to 50.


LOL you make me laugh... getting gear takes less time then it does to get to 50? I play on average 2-3 hours a day on weekdays and 4-5 hours on weekends and have since launch. I've taken 2 breaks 4 days each where i didn't play at all, and i've been lvl 50 for 1.5 weeks already. Total play time is around 3 days in game. in those 1.5 weeks i've gotten 1 piece of champion gear and 1 piece of centurion gear. Since i don't play for long I can't do the HM flashpoints because i just don't have the time for it. So the only realistic way for people to get gear at lvl 50 who are just casual gamers is through pvp and unless you play for 10-12 hours a day you aren't gearing up anytime soon

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About the only good thing that came out of this patch it seems.


50 vs 50 is fun, for whatever reason it seems even easier now. Then again I don't have queue time problems because the server I'm on is populated enough. Must be horrible for low pop servers.

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I find facing fully decked 50s as a new 50 myself absurdly stupid. The first 10 matches people were leaving because the match was actually starting with half a crew vs a full. This change, although I am sure helped the lowbies, made 50 level pvp stupid for people without the gear.


Was really looking forward to the 50 bracket, but after what happened today in Ilum, now it's going to blow chunks Pub-side. One or two Imps in Battlemaster are not a problem. But now every Imp will be fully decked out. Lame.


Guess it's time to roll an alt since the endgame PvP is a complete train wreck.

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So the new brackets work, which is a good thing.


They could have just removed expertise and made the pve and pvp gear equal though. Or they could have left in the new-50 blue pvp gear so people can at least make a start.


People who don't understand the involved reasons for expertise need to stop saying that. That is not an option for the revs and it has been hashed over enough.


The new brackets combined with open world valor improve things greatly across the board

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So, just got my first match today. Waited for 8 hours without entering on my 50. Gave up, logged my level 14 alt. It was the most boring game of my life. No one played with skill. I have no moves. It's just...boring.


The problem wasn't the level. The problem was the skill. More skill comes with more experience, a level is just a numerical representation of that.

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This is an example of how the needs of this guy outweigh the needs of the many...


More people will get to 50 soon little sad poster. There is a good amount of end-game content that is NOT pvp and still rewards good gear (that you can pvp with no less). Perhaps you shouldnt have sprinted to the end game?


You sir are rediculous. That has nothing to do with my own needs. And the last I checked there were more PvE servers then PVP.


Not sprinting to end game? Are you serious? I watched every cut scene on my class line, Simply because i level faster then your average idiot doesn't mean i sprinted to end game.


From what I'm hearing a LOT of the PvE servers are suffering severely in PvP content because of this patch. Yes there should be a 50 only bracket, but it should have been released when server's could support it. OR let people transfer to other servers to help the imbalances.

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