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Cancel your sub...send BW a message, b4 its too late


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I canceled before illum...


the fact that empire is better than republic ability wiese is sickening.


If you want to argue with me, go roll a sage and use project, then roll an inquis and do the same thing. See which one hits first and when you can start casting again. It's complete horse ****.


I was so excited for this game...


Now it's taking a huge population hit.


Keep telling people "THEN QUIT WE DONT NEED YOU" and see how long servers stay up.


The only thing this game has better than WoW is questing. There is no argument. Quit being niave. Quit saying "wow has been out for 7 years" WELL SWTOR HAS BEEN IN DEVELOPMENT FOR 7 YEARS AND NOW WE ALL KNOW WHY!!!! MAKING QUESTS BRB!

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Cancelled Subscription.

Questing to 50 was amazing...and my Guild made the only good parts of TOR. I am sick and tired how over-powered they made the Imps. Giving each and every imperial player battlemaster in a day is the cherry on the pie...

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1.1 destroyed world pvp and the valor system. Now we need to hit BW where it hurts....their pockets.


Cancel your sub today before they charge you tonight at midnight.


So wrong, it hurts.


1.1 created world PvP. 1.0 has no real world pvp because the factions just helped eachother do their dailies.


1.1 showed people that open world PvP just isn't fair. It can't be fair, either.. unless you remove any incentive to do it.

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Grinded to battlemaster, now baddies get it withing 3-4 hours of LOLzLIGHTNING spam.


Same reason I quit WoW. Grinded to Warlord, they remove it and give free pvp gear to the baddies. Sigh.


So, you quit when you no longer have an advantage.


Interesting strategy.

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You know people, for someone like me, who've been playing a number of different classes since he got the game somewhere between Christmas and New Year, and who's highest level character is a lvl. 16, all this "I QUIT" rage is sort of a mixture of somewhat bewildered fun and wondering what people are going on about.


So far I haven't even been able to figure out what people are ************ about with patch 1.1!?

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I canceled my subscription yesterday, but mostly because of the ******e guild leader I had, and also because of the 1.1 patch killing pvp. The only reason i really got into this game was because a star wars pvp sounds amazing, and quite literally it was amazing, even on ilum, until they released the new patch, then it all went down the drain, and I feel no regrets. I don't play WoW or any other mmo, but I'm sad BW let me down so hard with all the hype they put out.
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World pvp on my server before 1.1 : http://i44.tinypic.com/23qx738.jpg

World pvp on my server after 1.1 : http://i39.tinypic.com/20aa1kz.jpg


Meh, it's too soon to jump ship for me. I don't care if every scrub in this game gets Battlemaster, that'll probably make things more fun for me in Warzones. But I like challenges.


Only complaint I have is the lag and random loading screens (+ the UI change). Those things will get patched/fixed though, so I'm not worried about it unless they go the whole month with out acknowledging the issues. =\

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I have cancel but im not even 50. I have been switching around with some alt. both on republic and empire side. I just cancel cuz this will be so unbalance it can be anyway. My main goal is to play PvP in my endgame.


Just now i have just paid for the story. Well i do like the 50brackets, too bad they came so late. Well i do pvp when i quest just so i dont have to do all boring "kill that, talk to him" quests.


Well i gave this MMO a chance, but i dont see any future in it. Ill maby come back to end the story on some of my alts tho.




Thank you for quitting! I don't think I could stand to read your messages in general chat, let alone warzones.

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