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Everything posted by jexibigg

  1. The part that you are leaving out is how much it costs to employ those 800 BW employees on 4 contenants. The cost to maintain the infrastructure... It's well over 500 Million. They don't want to lose subscriptions. As it is, it's going to be a good long while before they see profits...
  2. jexibigg

    Sorcerer Nerf....

    This player's thinking is exactly why the nothing but ranged DPS and Sorcs. Sometimes, it seems like the mele class got left out in the cold.
  3. One mass stun doesn't always work. I'm not totally disagreeing with you, but you are acting as if CC is the answer to everything. If the "gang bang meter" is already ticking down, the CC will not work allowing them to AOE the capper. I can't tell you how many times that I've force pushed someone and the ability fires, but they go nowhere. There is no golden answer or strategy. It depends upon team composition and team work. A good healer and taunts make all of the difference in the world though. This game is very much a CC fest...
  4. Sorry about the typos... I kept needing to swtich back and forth. Hopefully, you get what I'm saying...
  5. I'm a new 50 and I won't say that I haven't gotten rolled to the point of wanting to punch my LCD screen. I expected it. It was awesome when I was level 48 and 49. I won constantly, good damage and the WZ comms were rolling in!!! Now, I'm 50 and all of that is just a happy memory. lol Most of the time, the team that I'm on loses. I'm not a great PVPer. I'm okay at times. I may pull something outta my butt here and there, but I do go up against well geared guys and most of the time I unload on them doing little or no damage. It sucks. I'm sure some people will flame this post, but normaly the ones who do are the ones who bennefit from what others suffer from. You can scream skill all day long, but I absolutely loved it when a lone 17 tried to kill me at level 49. It was a joke. It's not like there is some HUGE buff in damage at level 50 if bolstering is working correctly. Everyone knows what the difference in abilities from 10 to 17 or 17 to 49 is staggering. There is little reason a 17 should go toe to toe with a 49 and win. I think it would help new PVPers and crafters if BW implemented crafted PVP gear. Not gear that negates Champion sets or BM gear, but gear that doesn't put the new 50 at a SEVERE disadvantage. Lets face it... A lot of "old 50s" got to farm lowbies and bennefit from the huge amount of WZ comms and valor. I'm not saying that they did anything wrong. It was BWs deal. Then they nerfed the valor system and WZ comms, so newer 50s and lowbies working up to 50 have to grind A LOT harder to accomplish anything. Crafted PVP will atleast help to level the playing feild and boost the in game economy. From what I've seen, the IGE leaves a lot to be desired. AGAIN... I'm not saying crafters should be able to craft and sell better gear than champ or BM sets, but good enough to give a new PVPer a fighting chance. Right now, with no EXP on thier gear are at the mercy of their well geared team mates... From what I've seen, BW's system doesn't put players in with other players in a way that ballances things out gear wise, but only by level. - Just my opinion... P.S. - It would also help if interrupts worked as they should. When attacking a healer or some other casters, I always try to interupt their channels whenever possible. I interupt over and over until I eventualy run out. This doesn't take long when it seems like they can just spam that heal until I either run out of interupts and they get it off or they die. If they are in champ gear or better geared than I am. I run out and they go right back to full health. Seems rediculous to watch 4 people beat on a healer (sometimes trooper or consular or whatever) and the healer never dies... When I cast ravage and it's interrupted, it goes on cool down. I don't get to spam it over and over. Stands to reason that if this is the case with other clases, then it sould do the same. If not, then WTH was BW thinging?!?
  6. Didn't Mythic's MMO fail? Would have made more sence to hire people from a successful dev team.
  7. Maybe, but you're not doing anyone else any good... or is that how you live your life too??? Watch out for you and to heck with everyone else who helped you get your stuff done?
  8. I'm sure that everyone has this problem. You enter a warzone, things don't go the way that the cry babies want and they just leave and screw the rest of us allowing the opposing side to pretty much camp our endzone in hutt ball. There needs to be a nice sized penalty for clicking leave warzone! Maybe lock them out of them for 30 minutes and a 50% reduction in Valor/WZ commendations for the next round that they play??? Sounds harsh, but it may keep SOME from just leaving and raging. Most of the ones who are guilty will probably flame this, but if you are a newer 50, then you will know what I mean. I'm so tired of some of the older 50s that grief and talk smack about their team mates. We didn't all get to farm 10s for our PVP gear.
  9. Thank you for quitting! I don't think I could stand to read your messages in general chat, let alone warzones.
  10. Expecting people to play fair when there is a loop hole/exploit is unrealistic. It's up to Bioware to decide if the ability to group stealth gives one team an un-fair advantage over another. Not just all of the time, but any of the time. You can almost never expect someone to play fairly when there is an "easy way" to bennefit from a loop hole or exploit. Don't believe me??? Ask the IRS! They deal with it daily. We're just going to have to rely on BW to take an objective look at the issue and make the call. Most opinions in this forum on this topic are inherently biased. The majority of Smugglers, Consulars, Agents and Inquisitors are going to love this ability. Why wouldn't they? The majority of Warriors, Knights, Troopers and Bounty Hunters will hate it. Why wouldn't they???
  11. Being in on a game like this from launch is one of the coolest parts! I have so many friends that started WoW from day one and from the stories, that they tell about the content, the world PVP and all those crazy things that you see on you tube... it isn't hard to figure out why WoW has been around for seven years. A lot of things are going to change in the next year for all of us. I can't understand not being around to see it. Some of the things you are listing as game breakers where/are not available in WoW at all or most other MMOS or weren't available (in WoWs case) till the ROTLK. Sorry, I don't think you mentioned WoW, but most if not all of us use that as a template for what an MMO should be.
  12. Confused as to how it is a useless topic??? I'm sure that I'm not the only one who noticed this and wasn't sure how to resolve it. This brings me to the right side as mentioned in this earlier post. Can you move the mini map? Thanks for the info though. Maybe my time would be better spent crying about a broken or buggy end game a week after launch or the fact that in a game where my choices actually matter, I couldn't turn a companion to the darkside because I spent the whole game making light side choices. Again, thanks for the info.
  13. Has anyone else had this problem? I've read the forums and I would think that this would be up there in the list of topics, but I haven't come across it yet. Is there a fix? The only time this is really a problem is when grouped or in PVP which is obvious. Thanks
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