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how would YOU handle population imbalance?


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This game is by far the worst imbalance towards one faction across the board.


Normally the overall population is close to 50/50 across the game just the servers are all wacky so free server transfers fixes it. But in TOR for w/e reasons game or not game related a very very large majority of the players play on one faction so even if TOR was just 1 server the game would still be 3:1.


Their best bet is to offer a handicap for being outnumbers and break with their "story" and merge servers then allow factions to xfer to the lower pop side.

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Everything pvp related has to be instanced, cross server, and have a faction based population cap based on a ratio. IE If there are 50 empire in a open pvp zone and only 25 republic no more empire can come in until more republic do.
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Until they cstart corerct discrepancies between abilities such as shock/project and death from above/motor volley, people will not want to roll republic. Not to mention that most rolled empire in the first place not because they want to be evil, but republic has zero cool factor about it. Welcome to the land of white and brown power rangers.


Until all of these issues are solved I'll stick with empire, even if faction changes are offered.

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300% xp for underpopulated factions

Do something like AAO in war for ilum so the underdog progresses just as fast if not faster than the overpopulated side.

Free faction swap for the overpopulated side.

Increased chance for gear tokens from bags on the underpopulated side.


Other than that nothing.... so tired of 2 faction pvp, it never works.

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Same company owns DAoC right? So same way they balanced the sides there. Give population bonuses to the underdog. More exp from quests and warzones, more coin drops, and more valor. Also crewskill time bonuses and crits would also be sweet. Theres lots of easy incentives they could add if they wanted to. I would jump ship in a heartbeat for faster mission completions with higher chance to crit and bonuses to exp/coin/valor. Edited by Dabrixmgp
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Free faction transfer is a horrible idea. Are you going to have Sith (the race) as Jedis then? And it still won't solve the problem, if people wanted to be on Republic side, they would have rolled Republic. It's not like leveling to 50 is difficult.


You need to address the problem with why people chose Empire over Republic in the first place. I began on Republic, but i switched to Empire because the gear looked far better than Republic side. So perhaps Republic could have better looking gear. Empire Sith have cool face masks and armor with hoods down. As a JK, there is no armor with the hood down i could find.


Offering free faction transfers is not going to get the factions balanced. I know if i was offered it i wouldn't go.

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Offer bonus valor to the underpopulated side that increases with the amount that they are underpopulated based on the current numbers in said pvp area. Also the amount of valor given to the overpopulated side would be split amongst them giving them less valor making it not worth it to sit there and zerg all day. I would also make safe zones(bases) that you would actually be safe in to rez/leave etc. and could NOT be entered in by the opposing faction. These safe zones would of course be kept far away from any serious objectives.


Problem solved...


EDIT: Seeing a lot of answers similar to mine. Clearly these are people of intelligence and experience who have played many of the same MMOs as I have and have seen these very same problems easily fixed.

Edited by Squirrelzig
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Okay most of what is being suggested... will not work at all.


If you cap servers you will get a ton of people who will quit because they can't be with their friends or play the side they want and some will probably go as far as sue BW/EA over it for their money back.


For anyone who states put a population cap on Illium you don't understand the concept of world pvp. What you are going to make is a dynamic warzone that will grow and shrink depending on people who want to be there at which point you just get rid of it. If you cap valor then it actually hurts the empire because the repub will get their valor and get out and since there is less of them it will leave the empire with no one to kill.


Side transfers will not work either. Most people are not willing to go over to the losing side. PVE players will not bail because being on the populated side increase their ability to raid and most pvp players are not going to go to the side where they know they have very little chance to actually fight back.


Buffing the lesser side doesn't matter much like WoW showed us when you can be CC to death because you are getting zerged by an OP group or two.


The only solution that may work would be to make the factions dynamic. Which means repub more desirable (stronger, extra valor, I'm against extra exp don't play a mmorpg if you don't want to level) and as they balance out they factions get balanced out. However this is not a short term solution and could take a long time and requires BW/EA to closely watch the factions and the game.

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Give smugglers knives. And snazzy uniforms. I'll reroll the moment those two are available :p



The flavor differences in this game are just so... terrible. Empire gets the cool stuff, Republic gets the bland uninteresting stuff.


Empire's "grunt" gets jetpack, flamethrowers, shoots missiles. Republic's "grunt" gets a gun that goes "THUMP! SWOOOSH! THUMP! SWOOSH!" all the friggin' time. I only hear that on WZs and I'm already tired of it.


That's all superficial, yeah, but I think it plays/played a huge role when people were deciding which side to join.


This shows biowares incompetence, beacause its a very easy fix. Its called CROSS SERVER BG's/Queue and battle groups!!! Something WoW has done successfuly for 8 years! No brainer! Bioware must have a brain because this one is a no brainer.

How would that work, you'd still have the exact same issue, there being much more Empire players than Republic. If all servers, on average, have twice the Imperials, cross server WZs won't change it ~much at all. It'd still be huttball mania most of the time, for Imps anyways.

Edited by Youmu
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cross server is not and has never been a fix, its a developmental cop out.


the point of an mmo, back in the golden days, was what happened on a server counted. Now, largely due to wow and its uncanny ability to con people into thinking this is what they wanted, there is absolutely no buy in to a server or even a faction on a particular server (being able to roll both sides on same server is a glaring example of this).


a game developer (a AAA developer not an indie) needs to decide to actually make a proper adult massively multiplayer online roleplaying game instead of making a glorified instanced lobby for a carrot on a stick gear grind.


come on you soulless moneygrabbing ***** remember why you wanted to make games in the first place and make something more than just a cash cow.

Edited by Roak
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Fix the balance issues between the factions

Fix the ugly *** gear on Rep side

Fix the crappy animations on Rep side

Fix the poorly designed class quests (compared to Imps)


And more importantly: Learn from the great games of the past DoAC and Planet Side (which was pvp centric games tho) and add a 3rd faction, which is the 1 reason Ill switch to Gw2 the minut its out - I didnt like the whole "generic gear" thing where everyone has the same gear, but after this patch it will be the same in SWTOR in a few days.

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How about splitting the empire in 2 based on things that happened in game (no spoilers) with a cicil war. When you get to 50 you choose who to support? Leveling its all one happy family im sure they would have to add some new bases and some story but surely they have some stock footage laying around they could use. In other words probably no easy fix short of incentivizing it.
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Three factions.


Problem solved, I accept Check, Visa and Mastercard.


Three factions doesn't solve anything in and of itself any more than two does. You need to make all three or all two factions equally compelling to get people to roll there. Otherwise, there's no difference between [20 vs 1] and [19 vs 1 vs 1].


People aren't just going to leave the side that always wins and has the larger population unless you a) punish them for being the higher population or b) blantantly reward the lower population

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u can do the following: in open pvp world keep a count for players in it and allow entering if the faction density allow.

i mean to keep both sides in like top 5% difference


we all know that there are deserters of both sides :)

so, when u wanna enter illum, rep or imps a choice will be given :

1.enter to any of faction if is possible as population is currently balanced

2.enter to faction who fell to behind as numbers



again this will make some imps players to fight with reps or some rep to fight side by side with imps as situation require

that's way if 10 reps player are available and 100 imps, in the end we will have 2 sides of 55 players, 1 with 45 imps and 10 reps, other with 55 imps.


u cant get more fair than that.


bz are ok, need some tweaking, however are more easily doable

pve imbalance wont matter.

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Put a cap on Character Creation for a faction until the imbalance is fixed and time played is balanced.



Will never get fixed. Look at WoW servers like Blackrock, MalGanis, and Illidan all I think were released around the same time the game was and now 7 years later they are still severely imbalanced in favor of the Horde and those are the only 3 I can think of. Nothing will ever be done to fix populations until people start rolling on the other side. Its not like Empire gets faster exp and free loot. But bonuses for Republic wouldnt hurt things.

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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