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Marauders are OP, I am serious,


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don't tell me what I can do with a class. what you and i can do with the class is apparently VERY different. the only point where i've had trouble is when i skipped quests and was fighting mobs 2 levels above me, and that even made me look at my rotation and find a better way to fight. the fact remains that I CAN easily pve. maybe you're having trouble with it, but as you can see, i am not the only person who doesn't feel that our class is 'broken'. even though i am playing the spec that everyone says 'sucks', i constantly cannot find myself in the arguments people make for this class being bad. why would you even want to argue the class is bad? oh right, so you can get buffs and faceroll everyone else. let me tell you, learn to play is not an insult. people seeing it as an insult is an error on their end not on mine. i'm simply saying that i, personally, am having no trouble at all. PvE is a cakewalk, my quinn can solo the mobs if i only agro them (yes, i tested this), and i'm free to experiment with my rotation in any way, constantly. in PvP i am in top 3 damage consistently and most huttball matches score multiple times because of our awesome mobility.


my point is, we can exchange stories about how easy this is for me or how hard this is for you, but at the end of the day it changes nothing. i'm still having an easy time and you are still having a hard time. it might be hard to understand, but i'm actually trying to be supportive and helpful by saying i'm having no trouble, since this should be proof that our class CAN work, and incentive for people who find it hard to try harder.


PS.the funny thing is, you are trying to bully me away from this dicussion while you are the one who find it necessary. ever heard of the rule of the vocal minority? basically, the people who find they are having trouble playing this class have more reason to discuss it that the people who are having no trouble, since, well, they are having no trouble. so while it might seem like a 50/50 split among people who think we are fine (other classes being op notwithstanding) , and people who think we are crap, it might just be all the 'bad' marauders being here, and the majority of the 'good' ones are in game.


PPS.i also find it interesting you expect me to have proof for every statement i make, even if i'm just saying 'hey guys, for me everything's going allright', but your statement that our class is utterly broken requires no proof at all.


1. The minority are the people claiming the class is fine and you need to "L2P" they SEEM like the majority because they are VERY vocal on having marauders NOT receive any buffs whatsoever.


2. Being able to "PVE" as a marauder is not, and im using quotes here, "H A R D", but VASTLY more difficult than the other classes that can DPS. If you dont believe me roll any class and spec for dps


3. The feeling that you are having of being attacked, is you losing your argument and becoming defensive. This is the case with most people who feel they are right and someone disagree's with them, using superior logic. Flaw of human nature, not your fault.





The point i want to make is that marauders in a PvP setting, are squishy bags of wind that anyone with half a brain and the ability to kite for 15 seconds can completely faceroll.


I have a couple 50's now, several mid level alts, and my main thats a marauder.


Ive given up on PVP on the marauder, leveled a sorc as lightning spec, and i roll marauders, i find it hilarious that they even bother force charging me, simply knock back pop a few cd's and burn him down before he can even break my shield. (Many many marauders have tried)



Now in a PVE Setting, I have no CLUE how much damage im doing vs other classes, I can definitely say right now that without guard, and on an undergeared tank, i will always pull threat first before anyone else, i dont know if this is a good reflection on our damage or not, but without a combat log i dont even want to see a retarded speculation on how OP our PVE DPS is. (Im Annihilation btw near full rakata (damn helm elludes me))




TLDR: Marauders don't suck, but they are definitely not OP.

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mara's are OP against Troopers! What are you guys sayin?!?!


Not against smart ones. Stun dart + Tracermissiletracermissiletracermissile + Heatseeker Missiles(instant) + Railshot(instant) is a dead marauder. I did a bit of testing to see how much damage I would take against a Merc friend before I would even have a chance to react and I was down about 9-10k health before I even had a chance to get a real hit off. In a typical warzone I deliberately target commandos and mercenaries but there are a few skilled ones that know how to counter our interrupt very easily. They have stuns, an instant knockback, and incredible burst. The only reason so many Marauders claim we're their counter or whatever is because the bad ones literally don't know what the heck to do if their Tracer Missile is down. I've seen tons of them not even bother knocking back or stunning anyone for an entire game. The class attracts a lot of bad players that make them appear a lot weaker than they are in the hands of a good player.

Edited by Tumri
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Not against smart ones. Stun dart + Tracermissiletracermissiletracermissile + Heatseeker Missiles(instant) + Railshot(instant) is a dead marauder. I did a bit of testing to see how much damage I would take against a Merc friend before I would even have a chance to react and I was down about 9-10k health before I even had a chance to get a real hit off. In a typical warzone I deliberately target commandos and mercenaries but there are a few skilled ones that know how to counter our interrupt very easily. They have stuns, an instant knockback, and incredible burst. The only reason so many Marauders claim we're their counter or whatever is because the bad ones literally don't know what the heck to do if their Tracer Missile is down. I've seen tons of them not even bother knocking back or stunning anyone for an entire game. The class attracts a lot of bad players that make them appear a lot weaker than they are in the hands of a good player.


The funny part is you are down 9-10k and then he can't act anymore. Being down bei 9-10k leaves me with more then enough to deal with a merc.

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The funny part is you are down 9-10k and then he can't act anymore. Being down bei 9-10k leaves me with more then enough to deal with a merc.


Sure in a pure 1 v 1. In a warzone the minute you drop below half health, every dps in a 100 yard radius is gunning for you, sure you can pop your 4 second vanish, then die to the merc dot, or get revealed by his flare.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will say that for the VAST majority of the time, I don't even pay attention to marauders/sentinels on my champ geared sin tank, there are a few, again a FEW sentinels (maybe 1 or 2) that do beastly damage on my server and don't seem to have trouble killing anyone. These paragons of the class are ALWAYS annihilator/(insert corresponding LS spec here). i rolled a marauder hoping to recreate this and have found that only if you are on point with your skills and spamming the hell out of things at the exactly right time do you even stand a chance at being what ppl confuse with OP in pvp.


Cloak of pain (both skill tree buffs are a must) + retaliate gives you 20% Damage reduction and increases rage generation usually for around 60 out of 66 seconds. it also does damage on hit, but that damage is so overshadowed by the 20% DR and rage generation that i would use it just as often without the damage aspect. This REQUIRES you to hit retaliate as soon as its available every time and watch cd to keep cloak of pain from sitting unused.


Rupture has to be watched as well since vicious slash can reset its cooldown and its one of your main damage dealers/healers (didnt take annihilate top tier since i could never justify using that much rage/ would rather use that on retaliate. see above). also can keep stealthers from getting away.


deadly saber when mixed with berserk is a nasty combo, dealing huge amounts of dps and healing you 3% per tick for 6 ticks. again can keep stealthers from getting away.


berserk is really the key to this class (at least for ani and car) in IMO so i took as many fury boosting skills as i could fit in and i just spam the hell out of it... get it up as soon as its available, always.


undying rage is amazing when used at the right time (just before death), and when used with camoflage followup with the 10% health Regen makes you invincible for 5 sec (undying rage) then forces ppl to re-target you giving you a hit or 2 for free and back into the fight with more hp (cammo) throw in a obfuscate in 1v1 situations to extend life even more.


all of this has to pretty much be done constantly to really be effective (- the just before death part) in my experience, so this class can be difficult to pull off.


i dont understand how ppl are getting kited when i can simply hit crippling slash and reduce movement by 50% for 12 seconds AND deal nearly 1k damage all for for 2 rage (this has no cooldown so it can be spammed for constant disablity). everytime you knock me away chances are you are still taking dot damage.


the other underrated perk of annihilate is the fact that since most of my damage is indistinguishable from any other attack you cant time a pushback when you are immobile but still functional (ravage) or disrupt any of my attacks. (i never use ravage... too slow and, well slow..)


pls keep in mind that my marauder is <50 and this is only what works for me so far. This is what i think the FEW ppl that i have seen owning lvl 50 pvp are doing.

Edited by Noxcid
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i don't know what the OP is smoking but as a Annihilation Marauder i pop predation when needed and berserk when needed it's not a one or the other it's whatever one is more useful at the time.


I pop berserk enough that in an average huttball game i can hit 75k healing. I also use predation quite a bit during huttball as i run a premade and it's usually one of my guys running the ball.


With the way our bleed crits were just buffed it'd be stupid to not use berserk to kill someone and haveing 50% bleed crits the heals do help a TON. Berserk pop oh i just got 12% hp back awesome! I barely ever pop UD as I don't need to because i'm at a good enough spot in my hp most fights.

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Am i the only one who does not understand this "Not being able to kill 2 regular mobs" nonsense? I am currently a 39 Marauder and i am done with my class quests up to 41... I swap out Jaesa/Quinn and i am goin to planets 1-2 levels before i need to and am able to take on elites.... I really just dont understand you people who cannot play the marauder the right way. you balance your agro by camoflauging when at half and letting jaesa take a little beating. If you're honestly just siting there trying to tank the entire fight and not force choking one of the adds and force screaming the other to knock them down and throwing smash in there to stun the targets then you are doing something wrong. And by the way i am Rage spec'd and love it.
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Anni for 3 days and went back to Carnage. These are MY impressions of those trees



PVE: Your HEALING ticks will not suffice even with a maxxed out dps companion in pve. You WILL end up dying more often before killing certain pulls unless you use a healing companion, and then, what’s the point? I play on a rp/pvp server so even though Quinn is grimy and on my s***list I use him. It allows me to continually chain pull mobs without having to stop and heal.


PVP: In pvp you can put up some big numbers but again the healing is not going to save you, the fights are not that long and draw out, Undying Rage can keep you alive longer than the heals from Anni spec. Unfortunately, pvp anni requires Predation to keep up with your target so you will not be able to use Berserk as often. Sure you can use snares and force camo and stuns but rapidly changing from target to target and getting off damage, anni spec specializes being able to get off your chain on one person to destroy them. It can kill one person in pvp very quickly but you have to commit to that target.



I honestly stopped reading after this.


I leveled from the time I got her to level 50 as annihilation spec with Jaesa as my companion and I only died the ENTIRE time 2-3 times and that includes my final boss encounter for my class quest.


As for PVP, if you don't get annihilation, you just don't get it and there isn't anyone I can't take 1vs1 in PVP and even in groups I survive long enough to take out 2-3 vs 1 and if you are all about the numbers usually top damage and most the time one of the top healers in WZ and no I'm not a Battlemaster but I play against them.

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Rage = PVE


Carnage = PVP


Annihilation = PVP and PVE


You can use any tree for any play style, but I believe you're hurting yourself.


Now I don't know what server this guy with the video plays on but I can tell you I'm full Champion gear with an up grated saber and I can't do that kind of damage to hardly anyone on my server. Mind you I switched to my Columi gear and put out better damage, puzzling.


I face Troopers and Sages with a bubble or Sorcs with a bubble and BH's constantly. Not that I would choose to fight them with a bubble, but when that is your only target to choose from, what do you do?


I'm carnage spec. but I've tried Rage and Ann. I think Carnage is the harder of the three to play, but I feel if played correctly, It can be the best. I think many people play Ann. because it's more forgiving in PVP if you get CC because your dots keep doing damage until you can get back to your target.


People look at the class and think there's nothing wrong with it. Sure the moves are there, but you have to take into consideration how much rage you want to use on which moves. Because what good is slowing the target if when you get there you don't have enough rage for any burst moves. Managing Rage is super important. A lot of our instance moves also are on ridiculously long timers, and some of our animations take so long that in a pinch you're wondering if it's worth using a 2 second animation for damage reduction or just trying to finish them off.


Let me clarify a couple of things here also. Everyone says force leap is OP, well with all the CC and area effects, it's the only gap closer that puts us right back in the fight. Sure you can throw your saber, but you still have to run back to them. What people don't know is that unless you're spec'd into Ann. and took close quarters, there's a sweet spot that ranged can keep you at and you are too close to force leap back to them. Ain't that a b*tch.


Camouflage truly is garbage right now, how far can you go in 4 sec. when you have to either pick an extra skill that will allow you to break CC but continue to take damage, or a skill that will mitigated all damage but you're now stuck in one spot as you reappear in the same spot 4 seconds later and take the AOE damage anyway, and it's only on a 45 sec. cool down. Seriously, why even give us stealth? What's the point.


Unleash, seems good until you use it only to be stunned again one sec. later and then you can't use it for another min. Many people think they should take away some of the CC, but maybe they just need to put a 3 or 4 second timer on moves like unleash, before getting stunned again.


In the end I hear a lot of 50 Marauders complaining about this class, Non-Marauder or PVE Marauders having no problem, and lastly PVP Marauders with no problems that always fail to reveal their spec. Why, because they are afraid others will try that spec and call bull sh*t on their videos.


If you think you have a spec and play style that works. Post it and I'll try it out.

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The best way to survive as a marauder in PvP is to drop aggro as soon as the enemies are starting to focus you, either by predation speed boost, camouflage, LoS, or charge away. It doesn't take a lot for you to bring one enemy from 100% to 0, so do your thing, and then ****. Annihilation is best at this because the time you spend on the target is minimum. You just have to apply your dots, and a few seconds later you can finish the target with vicious throw. The healing ticks are not meant to keep you alive. They are meant to give you more time to do the killing. Edited by Vetril
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Yes marauders are unreasonably OP. Why? When you sign up to be a dps you are supposed to be squishy, you are not supposed to have better survivability than even tanks. Sure you can be kitted but ANY melee can be kited, but most melee dont get ANY immunity (juggs get 3 secs range/melee, and assys get 5 sec tech/force) and no one get total immunity, + amazing self heals.


Lets assume dps is on par accross the board, what do I get on my PT pyro as survival??? I get 1 stun, 1/2 stun (2 secs), and my shield. Thats it! What does a Jugg get in dps? 1 semi-big heal, saber ward, interception, and aoe fear. Thats it!!


What do Operative get??? Vanish, sucky heals, and evasion. Thats it again. What do Marauder get? saber ward, cloak of pain, aoe fear, vanish, self heals, and last but not least 5 secs immunity before dying!!! And all of it excluding saber ward on less than 1 min cd!


I have a tank jugg friend discovered this amazingly unfair, and un-balanced fact today, now hes close to un-subbing. A marauder is not supposed to be a god, but instead a glass canon, like every other dps spec, or dps-only class. BY NO MEANS having greater survival than an actual Tank!

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Yes marauders are unreasonably OP. Why? When you sign up to be a dps you are supposed to be squishy, you are not supposed to have better survivability than even tanks. Sure you can be kitted but ANY melee can be kited, but most melee dont get ANY immunity (juggs get 3 secs range/melee, and assys get 5 sec tech/force) and no one get total immunity, + amazing self heals.


Lets assume dps is on par accross the board, what do I get on my PT pyro as survival??? I get 1 stun, 1/2 stun (2 secs), and my shield. Thats it! What does a Jugg get in dps? 1 semi-big heal, saber ward, interception, and aoe fear. Thats it!!


What do Operative get??? Vanish, sucky heals, and evasion. Thats it again. What do Marauder get? saber ward, cloak of pain, aoe fear, vanish, self heals, and last but not least 5 secs immunity before dying!!! And all of it excluding saber ward on less than 1 min cd!


I have a tank jugg friend discovered this amazingly unfair, and un-balanced fact today, now hes close to un-subbing. A marauder is not supposed to be a god, but instead a glass canon, like every other dps spec, or dps-only class. BY NO MEANS having greater survival than an actual Tank!


*** hands over a towel to dry the tears, and gives a pad on the back**


think someone got his *** handed to him in pvp and came to 'rage' about it (see what i did there?). Marauders are very hard to play, face one thats good at it, and he will wreck you if u dont know how to play your class. A well played marauder vs ANY well played class is a 50/50 outcome. And if ur jugg friend wants to unsub cuz he cant beat another class... thats just very very very sad and immature. and arent u forgetting the knockback a jugg can do... the offhand shield that he has, the heavy armor that he is wearing? I suggest he moves to that other big mmo and rolls a palladin tank so he can bubble when he is low on health and heal himself, maybe thats a better playstyle for him. We a GREATER survival chance then a tank? Get serious... why do u think juggs are tanking bosses and not marauders?


U know what would really help you? Watch some vids on how to play your class properly, read up on tactics on how to defeat different enemy's, then get decent gear, then actual learn to play your class, and in the end... hey, u just had a 50% chance to beat us.


And if we are SOOOOO OP, explain why i was in a warzone today as the ONLY marauder, while the rest where sorcerers and bountyhunters? If we are really that OP, there would be ALOT more marauders in pvp and pve. (on a sidenote, i scored the only goal in that match, cuz they couldnt kill me muahahahahahahaaa) Now seriously again, we are NOT op, compare the dmg output in any warzone, and the times u'll see a marauder topping it are quite rare. Its ALWAYS either a sorc or a BH thats the top dmg. And if its a marauder topping, then there's 2 options: 1) he is seriously good at his class or 2) the others suck.

Edited by syncronius
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Alot of good and bad stuff being said...


Your both right in some ways...


I have both a jugg and a marauder (Im a sucker for melee) and my oppinion is like this:


Jugg: Amazing sustained dmg for pve if geared well, 2 really epic abilities in force push and intercede which makes us very very useful in especially huttball.

We have 1 def cooldown out of specs which is saberward. We ARE a tank class so dont ever expect amazing dps without any gear.

Use guard, aoe taunt and mass slow and try to be "tankish" and save other ppl in your grp so they can do the killing. Thats our role and I kinda regreted making a jugg instead of a marauder, but after I found my role I kinda like that form of a control class... To do best for my team Ive specced into immortal( I dont feel immortal though hehe)



Mara: Thats freaking DPS for you if played right!! You can either make crazy sustained or burst dmg after which spec yu are and on top of that you have the craziest defensive cooldowns I ever get to see in a MMO for pvp. If you want to be able to solo kill or even when mastered well kill ppl 2/3-1 then mara is for you... Ive been on 5-15% life soooo many times getting jumped by a guy and after a short fight hes death. Imo maras dont have a weakness if played right and is without a doubt both one of the best class to bring to a fight. The reason why its not the most popular is that its hard to master and ALOT of swtor players are freaking awful at pvp, so they roll a BM/Sorc to spam away 1 ablity and have some pretty nice utility too.


Conclusion: Juggs are tanks - so stop seeing them as major killers in pvp - let it go! Their burst and utility are not even close to what a mara can do, but eventhough they have some very good utilites which makes em truly epic to play.

I love em both in what they do - and what they do is doing the job! I just really think that maras got the best hand in pvp, but well it only takes like 3-5 days played to be lvl 50 - so reroll and see for yourself or have them both.

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OP is uninformed at best. Let me tell you why.


I play a 50 marauder at valor rank 58. I have full champion gear, and have had full champion gear since before they changed the bags. I play annihilation spec. I, too, leveled as carnage, but after playing annihilation, I realized how stupid that was. I have also tried rage spec.


So let me go through some of these items and point out the flaws in the OP.


a) Annihilation spec:

This is our best spec for both pvp and pve. This is the only spec that has a reasonable chance for tearing down well-geared healers, as well as providing the best sustained dps of any of the three specs we have. I can beat fully-geared battlemasters 1 v. 1 with annihilation, and I can't think of many other classes that have that capacity in 1 v. 1. The problem is that PvP is rarely 1 v. 1. Typically I find myself up against a tank/healer combo or a dps/healer combo. I can beat the dps/healer combo if I've got a healer with me, but I can NOT beat a tank/healer combo, especially when they are well-geared. The reason behind this is that not only do tanks have guard, but they frequently have more/better CC than I do. I have a CHANNELED stun and a crappy aoe knockdown. Guardian/Juggernaut tanks have Force Push and can spec into making Force Choke/Stasis be instant cast, which means they automatically have better CC than I do. If I have a healer in the situation mentioned above, that healer is going to be CC'd for most of the fight, and I'm going to be stuck flying solo. Don't even get me started on Powertechs/whatever the trooper equivalent is.

As annihilation, I am capable, in the right conditions, of getting the 300k damage medal in warzones. I consistently hit 200k and am typically in the top 3 damage.


b) carnage spec:

Carnage is fun, I'm not going to lie. I love charging in and laying down some big crits. The damage output is more bursty but still respectable. I did some testing to compare carnage and annihilation when I hit 50, and concluded that the damage output is within 5-10% of each other, but annihilation still wins by a margin. Still, there are some big reasons why annihilation has some great advantages over carnage.

First of all, annihilation has much greater pvp utility. The increased Predation speed by itself is enough to warrant this statement, but add to that the ability to charge at short range (which is a root, remember?) and the group heals from Berserk, and you've got something substantial. Furthermore, annihilation builds fury faster than any of the other specs, so you've got more Berserks, more Predations, and more Bloodthirsts. It's also really easy to get off a double Predation (stack fury to 30, pop Predation, use the skill to add 30 more fury, pop Predation again when it ends). This combo has captured more huttballs than I can count. In fact, most teams don't even know how to counter it. (I refuse to give away my secret! Figure it out yourself. :-p)


c) rage spec:

Since the surge nerf, this spec is worthless. It's still good for juggernauts, but DEFINITELY not good for marauders. Unless maybe for leveling, since it does have decent aoe.


d) other classes:

Now, let's look at what the other classes have that we don't. Specifically, MORE DPS. Operatives and Scoundrels got nerfed pretty hard, so I'm not going to include them in here, but let's just say that before the nerf the highest damage numbers I'd seen were from Operatives. Now that mantle rests comfortably on Sorcs/Sages and Either AC of Bounty Hunters/Troopers. Note that this list ONLY excludes Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights. Warriors and Knights are also the only classes that don't get some kind of direct heal, and Marauders/Sentinels and Snipers/Gunslingers are the ONLY advanced classes that don't have either a healing or a tanking tree. Snipers and Gunslingers may not do as much sustained damage in PvP as we do, but they also have the capacity to tear a single target down from 100% in no time flat. In terms of single target direct damage, Snipers and Gunslingers are our superior. Note that they also have an ability that can crit for over 5k, something that currently NO MARAUDER SPEC contains. (unless you count the rare annihilate crit glitch.... yes, glitch, because the skill does not have the capacity to crit for 5k without a glitch). Now, I realize that I posted earlier that I'm typically in the top 3 damage dealers in warzones, but I feel that I should clarify that whenever there's someone who's done more damage than me, it's usually a powertech or a sorcerer, and they are typically lightyears away from everyone else on the meter.


Besides the fact that we are a pure damage class that doesn't do more damage than most other classes, let's also look at utility.

I don't know 100% about all the other classes in regards to utility, but I'm pretty sure we're the only class with group-wide speed, defense, and damage buffs. And they are very good buffs, with utility for both PvE and PvP. So I'll give one point to marauders there. What about CC, though? We are the only class who's only stun is channeled. We don't have a knockback OR a grapple. Several other classes have an aoe mezz, so we're pretty much tied there. We also don't have a knockdown like operatives/scoundrels or assassins/shadows. CC is a problem for us, and CC is also a huge advantage in PvP.



So, I believe I've laid bare the problems and advantages of this class. A final note on PvP (from someone who's trying to grind out battlemaster), the fact that we are limited to 9 medals in warzones given ABSOLUTELY PERFECT conditions means that we have a significant disadvantage, not only in PvP leveling, but in valor rank grinding. Whereas a tank class or a damage class with a healing tree can easily acquire 11-13 medals in a warzone, we can only get 9 max. This puts us on par with pure-spec'd healers in terms of medal acquisition. Medals, as you know, equal more credits, more experience, and more valor in PvP. So while Powertech Bounty Hunters are grabbing 11 medals easily in a typical warzone and are therefore earning more valor than us, we are left to grind valor at a slower rate. This, of course, means that our class is going to be one of the last classes to achieve battlemaster rank and therefore also one of the last classes to acquire battlemaster gear. Hence why I've been full champion for so long and have yet to earn my battlemaster rank.


The nerf to surge and the nerf to the operative/scoundrel class also points to a flawed logic on the part of both the community and the developers. The community was getting completely destroyed by operatives/scoundrels, so they cried NERF! Logically, with the pvp system being what it is, the proper response would have been to buff other classes to be on par, at least with the damage-dealing. Maybe CC in this game needs a nerf, I can't really say... but I do know that it would be a tremendous help to the marauder class to give us at least one ability for each spec that has the capacity of breaching the 5k damage barrier. Basically what I'm saying is that I favor a policy of buffing the weaker classes to be on par with the stronger ones, rather than nerfing the stronger classes. Make no mistake, however -- marauders are probably the weakest class right now.

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I have absolutely no problem keeping my damage up as Rage when Smash is on CD, keeping my bleed and Force Crush on nearly all the time, plus all of the saber moves is plenty of damage to hold out until my next 4500 Smash. Hitting the bleed, then Force Crush, then Force Choke, and then Ravage comes out to be super nasty damage.
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