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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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I am 61 year old grandmother who has been into computers since 1982. My son aged 28 nagged me to play this game and I love it. Have always loved RPG and FPS but never was interested in online gaming. Now my son and daughter in law play together while sitting in the same room and have never had so much fun. Even bought subscriptions by way of time cards so bring on more!
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Glad to see another grandma gamer here... it seems we're a rare breed in the gaming world.


I'm a sixty something grandmother of 6 myself, who started competitive online gaming with Unreal Tournament back in 1999. I made the switch from FPS to MMO about 4 years ago, and find myself playing much more since retiring two years ago. I've bounced around to several sub and F2P games, and am now working on capping my first character in SWTOR.

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I think I'm the youngest one here at 40, but I'm still old enough to remember seeing Star Wars on opening day when I was 4 years old. Since then I've seen every other SW movie on opening day. I'm a US Navy veteran, career electronics technician moving into an inside sales position with a process engineering company.


Oh, and I'm a dark Lord of the Sith who will destroy my enemies as I revel in the power of the Dark Side.


Was playing SWTOR on day one, but took a break for 6 months as I keep moving around the country until I got to Houston and now I'm taking it up again.

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26 and a half here. Still remember the day my old man brought me a N.E.S. 20 years ago.


Currently a senior accountant for a medium sized shipping company. I find hardcore pvp-ing the best way to blow steam after a stressful day at work.


Keep it up 40+ chicks and d*cks!

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Did you ever notice how everyone who claims to be over 21 years old also seems to have a kajillion dollar a day job? On the forums I mean.


Not at all suspicious.


I usually get suspicious when they try to use that claim as "proof" of how wonderful they are compared to "wage slaves" like myself. Repeatedly. To the point where I wonder whom exactly they're trying to convince...


...but I see no point otherwise. If people are exaggerating, well this is a role-playing group site and I see no real harm. If not exaggerating then it sounds like they have an interesting career. So why bother with poorly-veiled accusations?


Though I'll probably exaggerate about the types of people who call me. Only slightly. I promise. (Maybe I should roll up a Sith Inquisitor, I hear they can use force lightning in cutscenes... "What's the 'any' key?" *ZOT* "I find your lack of clue... disturbing.")


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Guess I'm not the only one who feels "aged" when I play SWTOR......


Only 39 but when chatting to others, you'd swear they were only in their teens, lol, but all the same b***** great fun, I wouldnt change it for the world, takes me away from real life after work. I'm still considered by many to be a Noob, but what the hell, if I was an expert at this, I wouldnt be playing......


Self employed gardener/landscaper, currently unemployed because its winter, which, though tight through Christmas, I have my Wife, Kids and SWTOR :)


Happy Christmas all, keep playing!!

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It would be very interesting to see actual figures on how many in each age group are playing this game. I will say it seems the 30+ crowd seems to spend more time on the forums than the teenagers, but somehow every time I get in a PUG in-game I end up with a bunch of annoying teen-agers. Edited by bahdasz
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40 yrs old work as a firefighter, married with 2 kids, mmo's are a nice break from reality..............................

happy to see im not alone in being a 'old-time-gamer'.


On server = Tomb of Freedon Nadd, if theres a guild of "ol'forgies" on there give me a pm :)


Oldies never rage quit :eek: here endeth the lesson

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I usually get suspicious when they try to use that claim as "proof" of how wonderful they are compared to "wage slaves" like myself. Repeatedly. To the point where I wonder whom exactly they're trying to convince...


...but I see no point otherwise. If people are exaggerating, well this is a role-playing group site and I see no real harm. If not exaggerating then it sounds like they have an interesting career. So why bother with poorly-veiled accusations?


Though I'll probably exaggerate about the types of people who call me. Only slightly. I promise. (Maybe I should roll up a Sith Inquisitor, I hear they can use force lightning in cutscenes... "What's the 'any' key?" *ZOT* "I find your lack of clue... disturbing.")



I was thinking the exact same thing when I opened the thread. Dude is either seriously Republican and loves to brag about his financial superiority, or its a dumb kid or old loser trying to make friends by seeming important.


I'm 31, a carpenter working as a foreman(depending on the project) for a company that probably moves around a few million a year, but honestly I have no clue. Gaming is the only hobby that stuck for me, and I'll be doing it until I die.

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I was thinking the exact same thing when I opened the thread. Dude is either seriously Republican and loves to brag about his financial superiority, or its a dumb kid or old loser trying to make friends by seeming important.


Odd, because most of the ones I encounter that like bragging about their wealth, education, size of their house, etc. tend to be the ones who rail against that group you mentioned with quite a bit of vehemenance. On political blogs at least. I tend to trend towards "dumb kid" but have run into supposed adults who behave rather immaturely. Perhaps dumb kids who never truly grew up?


Strange universe.

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51yrs old here. Computer forensics investigator.


Oddly enough, the IT department I'm with is filled with techs half my age; and none of them are gamers. There are only three gamers in our department of about 60 people. All of us gamers are in the 40+ age bracket. It's the strangest IT dept. I've ever been with in my past 30+ years of IT work. Many of them don't even watch sci-fi shows/movies and know little to nothing about Star Wars.


I mention I played a Sith all weekend and get nothing but blank stares. :D


PS. My wife's 52 and addicted to MMOs also. :)

Edited by Lsya
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44 here. I'm a technical specialist for a cell phone manufacturer. I wish I made the kind of money so many of you professionals do. But I love my job and the co-workers I have. I've been learning SharePoint lately, and that's a lot of fun. Might roll a new toon on shadowlands just to look you guys up!


Glad to see there's so many people older than the stereotype says we gamers are.


Should maybe mention, never played a video game (since Pong and Pac-man) until some co-workers got me started on wow about 6 years ago. Now I've played wow, lotro, eve, coh, gw, and now sw:tor. Games are fun!

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Well, this is an interesting thread! I'm 41, but have never really thought about any sort of an age difference with other players. Though, poor grammar (doesn't need to be perfect, but at least try, people) and immature chat and/or actions annoy me. I don't care how old a person is, just play respectfully and to the best of your ability. Maybe I'll teach you something about the game or maybe I'll learn from you. That's the best part of playing an MMO to me.


As for being a professional, I don't know if being a 911 call taker (Dispatch Assistant) makes me a professional, but it's an interesting job. I'm surprised at how many police officers play these games, actually. I guess I just never thought about it, maybe?


At any rate, Star Wars having a wide range of ages doesn't surprise me because it came out in 1977; for us 40ish year-olds, it shaped much of our imagination when we were growing up. So, to be able to sit down and play a freakin' Jedi is a dream come true! Just glad some of you whippershnappers are along for the ride.



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44 here. I'm a technical specialist for a cell phone manufacturer. I wish I made the kind of money so many of you professionals do. But I love my job and the co-workers I have. I've been learning SharePoint lately, and that's a lot of fun. Might roll a new toon on shadowlands just to look you guys up!


Glad to see there's so many people older than the stereotype says we gamers are.



A study done by the Entertainment Software Association has shown that there are more gamers over 50 than there are under 18. The vast majority of gamers are between 18 and 45, with 35 being the median age. Older gamers have more disposable income to spend on games.


I'm 41 and an IT Professional, for the record.

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Hello I am 53 year old System Engineer and I enjoy playing the game. Several of my co-workers play and I often group with them. It is funny sometimes when we talk about the game during a break at work and sometimes folks will hear us and then call us "NERDS". Technically speaking everyone I work with is a NERD, lol we are all IT savy! I play the game to escape real life issues and just have some fun. I played EQ for about 10 years and have found then and I have now I enjoy playing and grouping with the more mature players. They tend to be more interested in the experience and are courteous players. We often joke about the players that charge in unprepared and attacked a mob that wipes them out or run in while we are fighting a MOB and ninja loot that they are problem a KID. maybe I am wrong but most times it seems when queried they are indeed younger players.


Enjoy the game my older friends and I hope to meet you in game.



Zinar, Darwarhammer , Lova, Xenturo, HellMuttHead, and Studdley

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Ack! I didn't noticed this thread earlier...lol. I'm 52 and, like many others, an IT professional. I live in Colorado with my wife and two adult "kids." I own my own IT business and will have the game open, usually crafting, while I'm working on a computer or doing some paperwork.


I've been MMO gaming since 2007 or so, so I guess I'm still a n00b. I started with Guild Wars, moved to Aion, tried WoW and Rift, then finally SWTOR. Computers for me go back to a TRS-80 and a Tandy 1000 that I got in 1983. I was 17 when the original Star Wars came out. I saw it 11 times, half of that in a drive in.


My 24 year-old daughter also plays at times, although most of her gaming is spent in Guild Wars 2 lately.


I mostly play on Begeren Colony, pub side. I have three Republic 50's on BC and one Imp 50 on Harbinger I also have some orphan Imp toons on Bastion. I'm hoping to consolidate some to Begeren whenever transfers open up again.

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I'm a 41 year old high school teacher, and when I shared with my some of my students last year that I game I got the nickname "Grandma's Boy." Sharing this fact with my colleagues, however, is completely out of the question--well except for the computer sciences teacher, who showed me how to build my own rig.


Every so often, when I'm caught up on my planning, I'll watch pvp videos on Youtube at work. I'm also guilty of grading essays while waiting in WZ queues.


Yes, yes, I'm aware that I'm part of the reason education is going to hell in this country.

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Good read. 41 years of age. Been gamin since the begining. First comp's were TI99-4A and commodore seris. Big change 2 my Sandy Bridge and 8 gig's ram LOL.

Nice 2 see such a wide array of older as well as younger folk's enjoying life in a virtual world of war. The place where all war's should be.

It'sMe, the Wife and the crazy Golden Retriver. Im a Telecom tech 4 a Very large phone company.

And yes I was at the drivein( the original wide screen) for the release of the real Star Wars. Blew my mind and still does today.

Thx All

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45 . Owner of a Supply Warehouse , Lumber mill , and Body shop.


2 lvl 50's. All I have time for. A hunter and a marauder . Both imperial.


Didn't realize there were so many of us old fossils playing this stupid game, hehe. I do get extra entertainment value from all of the "stompy feet " posts in here". Makes for some good reading in the AM while having coffee.

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