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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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52. Union (office) job in ...'a major telecommunications firm,' as they say; eligible to retire but still got a mortgage and a kid in computer-nerd college.

Been a tabletop RPGer since 1975 (little 3 D&D booklets), and wargamer before that. Was toally blown away by Star Wars when it came out, the year I graduated from high school - saw it about a dozen times within the first year or so; stood in line for a couple hours to see the opening of the next two.

This is my first pay-subscription MMO; played Guild Wars, nothing else was interesting enough until SWTOR (and having a budget to allow it!). Not regretting a single dollar yet.


Hats off to QDMcGraw, for the name - fond memories of El Kabong!!!!!!

Edited by Lord_Thorne
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I feel so young ^^ most of you guys have been on this planet twice as long as me ;O


Got any tips? :D








Oh... QQ Thought you were going to go on saying something else there for a moment ;P


Yeah, Respect your elders!




We invented rebelion long before you.



Edited by SFC-Lawndart
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The OP should have made this a poll so we could see the numbers of the age groups!!


Anyway, 62 here, and retired recently.


My first computer game was Dark Castle on my Mac Classic :D

My first MMO was Lineage 2, though of course I played Pong and Pacman etc etc. on consoles.


My kids get a kick out of it, though they'd rather play the Golf games and the single-player games. "Too much grinding, forget that!!" My friends just shake their head when they find out I'm playing an online game. They just can't understand. When they call me and I say just a minute, I'm in the middle of killing some mobs... you can hear the grimace in their voice. I just laugh at them. They have no idea the fun I'm having! And $15 a month for an MMO is certainly cheaper and a lot more fun than going to the bars!

Edited by Appletaz
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42, professor. Been gaming as long as I have had access to computers. Kept myself sane while writing my thesis with Quake deathmatch, and helped pay the bills as a postdoc working as an admin for a game site/community/game delivery service (so I can really feel for the gold texters on this site!).


Back to page 4 now to read the rest of the posts; fascinating look into some of my fellows on the servers.

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48 year old housewife here so your not alone and I believe there are a lot more older people who play than you can imagine. My husband plays and my youngest son who is 21. We have been gamers for a long time in our family and played swg for 8 years and lotro for about 3 years and yes even played some wow. Goes to show you ever know who is behind the keyboard and just because you work in a high paying job, hold a high position or unemployed it doesn't change our addiction to the star wars universe. Personally I like the more mature community here and also which I got from swg and lotro. I despised wow and wouldn't play it just for the fact that so many acted so immaturely in that game and it burned me out really quick. Kind of a shame as I really enjoyed the game itself.
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51 and a Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist, been in the medical field since 1979 when i joined the Navy out of high school, started playing WOW at then end of vanilla and still do play on occasion but SW-TOR is my main MMO. As mentioned i would be interested in a guild that has older players, My WOW guild is called Over The Hill Gang on Staghelm server. If planning on starting a guild let me know.
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46 year old Systems Analyst Programmer for a large Corp. Also, an indy App Developer.


I spend most of my 'Spare time', gaming... I sadly left SW:TOR due it failing to live upto my expectations. So now I'm playing Rift, and what a joy it is!


I'm an avid SW fan and have been since, my aunt took me to see episode IV a a nipper :cool: SWG really made me feel I was living the dream (pre-NGE). TOR, well... makes me feel empty inside... Sadly disappointed, in this single player game, with online content.


However, I shall endevour to monitor it from afar.. But not a Galaxy Far away :D

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31 here, but i still wanna be in your club sir :). I got a late start in mmos but have always been a gamer since Nintendo. First mmo was FFXI for the PS2. Always knew about mmos but never really interested me until Final Fantasy. Was a huge Final Fantasy fan since 3 on snes and when i heard the next one was gunna be a mmo i knew i had to play it. Hooked me instantly and took over my life for a few months, lol. My whm/blm was legendary!!! Ever since then i haven't been AS hardcore in most mmos but still waste many hours a week in them. I only hope when i'm 45+ i still have the time to play as much as i want.


I also am a collector of older games. Some of the systems i have atm - nes (both versions), snes, n64, cube, ds, genesis, 32x, sega cd, gamegear, lynx, neo geo pocket, ps1 and 2, xbox, 3do, cd-i (2 types), and an arcade machine me and some friends put together. Nerd and proud of it!

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Almost 30 here, and while that isn't as old as some the generation gaps feel like they're getting shorter and shorter. I made a Matrix reference the other day to a group who had no idea what I was talking about. Then I realized wow that movie is older than some of the people playing Star Wars.
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will be 40 on feb 20th..im a single father of a 4 year old son and im an equimpment operator (front end loaders,bull dozers ect.) i have been to every opening night of a star wars movie since 1977.i been playing wow for 6yrs and still play. but there is nothing like being a sith:)
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42 year-old, Audit Senior Manager for a large international corporation and to top it off, a woman. Both in game and out people don’t believe I’m a gamer and have been at it for over 25 years. I can still even today remember the game that got me hooked…Adventure for Atari. Lol that’s kind of embarrassing if anyone recalls Adventure. Anyway, having a great time with this game and expect to stick around for quite some time. Best of luck to you all!!
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45 here working in thin film optics


Started gaming on the ZX81 which was fun to program before using audiotapes was developed....."Gonna play a game now, just need to program it 1st....OK on page 10 was that 1100100100011110000 or 10010010000101110001 on line 36?"


After 6 yrs playing GW this is such a refreshing change. Loving BH so far. All I miss is all the over 30 guildies I used to play with, only 1 came with me. Others still in GW or have just stopped playing for now.

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Turned 40 last month. I work in law enforcement and I am the mother of two great kids, 8 and 10. Both love to play TOR.


I may be younger than some but I can remember 8 tracks, getting our first Atari and Pong.


Went to the theatre to see the originals when they first came out and how excited we were waiting for the next one.


So did anyone start a guild?

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