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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you so much SWTOR team for the quick patch!


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Lol inorite? Stupid idiots need to stop complaining about problems in this game and just unsub.




I don't want people to point out bugs in a game! They should just unsub, because what's the point in subS? I MEAN REALLY!






oh yeah... subs = $$$. So you WANT ToR to die?


Yeah because your 40+ post complaining are constructive?

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I'm not level 50 yet and haven't gotten into organized PvP yet (lots of pvp while leveling though and its fun from that aspect), but Illum sounds a lot like Lake Wintergrasp in WoW, which ran into the same issues that it sounds like Bioware is having. There is no easy solution to it either so long as populations remain heavily imbalanced. People just need to learn to have some patience. If it bothers you that much you shouldn't be playing an MMO that just launched, you should wait a few months before picking up so that the kinks can be ironed out.
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I seem to remember Blizzard having to hot fix many things.


If they have made a mistake I am sure they will fix it promptly.



To be fair Blizzard was very slow to fix things PvP related unless there was a blatant exploit occurring. Wrath was practically over by the time they tried to fix Lake Wintergrasp and even then their fix was insufficient.

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To be fair Blizzard was very slow to fix things PvP related unless there was a blatant exploit occurring. Wrath was practically over by the time they tried to fix Lake Wintergrasp and even then their fix was insufficient.


And there was much whining and complaining.

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They destroyed pvp in 1 patch, i guess certain people enjoy getting base camped and fight a force that is 3-4 times larger then your own side.


Sure...certain people. Very very few people.


a LOT of people enjoy just roflstomping a hopelessly inferior opponent though.



So sit tight for more same-faction WZs in the future and ideally reroll Empire as soon as you log back into the game the next time.

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hi empire. already reached valor rank 100?


Right now, only pure pve players or empire faction will praise bioware for a hard work welldone.


I'm a PVE empire player and I can't praise them. I'm afraid they will do a global rollback so I have stopped leveling.

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You paid $60 + to play a Star WARS game only to fight creatures? Glad to see you're living out your iconic world of slaying womp rats.


Star Wars is about war between the factions, don't sit there and act smug saying "I could care less about pvp as pve works"


You will think that when the huge chunk of pvp leaves and swtor goes f2p.


$ 150.00 + $ 30 red next day . Thats pocket change ....... Worth every penny .

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I agree with this post. The patch is hardly even a few hours old yet, they'll fix it.


I pretty much agree with this. Though it is sad that they managed to make such a blunder in their first big patch. They really could have done without the negative PR that is coming from this. BioWare's biggest problem so far has been the amount of bugs and performance issues in the game so for a "patch" to introduce an even bigger bug is quite unfortunate. In a perfect world people would be patient while they fix it and all would return to normal, but I have a feeling this blunder is going to hurt them.


I've said from the beginning that I will trust BioWare to take care of us until they give me a reason not to. Sadly this blunder is a reason not to and I will have a much more critical eye going forward. Let's hope they don't mess something up so bad that I end up canceling my subscription. I will be interested in seeing how quickly this issue gets resolved. Not because it is affecting me, but because to me it will be telling of how this type of situation will be handled by BioWare in the future. How they respond to this will say A LOT about them as a developer and about their dedication to their community.

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I just wanted to say thank you to the SWTOR team for all of their hard work.


Those of us experienced with MMOs know that they are constantly evolving and improving. The amazingly quick time you released a major patch and content update is very impressive.


Please don't allow the naysayers and complainers to bother you, there are many very happy players like me who appreciate this game and your hard work greatly.


We know that you take in game issues seriously and are constantly working hard to improve an already great game.


Thank you so much.


*** are you smoking?


This patch was delayed twice and was a pretty much unmitigated **** up that screwed pvp totally.

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I'm a PVE empire player and I can't praise them. I'm afraid they will do a global rollback so I have stopped leveling.


I don't think you have to fear them rolling back player levels, that would be extreme and would incur lots of ragequits.


Pretty sure they could just roll back your valor without changing anything else. And if not, they'd probably just reset everybody's valor to 0 over knocking us down a few levels.

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I'm not level 50 yet and haven't gotten into organized PvP yet (lots of pvp while leveling though and its fun from that aspect), but Illum sounds a lot like Lake Wintergrasp in WoW, which ran into the same issues that it sounds like Bioware is having. There is no easy solution to it either so long as populations remain heavily imbalanced. People just need to learn to have some patience. If it bothers you that much you shouldn't be playing an MMO that just launched, you should wait a few months before picking up so that the kinks can be ironed out.


There IS an easy solution... but it's too late to implement now.


Well, 2 solutions:


1. 3 factions... all 3 faction mmo's had successful world pvp. This is undeniable. it just works.


2. Faction caps on population... basically you can only roll as the underdog faction. this maintains equal factions. This works too.


3. Let anyone pick whatever side out of 2 factions... well this one we all know how it turns out.


Whoever is getting paid to make these decisions... I'm WILLING TO DO IT FOR A LOT CHEAPER BW. COME ON. HIRE ME.

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Greetings Everyone,


We are currently aware of potential issues regarding Ilum PVP and our teams are working dilligently to investigate this issue.


At this time we ask that you discuss this topic in this thread: Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Potential Issues Discussion. We ask that you use the thread to continue this discussion and visit the thread for additional updates."


So... Yeah. They heard us, already, and they're on it. This'll probably get emergency patch-overnight stats.


Give em a break, guys. :) They're working hard. If you're not in software development, software is more complicated than you can imagine.


Software development is hard, but if you have EVER played an mmo in your entire life, you would know not to put out a patch like the one just released.


This is a rush job band aid for poor game DESIGN, not development.

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