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Thank you so much SWTOR team for the quick patch!


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Greetings Everyone,


We are currently aware of potential issues regarding Ilum PVP and our teams are working dilligently to investigate this issue.


At this time we ask that you discuss this topic in this thread: Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Potential Issues Discussion. We ask that you use the thread to continue this discussion and visit the thread for additional updates."


So... Yeah. They heard us, already, and they're on it. This'll probably get emergency patch-overnight stats.


Give em a break, guys. :) They're working hard. If you're not in software development, software is more complicated than you can imagine.


This was not a matter of softwaredevelopment. It's not like the idea behind the change was good to begin with. It's something different to have a failure based on a mistake in a code and something different to implement a concept that is complete and utter garbage given the balance issues on servers. Everyone could see this happen, except for the people in charge.

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I just wanted to say thank you to the SWTOR team for all of their hard work.


Those of us experienced with MMOs know that they are constantly evolving and improving. The amazingly quick time you released a major patch and content update is very impressive.


Please don't allow the naysayers and complainers to bother you, there are many very happy players like me who appreciate this game and your hard work greatly.


We know that you take in game issues seriously and are constantly working hard to improve an already great game.


Thank you so much.


lol, this should have been a launchday patch, nothing more.

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PVE works fine . People that could care less about PvP are still having a great time .


Lol whats funny is 90% of PVP works fine too. Its one planet! Chances are there will be a rollback on valor and an emergency patch tonight.


But noooooooo game is ruined permanently I am unsubbing wahhh wahh wahh....really good riddance.

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I just wanted to say thank you to the SWTOR team for all of their hard work.


Those of us experienced with MMOs know that they are constantly evolving and improving. The amazingly quick time you released a major patch and content update is very impressive.


Please don't allow the naysayers and complainers to bother you, there are many very happy players like me who appreciate this game and your hard work greatly.


We know that you take in game issues seriously and are constantly working hard to improve an already great game.


Thank you so much.


Let's see Astromech picture for Astroturfer? YUP! Logic is sound.

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That's not the point.


If the designers and planners can't forsee something that


a) people warned them about

b) showed up as a problem on the PTS

c) was self-evident


Then it raises questions about their competence at planning.


I'm amused that so many people are "happy" with the patch and yet upset that those of us who PvP are not. The conventional argument seems to be "it's not a PVP game so shut up", which is about as useful as hitting myself in the face with a brick.


I'm *not* happy. Not with the AA-that-isn't-AA. Not with the bug-fixes that didn't fix. Certainly not with the Ilum debacle that's left my Pub main perma-dead on the spawn point while kiddies rack up Valor from NPC kills.


I appreciate them adding end-game content this early. I appreciate that new content may have bugs and that the game is still fairly new.


But somethings are INEXCUSABLE, and to excuse them is either to condone mediocrity and a lack of professionalism, or because someone has an unhealthy emotional attachment to BW.



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I just wanted to say thank you to the SWTOR team for all of their hard work.


Those of us experienced with MMOs know that they are constantly evolving and improving. The amazingly quick time you released a major patch and content update is very impressive.


Please don't allow the naysayers and complainers to bother you, there are many very happy players like me who appreciate this game and your hard work greatly.


We know that you take in game issues seriously and are constantly working hard to improve an already great game.


Thank you so much.


There's something brown on your nose.

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Lol whats funny is 90% of PVP works fine too. Its one planet! Chances are there will be a rollback on valor and an emergency patch tonight.


But noooooooo game is ruined permanently I am unsubbing wahhh wahh wahh....really good riddance.


When you live the life span of a fly, a few minutes is an eternity. :rolleyes:

Edited by Fraxture
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PVE works fine . People that could care less about PvP are still having a great time .


You paid $60 + to play a Star WARS game only to fight creatures? Glad to see you're living out your iconic world of slaying womp rats.


Star Wars is about war between the factions, don't sit there and act smug saying "I could care less about pvp as pve works"


You will think that when the huge chunk of pvp leaves and swtor goes f2p.

Edited by Liberate
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Personally I really hope the PVP trolls unsub en masse. The more mature one will be patient and stick with it and the community as a whole will improve.


Trust me, when PVE Raid encounters have issues, the PVE crowd is just as bad... if not worse. Looking for maturity in a video game is folly.

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If your not trolling I'm scared :D. Bioware just needs to react quickly aka by the weekend to save pvp. Taking away 1000s of players of hours aka "rolling back valor" isn't going to go well. And if you don't roll back valor GG pvp for 3 months till maybe 10-20% of republic manages to get quality PvP gear
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Lol what so funny is people assume that if you are happy you either don't PvP, are no Republic, or haven't been to Ilum.


I have done all three, kinda lol'd and sat back and waited for the fix.


Really, people if one bad patch or bug ruined your whole game experience yuo haven't played any other MMO close to it's initial release.


I mean seriously anyone remember corrupted blood?

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That's not the point.


If the designers and planners can't forsee something that


a) people warned them about

b) showed up as a problem on the PTS

c) was self-evident


Then it raises questions about their competence at planning.


I'm amused that so many people are "happy" with the patch and yet upset that those of us who PvP are not. The conventional argument seems to be "it's not a PVP game so shut up", which is about as useful as hitting myself in the face with a brick.


I'm *not* happy. Not with the AA-that-isn't-AA. Not with the bug-fixes that didn't fix. Certainly not with the Ilum debacle that's left my Pub main perma-dead on the spawn point while kiddies rack up Valor from NPC kills.


I appreciate them adding end-game content this early. I appreciate that new content may have bugs and that the game is still fairly new.


But somethings are INEXCUSABLE, and to excuse them is either to condone mediocrity and a lack of professionalism, or because someone has an unhealthy emotional attachment to BW.




I REALLY want TOR to succeed, but with a patch like this (Biochem? really? THAT'S A FIX?!) where stuff was mentioned, like Biochem (really? THAT'S A FIX?!), and Illum, they KNEW that the imps vs rep was 3:1 on most servers. Tradeskills? It's a real joke right now, armstech feels useless once you hit 50 (Great for leveling, though).


Hindsight being 20:20 is one thing, seeing their competitors make the same mistakes and then REPEATING those mistakes + add some weird ones that are just BAD (Illum), is telling me what's to be expected in the future.

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Pretty short sighted when considering that there are just as many PVP as PVE servers and that the PVP servers have a consistently higher population.


Lol most of the Pvpers I know are fine too, myself included. Simply don't want to throw a hissy fit over a minor and quickly fixed problem.

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Pretty short sighted when considering that there are just as many PVP as PVE servers and that the PVP servers have a consistently higher population.


I counted 138 PVE servers, and 87 PVP servers.

Still a pretty healthy amount of PVP servers still.

Edited by Fraxture
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Lol most of the Pvpers I know are fine too, myself included. Simply don't want to throw a hissy fit over a minor and quickly fixed problem.


Lol inorite? Stupid idiots need to stop complaining about problems in this game and just unsub.




I don't want people to point out bugs in a game! They should just unsub, because what's the point in subS? I MEAN REALLY!






oh yeah... subs = $$$. So you WANT ToR to die?

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Actually gameplay wise there isn't a huge difference between PvP and PvE servers. Sure, you can gank someone while they are busy fighting quest mobs on a PvP server. I can recount about 5 occassions which involved a small skirmish between me and some republic scum (:)) and that's about it. So... don't read too much into the kind of server people prefer.
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