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No point in queueing in either bracket


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It's too much that Bioware split up groups of friends that play together.


Nobody even wants to play in the lower tier anymore because trying to get PUGs to actually do something worthwhile is like trying to herd cats. It's pointless and just results in unneeded stress and countless losses. Likewise nobody wants to play i nthe higher tier because very few people have the time to grind for the gear.


It's split up a group of friends who would PvP together constantly on their mains and their alts and could have a good time. Now the tiny number of players on either side who have Lv50 characters are stuck playing solo in the 50 bracket and the sub-50's stuck playing solo in the lower bracket. Queue times are massive on both brackets so why did they do this again?


Bravo Bioware for caving into the WoW crybabies and forcing people to play solo in a multiplayer game.

Edited by IronFirewind
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It's too much that Bioware split up groups of friends that play together.


Nobody even wants to play in the lower tier anymore because trying to get PUGs to actually do something worthwhile is like trying to herd cats. It's pointless and just results in unneeded stress and countless losses. Likewise nobody wants to play i nthe higher tier because very few people have the time to grind for the gear.


It's split up a group of friends who would PvP together constantly on their mains and their alts and could have a good time. Now the tiny number of players on either side who have Lv50 characters are stuck playing solo in the 50 bracket and the sub-50's stuck playing solo in the lower bracket. Queue times are massive on both brackets so why did they do this again?


Bravo Bioware for caving into the WoW crybabies and forcing people to play solo in a multiplayer game.


Seriously? Where do they make people like you? Stop crying, the only real issue worth notifying people about is the Illum exploit at the moment. But seriously I have come to hate these forums because every single person is like you and cries about the aspects of the game that they personally dislike. Learn to play with it.

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no one wants to play in the 50 bracket either since they can get valor at 10x the speed by afking in illum





except republic, now they are the ones forced to huttball since ilum is a no go zone

Edited by bicuspid
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I suppose you could make an alt in the mean time, while everyone else levels up to 50. Game's only been out for a month.. there are more casual players than hardcore players. Let everyone else catch up to 50 and it'll be fine. eventually, there will be far more 50's than sub-50's.
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It's too much that Bioware split up groups of friends that play together.


Nobody even wants to play in the lower tier anymore because trying to get PUGs to actually do something worthwhile is like trying to herd cats. It's pointless and just results in unneeded stress and countless losses. Likewise nobody wants to play i nthe higher tier because very few people have the time to grind for the gear.


It's split up a group of friends who would PvP together constantly on their mains and their alts and could have a good time. Now the tiny number of players on either side who have Lv50 characters are stuck playing solo in the 50 bracket and the sub-50's stuck playing solo in the lower bracket. Queue times are massive on both brackets so why did they do this again?


Bravo Bioware for caving into the WoW crybabies and forcing people to play solo in a multiplayer game.


In other words: "My level 50 champion geared friends can no longer ROFLSTOMP" and get me medals and XP. See ya!

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4 hours to complete a daily last night thx to PUG awesomeness.


try explaining to us noobs instead of calling us idiots in ops chat. (not you specifically, officer) I can always use advice on my big, bad level 25 on how to better play the different WZs. I can always use direction for the group strategy for a specific fight. but saying "you PUGgers suck" in ops chat helps neither of us win.

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In other words: "My level 50 champion geared friends can no longer ROFLSTOMP" and get me medals and XP. See ya!


Actually most of my friends are Lv30 bog standard geared people who can only put a couple of hours each evening into a warzone and dislike playing with randoms as much as I do for the reasons put in the first post.

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Also how am I going to tell my lowbie friends that they will always be behind on gear due to both bracketing and the Illum exploit? By the time most of them hit 50 it will have been patched out and most 50's will be in full Battlemaster, leaving the new 50's no way to catch up.
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try explaining to us noobs instead of calling us idiots in ops chat. (not you specifically, officer) I can always use advice on my big, bad level 25 on how to better play the different WZs. I can always use direction for the group strategy for a specific fight. but saying "you PUGgers suck" in ops chat helps neither of us win.


Stop being complete idiots. It's amazing how people mess up a game of watered down football that's tuned for pre-schoolers.

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I've tried to herd cats and it's real hard. Queue times on my server for the lower bracket isn't that bad. 10 minutes this morning after the patch, which is comparable to WoW cross server queues. I think you might be blowing smoke. At least the well geared leveled 50's won't be farming lowbies anymore.


It's funny how in real life people will wet themselves in a controversy with someone a foot shorter and 50 lbs lighter, but in a game they can attain to be that bully they always aspired to.

Edited by Chiricahua
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Also how am I going to tell my lowbie friends that they will always be behind on gear due to both bracketing and the Illum exploit? By the time most of them hit 50 it will have been patched out and most 50's will be in full Battlemaster, leaving the new 50's no way to catch up.


There is no exploit according to Imps in the thread concerning Ilum, but I have to wonder why they would sit there for so long if there wasn't a good reason.


In any case, respawn should be a safe place. This is not acceptable.


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Most people are 100% fine with the new brackets. The 50's that are pissed off about slower queues should be demanding cross server queues. This is a next gen MMORPG and they don't even have cross server queues lol. The Brackets are fine Bioware needs to add features to deal with the slower queues in some instances.
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So I am okay with not going against level 50s as a lowbie. It wasn't fun getting destroyed by a battlemaster. It was needed on many servers, others will just have to give it time until there are enough 50s to keep the higher level que alive.


The problem I see with it now is the trauma debuff for the lower level ques. I just did a warzone where a level 20 sniper did 227k damage and me being 46 in full level 40 pvp set and 46 weapon, including spec hardly got to 175k healing. I don't know if it's bugged right now or what but healing seems very off. Yesterday I could go in with 50s and when one was trying to kill me I could easily keep myself alive vs someone with decent gear. Today a level 20 can 2 shot me.


Please fix the healing in lower level ques.

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These brackets are AMAZING. Most fun I've had in Warzones since EGA.


Also agree.


I'm not sure what it has been like on other servers, but before today, the majority of the opposite team in nearly every WZ I played were 50's. With maybe 1 or 2 on our end.


It worked out fine early on due to the bolstering..... And then once people were geared with expertise items, it all changed.


I was in the Beta for quite some time, from the earlier builds, and up to the later. PVP gear with expertise on it used to be available at much lower levels, with a wider variety as well. At launch this was changed, and I'm not sure if Bioware realized the potential problems that could come of that change.


In all honesty, I believe expertise on gear shouldn't exist at all.. But thats just my humble opinion.


Prior to this patch, I was actually one of the people defending level 50's and saying that its not the gear, its just the teamwork that is the cause of the facerolling. But today, the changes in the warzones has been immediately noticeable without the 50's in expertise gear. To the point where I have to retract my earlier statements.


While there were plenty of 50's that like those under 50, had no choice in the matter when it came to who they ended up in Queue with, I'm starting to think there were also those who formed geared pre-mades in specific to crush lower level players.

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Also agree.


I'm not sure what it has been like on other servers, but before today, the majority of the opposite team in nearly every WZ I played were 50's. With maybe 1 or 2 on our end.


It worked out fine early on due to the bolstering..... And then once people were geared with expertise items, it all changed.


I was in the Beta for quite some time, from the earlier builds, and up to the later. PVP gear with expertise on it used to be available at much lower levels, with a wider variety as well. At launch this was changed, and I'm not sure if Bioware realized the potential problems that could come of that change.


In all honesty, I believe expertise on gear shouldn't exist at all.. But thats just my humble opinion.


Prior to this patch, I was actually one of the people defending level 50's and saying that its not the gear, its just the teamwork that is the cause of the facerolling. But today, the changes in the warzones has been immediately noticeable without the 50's in expertise gear. To the point where I have to retract my earlier statements.


While there were plenty of 50's that like those under 50, had no choice in the matter when it came to who they ended up in Queue with, I'm starting to think there were also those who formed geared pre-mades in specific to crush lower level players.


7 wins 1 loss. Before today it would have been the opposite. Everyone I talked to on my server was having the same experiences. The only loss was a game of Huttball lost 1-1 with them holding the ball.

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