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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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This almost sounds fun right? oh, i forgot to mention that i get zero to a maximum of 7 frames a second during the chaos. And before the wannabe hardware nerds interject with, "get more ram, or a new cpu, or a new graphics card brah" i assure you that my computer can handle anything that is thrown at it, i built it for gaming. But as 200 people swarm in the heat of battle on ilum (while about 30 of which are republic) the client holds on desperately one frame at a time.


i7, 16gb ram, evga 560ti and the zone still drops me to 10 fps.


But performance is hardly the issue at hand, here. It's blatant and callous disregard for their game and faction balance.

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The problem i see - not the imbalance. Well, you go to masspvp, you should expect to zerg or being zerged. Problem is spawncamping and it's a major issue.


Suggestion to fix Ilum (yes i know that it's not perfect, but can anything in this world? and i know that my thoughts has a heavy WAR influence).


1)Capturing points (3 middle ones) - introduce a lockdown on them (once they've been taken by a fraction thay can't be retaken for about 10 mins).

2)Bases - if one fraction holds all 3 points for 20 mins, possibillity to assault enemy base opens up. Fraction have 30 mins to capture it. Bases should have shields that need to be penetrated somehow (exept the spawnpoint shield) and perhaps some manned turrets to compensate numbers.


P.S. Sorry for my bad english.

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World pvp sounds good on paper, but it just doesnt work, when I heard they were doing this i told my friends that this is exactly what was going to happen with the population imbalance. I play an imp and I can understand why republic players are annoyed.


Simple solution as I see it is do away with the whole world PVP idea, make the Ilum a 16 on 16 warzone with say a 45 minute time limit. Of course the objectives will need work, but this is truly the only way to make it fair for both sides.

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Fail bioware the fact they thought this would be "ok" to put in is such a stupid insult to republic.


Dear bioware next time you make a game with two faction that players can chose make them both look APPEALING....co-co pebbles does not equal to lightning


idiots honestly at bioware no respect left for them at all they are just as stupid as other game companys not considering any compassion for the people that are suffering right now....thing about it is now all these imps have more champion gear battle master gear and guess what republic cant get either dailys done now :)


Stupid bioware honestly during the pre game released they advertised sith inquisitor and bounty hunter WAY MORE then they did any other class


seriously you guys remember the videos they showed? I can still hear that fruit Daniel Erickson now "oh here im on Tatooine with my level 32 sith assassin..."


god so stupid


in quote of the angry video game nerd "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!"

Edited by Konta_Takuto
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The fact that you cant transfer your level 50 to the PTR, so you will have to reroll a level 1 raise it to 50 and then test it out in a week. Oh btw have the same faction imbalance occur on the PTR for this to be properly tested. So have a bunch of imperials also roll a level 1 and then have them to 50, go to Illum etc. You get it why it cannot be done and properly tested.


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News flash people: turrets dont give valor (if they ever dis this morning, they stealth fixed it) and i wiped 40 imperials on our turrets single handedly.


Exceptions don't prove the rule. You said yourself that you had to die around 40 times to get those 40 kills. Spread across the wave of Imps you fought, each likely died 2-3. And that's being generous with the spread.


You see, this might shock you, but a lot of posters here aren't blowing smoke out their rear. They're talking about what happened to them. The footage and screenshots speak far more than your cute little anecdote, I'm afraid.

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I have faith that they will take care of this quickly. Most of the major Press Releases and promises have been met or exceeded (EA Time, beta releases). There is no mistaking this is a very huge "oops" and makes me really worry about down the line. I have faith, but not full blown trust. I did move my subscription from 6 months to 1 month today. Come on Bioware, come through solid.


P.S. Someone twitter George Lucas about this, I'm sure he'd fix it right away.

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Love this thread, put all the QQ in one area.


Only thing Im sad about is I went Empire cause I figured all the StarWars fans would go republic to be a Jedi. But the hell with leveling and going through the stories again. Yeah its fun but some of the dialogue gets old fast

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Well made the mistake of making a 6 month sub, will be canceling re-occurring billing and not re-subbing if this is not fixed and valor removed from the exploit they opened up today.

I have been one of the games biggest defenders but this type of thing is unacceptable at least to me anyways.

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What was the point of the Guild Program?


One could have thought that by placing guilds on a server yourselves you would be able to balance the population. I'm not litterally speaking of a 1:1 ratio but at least something close...


This game is going to die faster than you manage to break it, I'm not sure if that's laughable or pathetic.

Edited by demotivator
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World pvp sounds good on paper, but it just doesnt work, when I heard they were doing this i told my friends that this is exactly what was going to happen with the population imbalance. I play an imp and I can understand why republic players are annoyed.


Simple solution as I see it is do away with the whole world PVP idea, make the Ilum a 16 on 16 warzone with say a 45 minute time limit. Of course the objectives will need work, but this is truly the only way to make it fair for both sides.


World pvp worked in Shadowbane, the bugs did not

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No, the problem is that the imps are gaining valor at an incredible rate on almost every pvp server. The republic will be dead after today. This ranks as one of the worst patches ever. Bioware take down the servers and fix this disaster.


Indeed, I don't disagree it is terribad.


Just trying to clear up that there is no turret farming going on. And I single handedly wiped 40 imperials at our turrets, while they "farmed me" when in reality they got almost nothing because of diminishing returns, and I completed my daily.

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As an Imp my self I wont be resub'ing after this. The totalt lack of any foresight on Biowares behalf worries me, and I wont pay to beta test something that is ultimately broken - appearently beyond repair - I worked to get my Battlemaster Titel and today everyone in our guild that had time to play got theirs - even people who had hardly set foot in a Warzone before.


I just got my alt to 50 and prolly gonna use the rest of my play time to get battlemaster on it just incase they ever fix the game to be playable. I actually dont think ive ever played an MMO that failed harder then SWTOR.

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On the side note i think the people who are screaming about their sub cancellation every time a new problem emerges are just over reacting to the borderline of being hilarious.


This is a huge problem obviously but the amount of drama showed by some is just unbelievable.


my point exactly over-reacting people, always yelling "i canceled my sub" ... pffft 85% of them don't even cancels there sub, there just trolling imo.


then again i said it before "spawn-killing" to this extent is an direct violation of the rules of conduct (harassment), so lot of the imps will be getting a ban (permanent or not) imo i should give them all an permanent ban. wen you know that your actions is taking away the fun for other players then you must know this is a form of harassment and if you then still keep doing it you deserve punishment.


Golden rule: if what you are doing to someone, you don't like to be done to you then its bad!

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Roll Back won't happen, EVER. If it would, it would screw up Bioware more.


People are simply hysterical. Sure they screwed up but cancelling subscription and saying TOR is going to die due to this is simply moronic.


On my sever we have like 50-95 Empire vs 30-60 Republic.


You sure about that? Cause when I was on earlier Cyphen your folks and all the other 95 Imperials were camping our med bay and landing zone and we had about 9 people there dying without pause so we just stayed dead. Yes they screwed up but I can understand how some folks would be pretty upset about being camped for 1.5 hours until a warzone popped and they could afk and get back to the fleet lol.

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You need to take the servers down, asap and roll this **** back before it gets too late.


Lot of my friends have already said they are cancelling thier sub becasue of this, most of which - including me have grinded battlemaster rank and this is on BOTH sides.


While i havn't cancelled my sub, i've taken it down to 1 month instead of the 6 months i had.


Seriously? Your friends need to grow up then. I can't believe people would cancel an entir subscription after one bad patch and 6 hours of gameplay with it. Seriously, it's pathetic.
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Indeed, I don't disagree it is terribad.


Just trying to clear up that there is no turret farming going on. And I single handedly wiped 40 imperials at our turrets, while they "farmed me" when in reality they got almost nothing because of diminishing returns, and I completed my daily.


dude what are you going on about? they are grouped up. They are gaining massive amounts of valour hours on end.

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