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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Part of the issue is that the nature of how the issue is address might not fix all the larger repercussions. Fixing the zone is all great but it doesn't mean anything when there's a major valor imbalance that persists after wards.


I agree with you, but they will sort it out i have no doubt about it.

Those who think they will just let this slide and potentially loose many players because of it are just wrong.


Many people here are being constructive and giving good suggestions, but the majority is just hysterical.

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It would be an idea to get the old ways of Ilum back ASAP and this doesn't mean next week, but tonight.

Rollback 100% and before tomorrow would be in order. This new daily was a failure, but I believe it was done with the best intentions.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions

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According the people complaining in this thread, there are more repubs complaining about thhis issue than there are repubs that have been effected by this. Awesome stuff.


No doubt, the guys being spawn camped already /quit out and are playing something else

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Stop trying to cling on to your free valor ranks / battlemaster...


Free how you figure that? On my server pop about the same, 40 vs 40, that is republic showed up. Not all server are the same. My has high pop, queues were 2-4hours. So there no reason to make a general decision

Edited by AkitaInu
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Columi gear has better stats and better stat priority than battlemaster gear for pve, I think you'll be fine.


Do you realize how long it will take to get that gear? While imps are completely finished with endgame us reps will be slogging through every difficulty. Plus PVP wil be UNWINNABLE.

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I doubt 15-20% of the playerbase has even visited ilum.


That is probably half of the point here.


Why strive to get to do Ilum, or bother with PvP at 50, as Republic if you stand 1/10th of the chance to do well. It is about Republic becoming hard-mode after 50 simply because you chose that faction IMO. That is fine with me I guess... But, I will not feed the fire by logging in until it is over.


When all of the valor, if and when, it remains in place puts me at a permanent disadvantage THEN I will bother to try again, and choose if it is fun again. Of course... This all occurs after I payed 90 dollars for a game and will be charged for my subscription within 48 hours or so.


That was the point of this thread in the beginning but it has changed over the day to become something else. The original opinion of the members posting isn't here anymore... Its gone.

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I've not even logged into the game yet, but heard Ilum is a disaster. If it's true that Imperials are able to mass farm turrets for Valor, this pretty much kills PvP for me. Having access to Battlemaster gear far ahead of the other faction, due to exploitation of a poorly designed system will be the nail in the coffin for a lot of Republic players, including myself.


A rollback on Valor and a disabling of Ilum needs to happen, and leave it closed till you guys re-think of a fair and balanced Open World PvP game design. Don't rush to meet a deadline, just lock the ###### down.

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Valor for dieing on Ilum and this is fixed.

Republic Rules

Empire wouldn't stand a chance.


Genius. I really like it.


edit: Obviously it would vary but:


Valor Definition: boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage; bravery: a medal for valor.


There IS valor in death.

Edited by asilos
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Columi gear has better stats and better stat priority than battlemaster gear for pve, I think you'll be fine.


Mods are removable, mods are level 58 and have the same stats as any other level 58 mod, take perfectly good for PVE mod out of PVP gear, replace mods in current PVE gear and have better PVE gear for no effort, thus imbalanced valor imbalances PVE as well.

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It is actually good that this problem emerged, once they fix the issue with valor which i am sure they will, they'd better address the problem of huge faction imbalance on many servers (that i am not so sure they will do though).
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The fix to "the fix" will be too late for a huge chunk of its pvp community... doesnt matter how long its been out as the damage has been done.


I don't understand why eveyone fails to see this.


There will be complains, always, but people will wait, for classes to be balanced, for new content to be released, for bugs to be fixed and engines to be optimized.



But irreparable large scale exploiting (for the sake of argument, let's just call it that) is not only destroying the trust of players into the capabilities of the devs, it is also putting the already much more attractive faction, even further ahead. So much so that on most servers I can completely see this accelerating the apparently unavoidable extinction of the Republic faction itself.


The Empire is already enjoying literally every single amenity in the game minus the PvP waiting queues - which are worked on thanks to the new same faction WZ's. While the Republic stands by, every passing day just being kicked in the face again and again and again, not just by the enemy when daring to set foot into Ilum. But by the devs themselves.

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Free how you figure that? on my server pop about the same, 40 vs 40, that is republic showed up. Not all server are the same. My has high pop, wing qs were 2-4hours. So there no reason to make a general decision


Just FYI man, that was completely incomprehensible.

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Update 1: We'll get you a response soon!


Update 2: *crickets chirping*


TBH, that's about what I expected for a response to this stupidity.


Lol - about right though :)


They are super awesome at handling issues!! Currently I am on day 11 of a support ticket to be answered, I love feeling truly valued as a customer...makes me all warm inside!

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The massacre aside, I'm very hopeful that the number of players claiming to cancel their subscriptions are as honest as they are vehement. I can't wait for the lessened server load, especially considering the depopulation comes from whiners and those who cannot abide hard work or alternatives.


I'm also glad that SWToR has as many different activities (Space Combat, PvE fights and puzzles, Flashpoints, Datacron hunts, crafting, etc) to do. One sub-set experiences problems, in this case PvP, and manifold other options still exist whilst it is being fixed.


As a Republic player and a Jedi that doesn't plan to play anything else, I'm not worried about the faction imbalance or the farmed Valor and Battlemaster items. Being a Jedi represents sacrifice, working hard for tempered power instead of easy and quick power, and being grossly outnumbered due to choice of ethics and practices. If anything, I praise Bioware for making this situation exemplify the Jedi philosophy.


For those who are getting steamrolled on Ilum: please don't take it out on Bioware; find alternative forms of entertainment and trust that their great game so far is insurance that they are interested in a great game in the future. Realize that complaints and rage do nothing to improve the situation.


For those who are taking advantage of the situation: I truly wish you wouldn't, but you pay your money to Bioware for the ability to do so. Therefore, if you choose to do so, do so in good conscience and don't take the numerous cries of my butt-hurt Republicans as representative of us all. I'll be back to Ilum when planetary politics and technology are back under control, and hope to meet you there.


For Bioware PR folks: I'm so sorry. You are doing your job, and I'm sure you understand that your clientele is comprised of flustered teenagers and homebodies who choose not to acquiesce to any change whatsoever. Even so, I truly hope you can continue to work as hard as you have been, and rest assured that at least some of us appreciate your efforts on behalf of your company and will remain patient.




really man well said! at least i'm not the only one with a clear mind. i totally wished i came up with this post! very jedi like, jedi brother.

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