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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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They will do a rollback there is no other option.


even if they fix spawn camping you will still have imps with access to battlemaster gear while republic has none.


Can't wait to see if the thread tomorrow from Imperial QQ over losing their valor exceeds this thread in replies/views.

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I just spent 2 hours on Ilum along with 18 other Republic players while 80+ Imperials camped the med center and the landing zone - so anyone coming to help was instant killed, and anyone respawning was instant killed. They were focused on the turrets (valor gain or not) and are still there to my knowledge. This is not pvp and anyone who thinks that 90v19 spawn camping for 2-3 hours is pvp needs to reconsider their definition. I recorded a video but since there are so many up already I won't bother uploading it.


Fix this Bioware.


Dev response/action please!

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Bioware, Lucas Arts, and EA Thanks for creating SWTOR .I and who else agree support you. We understand that there will be some bumps in the road.


Some People on these forums are so mean to Bioware. Bump if you got BIoware's back!! Testing, patching build, design, validate is not always perfect there will be issues.




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If only BW had better community managers on the forums. I can think of over a dozen things i could do in the span of an hour to better inform the community of whats going on.



HOW can you release an MMO, without a solid grasp on how to handle your active community base?




The worst period.... from early access (i was day 1 wave 1) to 1.1



The longer they wait, the bigger this snowball grows.

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Please fix your framerate issues while your at it... I shouldn't be getting 30 frames per second on a 2011 computer with a GT card on low-medium settings with the grass and trees turned off even.


100% Agreed,just cancelled because of this.

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I am going to make a really long post about what is wrong with PvP because I'm obviously smart and BW really messed up.


First, I will make a comment about how imbalanced my server is. Please note how I emphasized what I think is a serious problem.


Now I dont want to see like I'm just jumping on a band wagon here so I'll use eye catching words like unsubscribe and gamebreaking. Now that I think that my post matters, I will use some colored text to really drive the point across.


Now, to finish on a strong note, I'll put up a list of fixes that will undoubtedly solve the problem. (I need to make sure to make them look organized).


1. A technical fix that I do not understand.

2. A penalty to people that live at home in their basements.

3. Something in GIANT LETTERS


Also poop



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You know, we all make mistakes. And Bioware sure as hell made a huge one here.


But what I don't understand is how the servers are still up, right now. What in the hell is Bioware waiting for? It's obvious they have to rollback. Waiting just makes it that much worse.

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And another MMO bites the dust.


so your someone that agrees with the masses eh, this is not a game killing blow, people over-react and allot of over-reacting people jumped on the train !!

this is not good over-reacting clouds the mind and distort the view, be calm and wait for the fix. give bioware some credit its there first MMO and mistakes do happen, that's the nature of a human, we are not 100% perfect. most of us think we are perfect but we are far from it.


you all should put that angry energy in a protest of SOPA and PIPA !! internet as we know it will change if one of the two gets voted for! i won't give links for them but use GOOGLE you will soon know what it is.

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I just re-read the original BW moderator post in this thread. I noticed that they said they are "investigating" the "potential" issues. My question is, what is there to investigate? There is no bug here. Nothing in your code is wrong. Your problem is the massive zerg-fest that's causing this zone to become unplayable to everyone on the republic side. There's nothing to investigate. The problem has made itself heard loud and clear. It's a problem with basic design, not technical design. Your best bet right now is to just shut down the servers, or at least shut down Ilum while you find a way to apply some sort of temporary fix.
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