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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Unfortunately it seems the same vicious MMO cycle is happening here, do any game developers even play their own games any more?


what are you talking about we obviously KNOW which side they favor from this patch ---->>> *points towards all the imbalanced servers that they never considered during this craptastic patch*

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Was there no test server or something before this was unleashed?




If they do a hard rollBack,..they will P*&^ off just as many, if not more, of the non-PvP'ers who are just playing the PvE stuff,..






...I truly wish you the best of luck resolving this.


(not sarcastic!)


the rollback of the valor points will have no effect on level and pve progress! and why rollback, you could even the valor of all players ? make it even and everyone is happy.

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Either take down the servers and finish the game for a month or 2 and bring it back giving us all a free month and a written appoligy, or wait for this game to turn Free 2 play in 2 months, because only the fanboys are staying quiet/positive about this.
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I would be terrified of a rollback with how most things in this game have been handled thus far. We could all log in and see ourselves as level 15 from few weeks ago.


Considering how fast I saw people lvl to 50, you'd have to roll back a month to have that problem.

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Not all servers are killing turrets. Our server has enough repubs that it is just constant fighting, but this is rewarding great valor. It is working as intended. The only issue is that turrets give valor, but I think fighting correctly might give more valor.


You guys are blowing this way out of proportion.


The only issue is the turrets giving valor ? ...haha don't make me laugh..i always walk with 50+ FPS in Illum (and on every other planet / warzone). And now i walk around with +2 FPS in illum. So before u post...make sure u read every single post in this thread. And then tell me again, if only the turrets are the problem.

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this seems like the righ tplace to post it.


I RECENTLY GOT A NEW LVL49 GREEN AND I PUT IT SOMEWHERE IN MY BAG. IT WAS A HUGE UPGRADE!!! But when I logged in today, I accidentally sold it. Can we please roll back the servers so that I can my awesome upgrade back. I mean from what I've been reading it's a REALLY easy thing to do. It in no way impacts other aspects of the game AT ALL!!! BW I know you're actually reading this thread and didn't jsut create this thread to cattle all the hate into one area.

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Simple solution BW. Fire the mythic left overs.


Not sure what you have against the Mythic employees...but some of them were and still are awesome designers.


Warhammer failed because of management not the development team, and the billing company. You had people at top levels making decisions about classes they played without concern of the actual game.


BioWare screwed up some fundamental pvp principles, fairly sure the Mythic folks red flagged this, and was told to put it in anyways.


But troll on brotha, troll on.

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When Gabe Amatangelo posted PVP stats about across all servers


In the first week after launch there were over a million Warzone matches played, with nearly half of all players participating in Warzones. Bad news for Republic players, though - the Empire currently leads overall, having won 53% of all Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar matches (across all servers). Huttball has been played the most, accounting for 39% of all matches – and yes, we’ll be adding a new same faction vs. same faction enabled Warzone in the future.


I thought you could have also posted


Imps win 6% more Alderaan Civil War and 6% more Voidstar which only accounts for 61% of their matches. They also win 80% of all Huttball matches which account for 39% of their matches.


This second statement could very well be true but would make it look a lot less balanced. The situation in Ilum today confirms my feelings about your statistical integrity.

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Evidently, there's only one way to solve the player imbalance.


Give Knights and Inquisitors the ability to blind all Imperials within a 150 mile radius with their brilliance. It'll last for about 3 minutes. This will continue until the server imbalance is resolved.


Provide free-class changes to the mirror of your choosing.

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For the blind and literary challenged who are too lazy to read a thread before posting in it:



So, one month after release population imbalance has suddenly become the biggest atrocity ever and people are cancelling (or threatening to do so) in large numbers?


Most of this hysteria revolved around turrets rewarding honor which was completely false and if BW panders to mouth breathers that will be up in arms with pitchforks and torches due to them believing something someone told them on the internet then this game will be far worse off than the atrocities incurred when BW gave people a reason to participate in world pvp... on servers that have been imbalanced since day one.

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Not all servers are killing turrets. Our server has enough repubs that it is just constant fighting, but this is rewarding great valor. It is working as intended. The only issue is that turrets give valor, but I think fighting correctly might give more valor.


You guys are blowing this way out of proportion.


Go to a server where you can't even respawn without dying, and non 50's are getting battlemaster rank in a day, then tell me it's not completely broken.

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This thread is moving at the speed of "holy crap"



Again a distinction needs to be made at least for me to understand. Camping a spawn point is one thing and needs to be addressed. Enemy faction's should not be allowed to enter the opposite sides base under any circumstances. Put up a force shield or make it instant death if you go past a certain point. But the player should be able to re-spawn with out being insta killed.



Being locked in your base due to superior numbers of enemy players outside is another issue altogether, and is due to a faction imbalance. That's not an easy fix.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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On Port Nowhere the crowd is so thick that frames break down to slideshow and card starts to trip out even with a high end rig. Easy, fast valor, especially for imperials. Way to break many dozens of hours of gear grinding through bg pvp.



Hey pvp devs, you are bad at your job. How are you still employed?

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Awesome, people using an exploit that could possibly rollback valor from those of us who received it all morning by not exploiting. Yay.


The 'potential' rollback of valor needs to only impact exploiters, and not the rest of the population.


Yeah doubt they have logs that detailed so as to differentiate between those spawn camping and those getting it by regular means.


So do yourself and the rest of the pvp community a favor and sacrifice a morning's worth of valor so they can just reset everyone and be done with it.

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So a patch created issues in PvP? OMG THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED IN AN MMO BEFORE!!!!!!


Odds are they're scrambling to find a way to fix it, I'll bet the servers are down at some point in the next week with a fix.


I've played every major MMO since UO (For at least two months), and there have been some epic screw ups. I don't know if this is the worst, but it makes my top 5. MMOs are basically giant Skinner Boxes built around Gear progression, and the worst thing a MMO can do is to trivialize it. The second worst thing is to make Gear nigh unattainable, which ironically this patch does for those on the faction opposing the trivialized Gear. It's really a wonderful recess peanut butter cup of poor design.

Edited by Torcer
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Absolute car crash. I spent alot of my time in the game earning my valor ranks through warzones. I log on tonight go to ilum, 1fps , 150 imps farming my repubic base and gaining ridiculous amounts of valor while we just sit there dying, because we are outnumbered massively. Even if i want to fight I cannot, because its just a lag fest.


Why not make it a 40 v 40 instance like av? The game cant handle this amount of pvp, the faction imbalance is just obvious to anyone now, and you have basically just handed one faction battlemaster status in one day, making all the time i have spent pvping to gain gear to be competitive, completley wasted.


The only thing you can do is roll it all back.


I hate to say this but all this patch has done is made me consider just quitting rather than fixing the issue, I dont know if I will quit the game, but i certainly will not bother going to ilum. It was poor before, now it is just a complete and utter disgrace.


Please listen to what your playerbase is telling you. I love this game, but this is just a complete joke.

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I understand privacy and all that so there is no need for a NAME to be posted, but please post that the dev in charge of PVP has resigned or been let go.


There is no job I know of where you can make a mistake this big and still be in charge.


Show us you care about us. Force him/her to be accountable.


The name is Georg.

Edited by Riktors
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Go to a server where you can't even respawn without dying, and non 50's are getting battlemaster rank in a day, then tell me it's not completely broken.


Which is impossible, since your Valor rank cant exceed your actual rank until 50.



Edited by Ashane
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The camping video doesnt really proove there is huge valor gains going on. All it prooves is people getting camped..thats about it. There is so much talk and yes I have yet to see proof of people going from 0-60 valor in 5mins. Smells alittle fishy to me.
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I will give you a million dollars tomarrow for 100 dollars today.


Dont believe me? Why? Need proof?


Same deal here.


The major complaints here are that Imps are getting valor from killing turrets and said turrets have no respawn timer (or a very low one).












If the republic is complaing that the Imps are FARMING THEM for valor and THAT is the MAIN cause of concern...well dont got there and give imps free valor....simple.


Yes the outnumbering thing needs to be worked out but if all those imps got thier valor from killing PLAYERS then that is different than killing an NPC TURRET.


you sir, are an idiot. there is no conceivable way to organize all the reuplic on a server to not visit a planet. All it takes is 1 person to zone into ilum at that speeder point, and not know how to WZ queue out, for every imp to farm valor for hours.

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