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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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If they roll back that will affect a ton of players who aren't participating in Ilum.


To think they're going to shut down the servers and roll back on the day before the free month ends is silly.


It's simply not going to happen.


They banned the people who exploited the vendor bug and got hundreds of millions of credits for 7 days, but they didn't take away the credits.


Worst thing that could happen if you're exploiting is to get a few days ban, but you'll be able to keep your valor, just like people were allowed to keep their money.

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If people will quit on a false rumor good riddance.


I was thinking of not responding to this. But ok. Even if turrets don't give valor, and I have yet to see anyone post a picture of whether they do or don't, this still doesn't stop 120 imperials from farming every single republic player at the spawnpoint without them having a chance of getting out. Furthermore, this will only increase the gap in gear difference for Warzones.

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Pull the logs on each server and find every person that has exploited the turrets and revert them back to rank 0 and take all their PVP gear.


Simple to the point and its done.


If a gang of QQ'ers leave over it its their own fault for exploiting a game flaw.



This. This. This.

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odd as i have 8gb ram i-5 2500k and a gtx580 and fps in illium today was around 20fps down to 4fps when it got 30 players together, and internet connection fine.


Same here, I can max out settings on BF3 and Skyrim with absolutely no issue. Yet on this game with "ok" graphics it kills the FPS. Makes total sense.

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Outside of the obvious PvP failure, here are some other things I noticed:


-Load times are worse now for zones

-Loading screen randomly goes on your screen for a second while already in the world, during gameplay

-When abilities are on cooldown, they no longer gray out, they are still lit up

-FPS has dropped, even at the same settings as yesterday

-Not sure about anyone else, but my video card is running 5-10 degrees hotter than yesterday with the same settings



turn off AA. There is another thread about it causing this.

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lol when the game launched and I first saw Ilum, I laughed with guildies becuase it was clear then and there this game was a joke with respect to PVP. however, we rationalized the ridiculousness and gave bioware the benefit of the doubt that they intended Ilum to be of that design in the early stages of launch to allow a very very thin 50 population something to do when they reached 50. (i.e. world pvp would hardly be sustainable in the opening days of launch as the 50 population would be very small.)


The time for benefit of the doubt has now gone out the window. patch 1.1 is a complete affirmation that bioware had no clue what to do with PVP at launch.. and still have no clue today.


What is even further disturbing is that they closed beta this game for over a year. What the hell were you doing during that time? Did anyone play end game pvp in closed beta? this is absolutely unacceptable the gross incompetence and negligence displayed with this game.


With the opportunity to create a recurring cash cow stream of millions of dollars each month... and with the foresight of numerous mmo's to draw lessons learned from... bioware brought to the table this pile of complete garbage... and now they will reap the rewards of their stupidity... canceled subs.


congratulations bioware... you were handed the keys to a freaking cadillac in terms of story-line backdrop. Star Wars name recognition is beyond comprehension... and its lore very rich and well known across the globe. the name alone.. brought you customers... just the NAME ALONE... and you totally and completely DROPPED the ball. unbelievable.


totally.. completely... utterly... unbelievable.

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possible solutions:

  1. remove expertise as of right now. bring all servers down for one hour, remove it from the game until you can find a better use for it.
  2. whilst the servers are down, rollback all valor on all servers gained after 2am (when the servers went down for maintenance).
  3. remove valor from everything except player kills.
  4. add a scaling valor bonus for underdog factions, it should be additive, and cap at 400% bonus for being outnumbered by 4:1 or greater, and start at 25% bonus for being outnumbered by 1.25:1, this should apply to ilum only.
  5. on pvp servers, remove the ability to roll characters on both factions. if a player has characters on both factions already they must delete one faction before being allowed to log into the game.
  6. add a +100% valor bonus (additive) to the underdog faction on any server.


this should give underdog players a sufficient incentive (valor wise) to stay in the fight and keep playing, with a total of 900% valor bonus if they are:

  • out numbered on their server
  • out numbered by 4:1 or greater in ilum
  • control all of the ilum objectives


hopefully this won't get lost in the firestorm that is this thread...

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Outside of the obvious PvP failure, here are some other things I noticed:


-When abilities are on cooldown, they no longer gray out, they are still lit up


Read the patch notes much? ;) This is intentional!


The abilities wont gray out as long as you have the right resource/proc for it.

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