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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ifs theres no rollback and revert ilum changes ill unsub


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Edit: I see, I didn't click the link like a noob. That seems terribly inconvenient. The Empire:Rebpublic Valor ratio must be weighted heavily towards Empire now with all the level 20 WZ farming by 50s, and now this. Hopefully it all comes out in the wash.


I think the damage is already done though. The image as stands is:


Want to look good? Roll Empire.

Want to see other people on planets in your faction? Roll Empire.

Want abilities with short, responsive animations? Roll Empire.

Want to be competitive in PvP? Roll Empire.

Want free valor on Illum? Roll Empire.

Want long WZ queues? Roll Empire.

Want your WZ's to be weighted towards same faction Huttball? Roll Empire.


Want to play solo PvE? Play Republic.

Want to wear brown? Play Republic.

Want to have 3-4 second animations on instant ablities? Play Republic.

Want to have short WZ queues? Play Republic.

Want to be converted into a valor pinata at 50 once you hit Illum? Play Republic.

Edited by DarthRaneDeer
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Please refer to my previous comment of "Goodbye". I meant it. All you whiners and complainers are quite annoying. Enjoy the game or dont. Does the forum REALLY need 100 threads ALL saying the same thing? If you dont like it, either A) go back to WoW B) deal with it and enjoy other aspects of the game or C) leave.


Enough said


The pot calling the kettle black...What's worse the whiner or the one(s) whining about whining?

Most would agree, it's the latter.

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What's the problem? I'm Republic, we're out numbered 3 to 1 and still Roflstomping the hell outa the Imps. Ilum is great fun now. Kinda laggy atm, but I'm sure that'll be fixed soon.


Sounds to me like some ppl just suck at oPvP. Being good in a WF don't mean jack in oPvP... It's an entirely different beast.

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Please refer to my previous comment of "Goodbye". I meant it. All you whiners and complainers are quite annoying. Enjoy the game or dont. Does the forum REALLY need 100 threads ALL saying the same thing? If you dont like it, either A) go back to WoW B) deal with it and enjoy other aspects of the game or C) leave.


Enough said


You are also annoying or a troll maybe.

OP haven't mentioned WoW anywhere from what i have seen.

And yes this forum needs 100 threads about it because otherwise they wouldn't be there.


You either aren't doing any PvP on Illum and therefore have no clue what is going on there, or which is even more unbelievable you are on server that doesn't suffer from huge faction imbalance and therefore this problem doesn't affect you at all.

Either that or you are playing Empire and zerging the 5-10 Republic players on Illum backed by 30-40 of your faction and find that the situation is just fine and good.

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