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Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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Originally Posted by GeorgZoeller

We hear your feedback and are working on adjustments to increase the readability of the cooldown UI in an upcoming patch.


-- Georg




In patch 1.1 the overlay on your abilities which showed when they were available to use or not was changed to an overlay that goes down to the bottom of the icon as it's cooldown comes up, but because the icon isn't "greyed out" anymore, a lot of the time it looks like you can click an ability that is on cooldown and use it, but you can't.


As a Jedi Sentinel I already spent half my time staring at all my cooldowns but now with this it's more like 99% of the time spent staring at my bars trying to decipher my next move because I can't just clearly see what is on cooldown or what is not, it's awful.


We want this change reverted to the way it was, which was PERFECTLY FINE. Why you even felt the need to change it in the first place is beyond me. I hope bioware don't think this is what we were talking about with regard to "ability delay", because that is a completely separate issue and the visual indications of when an ability is on cooldown or not had nothing to do with it, so in the end I really can't fathom why they changed it.


CHANGE IT BACK! I can't play like this -.-


Quote from some guy that puts it pretty succintly:

Except you cannot easily see if an ability is actually "off CD" or just "nearly off CD", this is a vital difference.


In some cases it can easily look like an ability is off CD, but in reality it had a good 7+ seconds left before it its, just the timer bar has effectively merged with the bottom of the icon.



This is much, much worse than the orginal UI design, it's solved a minor problem only to create a major one.

Edited by SunwindIon
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I cant agree more.. Its almost impossible to tell if your medpacs are rdy or not when they are on a 8-0 sec cd, same goes for every other ability that has a long cd time.


What was the problem with UI / CD before rly? i had no porblems telling when my abilities was rdy or not before. this UI change rly made situations like pvp a BIG problem for me.


Please change it back ASAP!

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Nothing but more complaints from people that have a hard time adjusting.


I've had no problem so far.



God forbid people feedback to make the game a better place. I forgot that once these games are released it's a sin to ask for anything to be fixed...

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i'm not a general QQ'er. and i always believe it will be alright on the night. i have not played the game yet, i will later when i get home. but if this is as bad as it sounds i hope the community can make enough noise to be heard, enough to be heard over all the hate thread. this sound like a legit problem to me
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The issue they tried to fix was that it was impossible to see if reactive abilities were ready during a GCD as all abilities would become fully greyed out.


Now everything stays lit up all the time, even if they're on cooldown, as long as other requirements are met.


Extremely lazy.

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surely everybody notices this? how did it get past testing? what a massive joke.


it looks better at first but then when a cooldown is nearly up you can't tell if it has 3 seconds left or 10 secs, i'm constantly clicking abilities that look like they're off cooldown and it's just horrendous.


To think they had 8 hours to work on this :rolleyes:

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As a tank, this is killer for me. I need to know when my abilities are off cd to maintain proper aggro and know when I can pop my defensive cooldowns. I dont have time to go clicking around finding one of my 4 30-45 sec abilities is available to use, if I do, I lost aggro. Please let us have an option to go back to the way it was before 1.1.
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Nothing but more complaints from people that have a hard time adjusting.


I've had no problem so far.


Sure. Now, can you explain to me how you manage to see the difference between ready and 3s before being ready for an ability with a 5mn cooldown?


You must have really good eyes if you can see the 1/100e of your ability covered by the CD...

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