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Speeders... Not so speedy...


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I haven't seen any recent forum threads discussing the topic recently regarding in-game speeder (mount) speed. My guild and I are on the same page when we agree that riding a speeder, of any speed, is like watching the game in slow motion.


90%, 100%, 110%... really?


In my opinion speeders should be more like 90%, 200% 400%, atleast. This is Star Wars BW, lets make it feel more like Star wars here.


Agree? Disagree?

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After getting my level 40 Speeder (the one that looks like the one's seen in Return of the Jedi), I hopped on and noticed it wasn't very "speedy."


I then watched the movie. Now I wish I could go that fast in game.


I know that Bioware and EA have a lot to do with the game, but please, at some point, make the speeders feel like speeders.



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after getting my level 40 speeder (the one that looks like the one's seen in return of the jedi), i hopped on and noticed it wasn't very "speedy."


i then watched the movie. Now i wish i could go that fast in game.


I know that bioware and ea have a lot to do with the game, but please, at some point, make the speeders feel like speeders.




^ :)

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They need to make it a bigger difference between the speeders...with the fastest speeders being the equivalent of Force Speed...150%.


Of course they shouldn't increase speed if it means it breaks agro mechanics. If a mob should be able to knock you off at 110% then they need to be able to knock you off at 150%. Frankly no one should be immune to getting past an elite or champion so long as they aren't grey to you. From what I hear the highest level speeders prevent all knock off...which they shouldn't.


But...speeders need to feel like speeders. At the highest levels I shouldn't have to take a frickin taxi through low level areas just because it's faster.

Edited by Thunder-God
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I guess next youre gonna ask for them to be 310% and able to fly? :p


Just posting this because the slow movement in this game really annoys me.


In the 10 year old Anarchy Online the maximum movement speed is 375% of base running speed (and there are real flying vehicles).

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I made a suggestion to also adding an ability to have a temporary "boost" ability on speeders.. they certainly are NOT as speedy as I would love them to be.. 150% max just a few shades under the taxi speeds would be brilliant!

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While we're on the subject of Speeders (and I agree with the speed issue) can they please make those ridiculous looking mini-shuttle speeders carry a passenger? That'd be super.




Non-speeder mounts would be nice too.. like a Bantha or whatever.. the speeders are monotone and both Republic and Empire have the exact same..

Well.. that's my opinion at least..


And yes.. the speeder speed could use an upgrade

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It was a terrible idea to have this slow of mounts in a game with this much landmass. Not to mention it completely breaks immersion with the star wars universe. If they wanted them to be slower than speeders then they shouldn't name them speeders. More like SLOWERS LOLOL.
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