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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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I could certainly do without the orbital stations.


And as someone else mentioned: go to my ship so they can tell me to go to dromund kaas so they can tell to go back to my ship ...and in the case of imperial agent...go back to the planet I was originally on when this whole cycle started.

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Use Instant Fleet Pass.




Run to Hangar, Enter Hangar 1 MINUTE




Run to Ship, Enter Ship 1 MINUTE




Run to Ship Controls, Select Planet, Exit Ship








you should update that crap heap of computer and internet you have, takes me 5 minutes TOPS to get anywere i need, problem with people in this thread is they are so used to inta travel in other games this is what kill the world, they just insta travel to dungeons, insta travel to citys, insta jump to bgs, bioware may aswell remove the open world as well and just have citys for you people, dont like it quit you will not be missed

Edited by Lokiz
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hey i have a idea!!!! maybe just maybe it adds to the immersion of the game? it does for me, how realistic is it to insta port somewhere? did they do that on the movies? nope.


Yeah, they never did that in the movies. I remember falling asleep watching C3PO and R2D2 walking across the desert of Tattoine for hours. Then that long trek when Luke and Obi Wan took the speeder to Mos Eisley. That movie probably would have only been less than 2 hours if not for all the travel time.

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They should just give quick travel the option of going directly to your ship.


Not a bad idea. It's not like when you want to get to your ship you'll be in the mood for socializing anyway. The only thing this idea does is allow you to skip the run and loading screens between the spaceport bind and your ship. So I don't see it hurting community, nor would it hurt immersion anymore than quick travel already does.



I like it.

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What's wrong with my nuts?




Oh yeah because it's sooo painful to run a bit and be in a social setting to get to your mailbox. You know, might as well put all the trainers and all the NPCs on your starship so you never have to leave it.


What's wrong with you guys? Everybody knows this type of laziness kills a game, ESPECIALLY THE MMO PART.


Uh...right. The hardcore raider in me wants to go 'lolwut?' at you 'cause, hey, raidgame is raidgame. Hardcore raider says I'm Here for the Gear, not your stupid snorefest of running through 3-5 loading screens and intervening empty-arse areas just to go here and go there.



Yeah, the hardcore raider in me says that verisimilitude is very nice, just keep it the heck out of my raidgame. Give me an option to disable and auto-skip dialogue; heck, let me set it to automatically choose LS, DS or neutral choices to expedite the tedium and save my keyboard some wear for not having to repeatedly hit it while looking at this Hardmode FP dialogue for the 319th time.


Want a raid game? Want the raid game. Socialize on your guild forum; raidgame is for raiding. And your boring orbital stations...ya know, I've leveled four characters to 50 and I don't honestly remember ever seeing anybody other than my significant other, while teaming with her, in an orbital station.


Funny how your point has no point, eh?

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I fully agree.


Fortunately for me i unsubbed and wont have to deal with any of their problems until these are fixed.


Mass Effect 3 and real life for me, hopefully by the time I finish ME3, SWTOR will have added all the features it needed, fixed performance issues and ability delay, and remove all the needless filler like orbital stations, etc.


Game has potential to be great but is just handled by the wrong company. Blizzard would have made SWTOR possibly the greatest GAME ever made.



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I understand going to the mailbox when there is an item. But you should be able to send plain mail and credits from anywhere. For christ sake we have spaceships and all but we don't have the equivilant of an iPhone? I can transfer money and send text at any time.


Would love the trainer on my ship to :p


These changes would in no way affect how much I would play the game. So I don't see why it would kill it personally. In fact I would like it more so..


Maybe they should just scrap the whole game and make everything happen on your ship then you never have to go any where and people will stop crying cause they don't know how to use maps to find trainers or have to walk a whole 5 seconds to a spacedock

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I fully agree.


Fortunately for me i unsubbed and wont have to deal with any of their problems until these are fixed.


Mass Effect 3 and real life for me, hopefully by the time I finish ME3, SWTOR will have added all the features it needed, fixed performance issues and ability delay, and remove all the needless filler like orbital stations, etc.


Game has potential to be great but is just handled by the wrong company. Blizzard would have made SWTOR possibly the greatest GAME ever made.


Blizzard of 5 years ago maybe. Blizzard of today would have made it horrible just like their last two expansions.


While I don't think that you should get rid of ships altogether. An option to bind to the fleet an/or the ship would be great.

Edited by SlickDevlan
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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


Completely agree, its fine for roleplayers, we need an instant transport hub that ports you wherever you need to go, the current system is stupid, tedious & really annoying..

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The funniest thing about this thread is that the title implies some sort of Martyrdom on the whole good, "no one is talking about the bad parts of this game, so I will", when a solid majority is general grouching when complaining.


Truth be told, it's actually a fairly solid title all in all, but not without it's issues, bugs, glitches, got stuck in an area, and some broken invisible walls today, but every minute of frustration and Mundane traveling, I've had hours of enjoyable story and gameplay.


Not that I don't want Bioware to fix current issues, but they are really not as annoying and tedious as to make me want to quit.

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We brought this up early last year in beta and kept letting them know for months on end how boring and unnecessary the whole process they have is. As usual, they ignored us.


Another thing that always aggravated me was when doing quests I could use my holcron or whatever you call it, but during class quests I am required to go to my ship, go to this planet, then back to this planet, then over to another planet, do some running around, then go back to starter planet...why can't I just use the holo instead of all the running around?



Yeah. MMO developers and designers tend to come up with arbitrary metrics of how much time they expect it should take for players to do certain things.


A lot of map design doesn't just seem like it's made to make you go around and around and around all kinds of annoying terrain features; there was probably a team figuring out how to specifically do the map layout so that it would take between X and Y minutes to get from points 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and so on.


Quests are also frequently designed with this in mind, and those teams often collaborate with map design teams both for concept features and art...but also to stay within the time-to-completion margins.


Numbers such as quest rewards, drop rates and a lot of other stuff gets balanced against these figures as well.


Sometimes there are multiple figures arbitrated for various things. How long should it take to RE a green item to blue? Blue to purple? Green to purple altogether?


10-30 minutes for green to blue? 2-4 hours for blue to purple? Overall consignment of about a 4-6 hour timeframe to refine a green schematic to purple?


Arbitrary figures like that aren't just conspiracy theory. They look good in presentations to people like notoriously ignorant sockholders that like to feel informed, and being able to tell them something like "We have designed our BLAH with the goal in mind that the typical player will take 250-300 active, played hours to get from start to finish. Here, we have for you segmented data illustrating subscription profits based on the several different averages we expect to see.


Also, in this next series of charts; please reference the handout for the color keys to help you interpret these venn diagrams; you'll see that we've maximized time requirements by including several different systems that we expect will engage many players and, of course, come with their own time requirements.


For purposes of player retention and customer satisfaction, we've allowed some of these to be done simultaneously. For example, a player might have one of their allies harvesting things to make other things with while a second ally makes an object.


To offset this simultaneity, we've incorporated escalating currency costs, and gated required materials for the creation of top quality in-game objects behind these currency costs, and our expectations outside of vigorous game market activity for currency acquisition are scaled across a timeline as you see here in diagram 4.b"



And that's a fact, Jack. The administrative and marketing ends of development...frankly, don't care all that much if you're happy, don't often know the first thing about the actual game systems and are very typically staffed by people that, if they played an MMO, would be very lonely off in a corner being called 'baddie' for thinking their class sucks 'cause they probably couldn't play it any better than they can race a stock car.



Those people aren't compelled by gamer nomenclature. They're compelled by numbers and data that has substance to them. Arbitrary numbers that things get built around as time scalings are a big component of that in a subscription-based MMO.


I'd tell you how I know, but, I could be lying. It could be space aliens. Maybe I don't know anything at all and this just seems plausible to me!


But think about it. That's all I can realistically ask anyone to do anyway.

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I want them too put galactic markets on every planet... and for a price u should be able to buy tickets that automatically port u too a planet like the ones u can buy that automaticly port you too the fleet if u bought a ssecurity key.



Oh and thankfully i didn't buy the collectors edition but for those that did u should give them something worth while and not just some crappy ingame items etc. it doesn't justify paying £150 for

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Please, Bioware, don't give into these carebears. The game, as its laid out, makes sense. If people want to stand in one spot and play the whole game (like in WoW or warhammer) let them go play those games.


Mail on the ship just doesnt make rational sense. Sure, its convenient, but mail on your ship is, from a realism point of view, doesn't make sense.


I like having to actually plan trips and take the whole five minutes to move from one place to another.


There are crappy products out there for these people already. Keep the game design for the kind of client you want. If you go out of your way to satisfy every little carebear whiner out there, you'll end up like warcraft in a few years, and that is to say, you'll have a decent service for the majority of customers, but youll also be left with a really crappy game.


Warcraft sucks. Thats why I play SWTOR. People whine about bugs, or things they want to see different, and I gotta tell ya, its the differences in this game that make it better than any other imo. Even the bugs I find fun. The best times I had in WoW were in the beginning, when it was still unperfected, and the skill system left room to make custom classes.


I can't stand people who whine about game design and say its flawed when in reality its just more realistic and not designed so any idiot can stand in one spot on the imperial fleet and play the whole of end game without moving because you can auto travel everywhere.


Friggin carebears. Warcrap is for you.

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