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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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I have to say that i just love my gunslinger and i do a lot of pvp matches with that class.

The Problem is that you are extremly dependant on a good team that supports you. With a Tank guarding you and a Healer healing you there is no class (exept scoundrels/operativs XD) that will outdamage you.


If you play in a PUG and are on you own then you have to prepare for a lot of dying cause if you're outnumbered it's pretty damn hard to survive (but mostly you'll be able to kill at least on of the zergs ;-D)


In 1on1 situations Gunslingers/Snipers are a beast but it will take a lot of skill cause you'll need all your abilitys :cool:



So lets face it:


--> Gunslingers are just damagebeasts with a good team and a skilled player.


--> Without the team and/or skill they are nearly unplayable...


Hey genius, anyone that has guard and a pocket healer will do great in wzs. Our class is hands down the weakest of the 8. People who just see big numbers on cloth or debuffed targets are blind. Big numbers occasionally does not equal good or balanced. We have tons of issues that have been said already 100's of times. Bottom line is the same player playing a sniper/gunslinger will do infinitely better and have a larger team impact in any other class.


Most of the people have already rerolled from this AC. The few who are geared and remain are going to own you, not because our class is balanced, its not, it sucks, but because we are better players than you.

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different factors come into play with any class.

im sorry but as a gunslinger you probably shouldnt 1v1 people considering how easy it is to avoid your damage.

if anything i think simple reducing some of the rediculously long cast times on their abilities would help.

i find that (as a tank) guarding the gunslingers helps tremendously. if they dont die as fast they can sit there and nuke the crap out of people.

i really think it is dependent on who you are playing with at the time. if your team does well you will too if your team sucks so will you. they are not a ranged carry that will cause your team to auto win for having them.

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So your complain isn't about gunslinger's viability, but the learning curve into doing it succesfully?. Honestly if all classes would be as easy to play, their mechanics would be nearly the same too, playstyle the same and abilities the same with only different color flashes etc.

If you're any familiar to the concept of class based games, the goal is to make playstyle of each class feel at least some way unique, and eventually some people find other classes harder than others; it has always been, and always will be.

Sure, a class being relatively easy to faceroll through seems appealing to people not being able to dedicate themselves to it, but it doesn't necessarily mean the harder ones are bad either, they just need some learning to make them work.


Tbh the first thing your post reminded me of was complaints on BF3 forusm, whining of how engineers are OP just because they can just lay back spamming SMAW / RPG / Carl Gustav all day long, as opposed to other classes that actually had to aim :p


Engineers had several nerds btw.

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I have to say that i just love my gunslinger and i do a lot of pvp matches with that class.

The Problem is that you are extremly dependant on a good team that supports you. With a Tank guarding you and a Healer healing you there is no class (exept scoundrels/operativs XD) that will outdamage you.


If you play in a PUG and are on you own then you have to prepare for a lot of dying cause if you're outnumbered it's pretty damn hard to survive (but mostly you'll be able to kill at least on of the zergs ;-D)


In 1on1 situations Gunslingers/Snipers are a beast but it will take a lot of skill cause you'll need all your abilitys :cool:



So lets face it:


--> Gunslingers are just damagebeasts with a good team and a skilled player.


--> Without the team and/or skill they are nearly unplayable...


This is a fair assessment. But any dps can be a dps beast with the right support. Gunslinger is no different. If you let a commando or sage, or even a dps vanguard go to town they are just as beastly.

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I dont have much problems playing my sniper in pvp, I feel like I do lots of dmg, have good cc abilities, good survivability and so on.


I dont have a problem with most classes except for concealment operatives. Else it feels like fair fights, some are better geared then me and some are better. But overall I feel its ok.

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Hi im a lvl 50 gunslinger 34 valor and i am almost fully pvp geared (missing 2 pieces)

all my gear is purple lvl 50 gear.

I have the currently best offhand from pve in the game and a decent main hand.

I have never gone over 200k dmg in a warfront. (maybe i lack skill, im prolly not all that good)

I have never done more than 3400 single hitt dmg. ( only twice in my pvp experience have i had a shot thats gone over 3k)

I have had problems getting behind my shield.(some times it just doesnt wanna work)

Then there is the fact that ppl know to knock me off it and then im mostly screwed. Yes I can CC them but thats just delaying the enevitable. I can root / snare and run and range them but that rarely works. They get on top and rip me a new one.

Some times i get away. Most times i dont.

I have tried manny specs (curently on a saboteur hybrid) ok damage.

I have rarely dented some one whos wearing heavy armor.


If they are going to improve this class maybe they could give us better energy regen.

Lower cast time for aimed shot and maybe lower energy consumption for charged burst.

Maybe a boost to flurish shot against heavy armor?

Oh and Yeah .. fix the damn shield so that it pops fast and on time.

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Why would you necro this terrible thread full of lies? On my server there are several snipers/slingers that top wfs all the time. In no way are they underpowered. Not to mention they can spec cc immunity, cannot be interrupted, cannot be gap closed on, and do mad damage.


Some of you guys are just crazy. BTW if you have never hit 200k ever, then this game is not for you.

Edited by NJoyTheSilence
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The most efficient spec for PvP Gunslinger is a hybrid of Dirty Fighting and Saboteur. The objective is to get as many DoT abilities as you possibly can, stack crit, and get crit DoTs and the energy return that provides.


DoTs are overpowered in WZs, and you should abuse the hell out of them until they get nerfed and no longer prevent captures.




Or any PvP oriented variant of 31 Dirty Fighting. Dirty Fighting is the least cover dependent spec of the three.

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Tell that to the gunslinger that three-shotted me about five times a few matches ago.


very likily you were either of 2 things


1. 10-20 leveols lower than him, an he was an exploited 50 in full shinys.

2. It didn't happen an your part of the forum possie that come up with all sorts of amazing stories. (nothing against you personally, but its par for the coarse on this forum)


I have a 35 gunslinger, I have not played in 3 weeks, they are rubbish to be honest.

Edited by BegaTasty
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The most efficient spec for PvP Gunslinger is a hybrid of Dirty Fighting and Saboteur. The objective is to get as many DoT abilities as you possibly can, stack crit, and get crit DoTs and the energy return that provides.


DoTs are overpowered in WZs, and you should abuse the hell out of them until they get nerfed and no longer prevent captures.




Or any PvP oriented variant of 31 Dirty Fighting. Dirty Fighting is the least cover dependent spec of the three.


Except you obviously don't know a thing you are talking about - this spec will get your energy dry in like 5 casts. No high crit will help you. You put dot on ppl, spend LOTs of energy hopping that he will be alive for at least 10 seconds more for DOTs damage to tick and that person just goes dead 2 sec later. You did crap damage and spend a lot of energy and you can't get it back because even shorten Cool Head CD won't helps with such huge energy problem this build has.


You can partially fix this by taking Sabotage instead of Wounding Shots but thats leave you completely out of any burst. If somone jump on you in PvP with dot spec you basically dot them (if you have energy) and go for a chicken run around boxes hoping that this person does not have HoT on him.


DF DoT spec if only good for a PvE bosses. Or in PvP against very crap enemies.

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Except you obviously don't know a thing you are talking about - this spec will get your energy dry in like 5 casts. No high crit will help you. You put dot on ppl, spend LOTs of energy hopping that he will be alive for at least 10 seconds more for DOTs damage to tick and that person just goes dead 2 sec later. You did crap damage and spend a lot of energy and you can't get it back because even shorten Cool Head CD won't helps with such huge energy problem this build has.


You can partially fix this by taking Sabotage instead of Wounding Shots but thats leave you completely out of any burst. If somone jump on you in PvP with dot spec you basically dot them (if you have energy) and go for a chicken run around boxes hoping that this person does not have HoT on him.


DF DoT spec if only good for a PvE bosses. Or in PvP against very crap enemies.


Or, you're just *********** dumb. DoT Critical hits return energy, and you can have Saboteur's energy return in the same spec. Not to mention the fact that you can kite the hell out of almost anything with this build because of the amount of slows. Please, read and comprehend what you're reading before developing a response to it.

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Or, you're just *********** dumb. DoT Critical hits return energy, and you can have Saboteur's energy return in the same spec. Not to mention the fact that you can kite the hell out of almost anything with this build because of the amount of slows. Please, read and comprehend what you're reading before developing a response to it.


You obviously can't read too. I've already covered crit regen and told you that in PvP where enemies could die in a couple of seconds there is not enough time for dots to crit enough to regen back the energy that was spend to cast them.

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Hi im a lvl 50 gunslinger 34 valor and i am almost fully pvp geared (missing 2 pieces)

all my gear is purple lvl 50 gear.

I have the currently best offhand from pve in the game and a decent main hand.

I have never gone over 200k dmg in a warfront. (maybe i lack skill, im prolly not all that good)

I have never done more than 3400 single hitt dmg. ( only twice in my pvp experience have i had a shot thats gone over 3k)

I have had problems getting behind my shield.(some times it just doesnt wanna work)

Then there is the fact that ppl know to knock me off it and then im mostly screwed. Yes I can CC them but thats just delaying the enevitable. I can root / snare and run and range them but that rarely works. They get on top and rip me a new one.

Some times i get away. Most times i dont.

I have tried manny specs (curently on a saboteur hybrid) ok damage.

I have rarely dented some one whos wearing heavy armor.


If they are going to improve this class maybe they could give us better energy regen.

Lower cast time for aimed shot and maybe lower energy consumption for charged burst.

Maybe a boost to flurish shot against heavy armor?

Oh and Yeah .. fix the damn shield so that it pops fast and on time.


It's simple m8. U're bad.

I'm gunslinger myself, doing almost every match top DMG (over 300k), and the 5k single hit isn't a problem, although i don't have the champion main hand weapon.

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I'm not sure if this class is underpowered or not. When I was leveling and when I dinged 50 I definitely thought so, but now that I have geared up more (almost full champion / centurion gear, a bit bad luck with the stupid bags) I'm not so sure anymore. I'm almost always number 1 in damage if I want to. The few times I have been outdamaged has been by a full champion geared sage and full champion geared commando. If I had their gear I would be on par with them. It's hard to say if it's just my gear that's making it easier. Facerolling freshly dinged lvl 50s could create the illusion that maybe the class is not that bad afterall. I rarely get any 1v1's against other classes, but I do think we are one the weaker classes in that aspect. I win majority of them but once again this might all go down to having a better gear and getting the first shot.


One problem is the white damage. I don't even bother looking at tanks, it's like killing a raid boss and I'm wasting everyone's time by doing so. Every defense ability in the game affects our damage. When your best damage ability with a knockback attached to it(aimed shot) gets deflected, a small tear WILL roll down your cheek.


I currently play with SS but I also like DF (the dot spec) and bounce between the two. DF has a lot more utility and you don't need to stay in cover and the dots are yellow damage, but it's fricking annoying to have zero energy as soon as you want to "burst" someone down and are then forced to hop around being useless for the next minute. As said earlier at that point it's better to kill yourself and get 100% energy. Sharpshooter on the other hand has much better burst but is basically a turret. Pop down hunker down (cc-immunity) and just blast away. There's no kiting involved no matter how much you want to say that, the best tactic is just to stay in cover and use your pushbacks and other cc.


I think the biggest problem is the defense. We are probably the squishiest class in the game. At least we were medium armor but our defense abilities are ****. Sorcs get a great shield, ours absorbs like 1k. Dodge gives 100% dodge to all attacks, but only to white ones, basically limiting it to other gunslingers / snipers. Just ask scoundrels / operatives which class is their favourite one to kill...


In short, I'm honestly not sure. When I do over 400k damage and just dominate some games I honestly don't feel underpowered in any level. Then again, sometimes I just feel useless when people actually target me and I just can't do anything.

Edited by Bosseking
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The problem with gunslingers is that they require a lot more effort to get the same results as other dps classes can achieve with much lesser efforts.


I always compare us to sorcs/sages and honesty I think with the amount of efforts I put to play my gunslinger I could be monstrouos with sorc/sage. Not to mention sorc/sages could spec heal while we stuck with dps and get nothing for that.


Currently we dont get enough compensation for a hard work we put to make this class perform above average.

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You obviously can't read too. I've already covered crit regen and told you that in PvP where enemies could die in a couple of seconds there is not enough time for dots to crit enough to regen back the energy that was spend to cast them.


Except you're still dumb. Clearly you think you're supposed to only Vital one enemy, instead of 2 or 3. Clearly you're only supposed to cast Shrap on one enemy too. The energy return potential when you have 40%+ crit and DoTs on several targets is immense. You must be a Cover fanboi and hang out in that **** all day. GL PvPing like that.

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Except you're still dumb. Clearly you think you're supposed to only Vital one enemy, instead of 2 or 3. Clearly you're only supposed to cast Shrap on one enemy too. The energy return potential when you have 40%+ crit and DoTs on several targets is immense. You must be a Cover fanboi and hang out in that **** all day. GL PvPing like that.


Why so angry, little boy?


Vital Shot (20e) x3 = 60 energy

So thats 50 energy left (assuming you get 2/2 Bravado). Mind that at this point you already facing hindered energy regen rate (cause of our mechanic).


Continue to dps target:

1 Sharp Bomb (20e) = 40 energy left

1 Hemmo Blast (10e) = 30 energy left

1 Wounding Shot (30e) = 0 energy left


And thats to kill only one person.

Edited by FuriCuri
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The class is fine, you do amazing burst and sustained damage and even though cover can suck you've got a lot of cc to make up for it.


We have the lowest burst damage of all the DPS classes and the only stun we have is melee, who was the genius who came up with that?

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We have the lowest burst damage of all the DPS classes and the only stun we have is melee, who was the genius who came up with that?


I strongly dissagree with that. SS gunslingers have one of the best burst damage. It's just it's require a lot more work and conditions to met compared to other classes.

Edited by FuriCuri
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Why would you necro this terrible thread full of lies? On my server there are several snipers/slingers that top wfs all the time. In no way are they underpowered. Not to mention they can spec cc immunity, cannot be interrupted, cannot be gap closed on, and do mad damage.


Some of you guys are just crazy. BTW if you have never hit 200k ever, then this game is not for you.


We do less damage then sorcs and BH's. Some snipers are good, the sneaky ones, if anyone notices you they can and will kick your backside.


Snipers do not normally top the charts in Warfronts, that's a bunch of bollox.


All of our attacks as MM depend on cover, cover that once we are knocked out of, we can't do much of anything. Also we have to use cover and suffer it's global cool down on top of our cast times. Also several AC's have anti-cover abilities that last for 6 seconds, that's basically a free 6 second stun on a sniper. Throw in the fact that sometimes you hit cover and your character does nothing with the fact that our two main DPS abilities stop casting at 99% at times, well we are gimped. Our class is bugged, BW needs to just remove our cover requirements.


Next time try honesty. TYVM

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I strongly dissagree with that. SS gunslingers have one of the best burst damage. It's just it's require a lot more work and conditions to met compared to other classes.


Also every CC, knockback, stun or pull takes us out of cover and we have to suffer through two global cooldowns and sometimes a cast to hit back.


Our burst is only decent (still not the best or close to it) when people ignore us. You know what though? People don't ignore us, we are easy kills, especially one on one.

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We do less damage then sorcs and BH's. Some snipers are good, the sneaky ones, if anyone notices you they can and will kick your backside.


Snipers do not normally top the charts in Warfronts, that's a bunch of bollox.


All of our attacks as MM depend on cover, cover that once we are knocked out of, we can't do much of anything. Also we have to use cover and suffer it's global cool down on top of our cast times. Also several AC's have anti-cover abilities that last for 6 seconds, that's basically a free 6 second stun on a sniper. Throw in the fact that sometimes you hit cover and your character does nothing with the fact that our two main DPS abilities stop casting at 99% at times, well we are gimped. Our class is bugged, BW needs to just remove our cover requirements.


Next time try honesty. TYVM


Cover is off GCD. Stop using ability and bind a key for "take cover in place". You can then press button and start casting immidiately - you'll see sometimes charged burst fire before cover animation is finished (if you in SS build for insta charged burst).

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Except it is. Unless you like 90% of players (mediocre) - in that case you better roll sage/commando and spam 2 buttons - you'll get much higher results in warzones. And that is the problem.


So why don't you explain how it's so much better.


Also I like you rationalization.

in that case you better roll sage/commando and spam 2 buttons
What an ignorant one-sided thing to say.


You don't know anything about 50 warzones if that's your opinion.

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